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Payments Roles


Payments Roles

This reference lists the user roles and permissions associated with the Payments role. See User Roles for general information about user roles.

Payments User Roles

Your Zuora tenant has one Payments user role by default, the Zuora Payments Standard User role. You can also create custom Payments user roles as needed by clicking Add new role.

View Roles and Permissions

To access the Payments user roles and permissions, perform the following steps:

  1. Click your username at the top right and navigate to Settings > Administration > Manage User Roles.
  2. On the Manage Roles page, select Payments from the View Role List of list. 
  3. Click the role name or view to manage permissions assigned to the selected role.

Payments Permissions

All permissions apply to the Zuora UI and API users.

The following table describes the Payments user permissions, and shows whether each permission is enabled for Zuora Payments Standard Users.

Area Permission Description Granted to Standard User?
Payments Process External Payment See Create a Payment Yes
Cancel External Payment See "Cancel a Payment" in Cancelling, Voiding, and Deleting Payments Yes
Process Electronic Payment See Create a Payment Yes
Cancel Electronic Payment See "Cancel a Payment" in Cancelling, Voiding, and Deleting Payments Yes
Override Transferred to Accounting Change the Transferred to Accounting field of a payment from Yes to a different value. No
Delete Payment Delete voided or cancelled payments.  Yes
Override Accounting Code See Overriding Accounting Codes on Payments No
Hide Cancelled Payments Hide cancelled payments in the list of payments in the Zuora UI and in the Account Summary REST API call response.  No
Transfer Payment See Transfer Unapplied Payments. Yes
Apply Payment Apply payments to invoices or debit memos. See Apply Unapplied Payments to Invoices and Debit Memos. Yes
Unapply Payment

Unapply the applied payments from invoices or debit memos.  See Unapply Payments from Invoices and Debit Memos.

Scrub Sensitive Data of Specific Payment Method  Scrub all sensitive data related to a payment method that is stored in Zuora. See Scrub Payment Methods for more information. No
Edit Payment Gateway Status View and edit the Gateway State field in the Zuora UI. No
Edit Payment Gateway Routing

Edit and create rules on the Payment Gateway Routing tab.

Users without this permission can only view existing rules on the Payment Gateway Routing tab.

For tenants created after the 2024.05.R1 release, this permission is not granted to Standard User by default. 

For existing tenants, this permission is granted to Standard User by default.

Payment Runs Manage Payment Runs
  • Create payment runs.
  • Create scheduled payment runs.
  • Cancel payment runs.
  • Stop payment runs.
  • Delete payment runs.

The Process Electronic Payment permission also needs to be allowed for a Manage Payment Runs role to work.



Override Transferred to Accounting Change the Transferred to Accounting field of a refund from Yes to a different value. No
Change Reason Code Change the reason code on an existing transaction.  Yes
Issue External Refund See "Creating a Payment Refund" in Creating Refunds Yes
Issue Electronic Refund See "Creating a Payment Refund" in Creating Refunds. Yes
Cancel External Refund Cancel an external refund.  Yes
Cancel Electronic Refund Cancel an electronic refund.  Yes
Delete Refund See Deleting a Refund. Yes
Credit Balance Override Transferred to Accounting Change the Transferred to Accounting field of a refund from Yes to a different value. No
Credit Balance Electronic Refund See Cancel and Refund Credit Balances No
Create Credit Balance Adjustment See Create a Credit Balance Adjustment Yes
Cancel Credit Balance Adjustment See Cancel a Credit Balance Adjustment Yes
Delete Cancelled Credit Balance Adjustment Delete cancelled credit balance adjustments.  Yes
Credit Balance External Refund See Cancel and Refund Credit Balances Yes
Admin Manage Payments Settings Allows users to access Payment Settings.  Yes