Refund payments
You can refund full or partial unapplied payments to your customers.
To refund applied payments, you must unapply the applied payments from the invoices and then refund the unapplied payments to customers. See Refunds for more information.
After a payment is fully refunded, it doesn’t contain any payment part.
To refund an unapplied payment through the Zuora REST API, see POST Refund Payment.
To refund an unapplied payment through the Zuora UI, complete the following steps:
- Navigate to Payments > Payments in the navigation section.
- Click the payment you want to apply.
- Click More > Refund this payment from the payment detail page.
- On the Refund a Payment page, specify the following information in the Basic Information section:
- In the Refund Date field, specify the date when to refund money to your customer.
- In the Refund Method field, specify the refund method.
- In the Refund Amount field, specify the refund amount.
- From the Reason Code list, select a reason code for the refund.
Reason codes are a way that you can include additional information or business process context on payment operations transactions. This list contains all of the payment refund reason codes that are active in your Zuora tenant. See Reason Codes for Payment Operations for detailed information about reason codes.
- (Optional): In the Reference ID field, specify a reference ID.
- (Optional): In the Secondary Reference ID field, specify a reference ID.
- (Optional): In the Comments field, enter the comments for this payment.
Specify the following information in the Finance Information section:
- From the Transferred to Accounting list, select the status of the mapping from Zuora to a third party, such as NetSuite or Salesforce.
- From the Bank Account list, select the accounting code that maps to a bank account in your accounting system.
- From the Unapplied Payment list, select the accounting code for unapplied payment.
- Click create refund.