Zuora Release 2023.08.R1
Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2023.08.R1. This article is a consolidated page of release notes for the following Zuora products:
For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes.
Release schedule
To receive notifications about releases, join Release Notifications in Zuora Community. For the planned release schedule, see Zuora Release Management.
UI enhancement
UI Builder generally available
The UI Builder, as a tool to provide configurability to the new Zuora UI, was first released as a Beta program in December 2022. We've been actively collecting and incorporating feedback from Beta users. Now, we are pleased to announce the GA release of UI Builder in this release.
In all environments, administrators can use UI Builder to customize the supported UI pages to best suit their business needs. After a custom page layout is published by the administrator, all users can easily switch between the custom view and Zuora's original system view. For more information, see New user interface.
Zuora Billing
The Zuora Billing features and enhancements will be deployed to Production environments no earlier than 21 August 2023.
Product Catalog
Increased character limit for product rate plan name in API
From this release, the character limit is increased from 100 to 255 for the Name
field of the Product Rate Plan object in the following operations:
- CRUD: Create a product rate plan
- CRUD: Update a product rate plan
- CRUD: Retrieve a product rate plan
For more information, see the API updates section in 2023 API Changelog (August 14, 2023) and REST API Reference.
Natural keys of product catalog objects supported by Data Query
In Zuora Release 2023.06.R2, several fields were added as natural keys for the Product, Product Rate Plan, and Product Rate Plan Charge objects. In this release, Data Query provides support for these natural keys. With this enhancement, you can use Data Query to export the product catalog objects' natural keys from your Zuora tenant for external uses.
Orders and Subscriptions
Ability to write off all unpaid invoices during subscription cancellation is now available for early adopters
You can now cancel a subscription and write off all unpaid invoices by selecting Cancel & Write Off from the Cancel drop-down button on the reinvented subscription details page. For more information, see Cancel subscriptions and write off all unpaid invoices.
The reinvented subscription details page includes a new Automation History section that shows the execution result of the Cancel & Write Off flow. For more information, see View details of subscriptions through the reinvented UI.
Note that this feature is only available when Workflow is enabled.
We will release this flow only in Sandbox environments, and it will not be deployed to Production environments until further notice.
Delivery Adjustment available in Data Sources
You can now run a report of the Delivery Adjustment data source or export the data source. For more information, see Delivery Adjustment data source.
Resolved: Removal of End of Term option for previewing evergreen subscriptions in reinvented UI
Previously, the End of Term option was erroneously available in the Preview Through Date section in the reinvented UI for evergreen subscriptions. We have now removed the option for evergreen subscriptions because there is no term end for an evergreen subscription.
Custom fields re-arranged in alphabetical order in Orders UI
To ensure consistency in the UI, we have alphabetically re-arranged the custom fields on the following pages in the Orders UI:
- Create a New Subscription
- Add Order Line Item
Invoicing and Tax
VED currency support for Zuora Billing and Zuora Payments
We have introduced support for VED (Venezuelan digital bolivar) currency in Zuora Billing and Zuora Payments. You can now expand your business in Venezuela with ease.
However, Zuora Revenue temporarily does not support VED.
UI support for deleting error bill runs
You can now delete bill runs in either Canceled or Error status through the Zuora UI.
- Bill Runs page: Click the Delete icon in the row of the corresponding bill run.
- Bill run details page: Click Delete Bill Run in the upper right.
Previously, it was not possible to delete bill runs in Error status through the Zuora UI.
UI enhancements for editing invoices on page
We have introduced the improved invoice editing view through the Zuora UI, designed for a better user experience. The editing and save approach is now easily accessible, and all editable fields are grouped together.
For all invoices in Draft, Posted, or Canceled status, you can now click the Edit button in the Basic Information section to start invoice editing, instead of clicking the previous Edit Invoice button in the upper right of the invoice details page. The Edit Invoice button in the upper right of the invoice details page is now available only for standalone invoices.
To access these enhancements, you must have the new Zuora UI experience and Modify Invoice user permission enabled.
REST API enhancements for billing preview runs
We have enhanced the Create a billing preview run operation to improve user experience with the following updates:
- The value for the
field must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. - The maximum supported preview duration is 20 years, calculated from the current date to the target date.
Billing Schedule supports more order actions
With the Billing Schedule feature, the following order actions are now supported for subscriptions or charges associated with an invoice schedule, regardless of the invoice schedule status:
- Cancelation before future-dated removals
- Remove Product before future-dated removals
You can remove products multiple times if a future-dated "Remove Product" exists.
Billing Schedule supports configuring additional subscriptions and target dates for invoice schedules through Zuora UI
When creating invoice schedules through the Zuora UI, you can now use the Additional Subscriptions section to specify additional subscriptions that need to be billed together with the invoice schedule. Therefore, if some of the subscriptions in previous contracts are canceled, Zuora Scheduler can generate credit memos automatically along with the next invoice. You can add at most 600 additional subscriptions to one invoice schedule.
If you specify any additional subscriptions, you can use the Target Date field to configure billing target dates for invoice schedule items. Therefore, Zuora Scheduler can bill the specified fixed-period charges together based on the configured billing target date.
Billing Schedule supports specifying blank run dates for invoice schedules through Zuora UI
When creating invoice schedules through the Zuora UI, you can now specify blank dates in the Run Date field for an invoice schedule item. With this enhancement, you can leave the dates empty if you do not have specific milestones or project dates, especially in the early stages of a project.
When specifying run dates for invoice schedule items, keep the following notes in mind:
- An invoice schedule item with a blank run date will not be executed.
- You can only update the run date for an invoice schedule item in Pending status.
- If the run date of an invoice schedule item is left empty, the dates of all subsequent invoice schedule items must also be blank.
- You must specify run dates in chronological order for invoice schedule items.
Billing Schedule supports canceling subscriptions with billing cycle type set to Term End Date
With the Billing Schedule feature, you can now cancel a subscription that includes charges with the billing cycle type set to Term End Date and the billing period alignment set to Align to Term End Date.
Previously, canceling such a subscription was not supported.
Deprecation of Testing tab in sandbox for Tax Connector
Previously, the Testing tab in the configurable tax app UI had a logging function for troubleshooting that showed tax request and response details. This functionality is no longer available on the Tax Connector page. Zuora System Health offers tax log monitoring which should be used as a substitute for this functionality. Initially, this change will be present in sandbox, but it will be phased out in Production within a month.
Natural key support for billing document template objects
Zuora APIs now support natural keys for sequence set, invoice, credit, and debit memo templates. Unique IDs, also known as natural keys, come from the inherent attributes or properties of these objects. These values uniquely identify which billing document template was used to create the document.
By default, the natural keys are sequential incremental numbers that are optional to enter. If no value identifier is entered, then a sequential number will be generated.
Configurable Tax apps now support the ability to pass Bill-to-contact through the dynamic template
Extracting BillTo address details is now possible with tax apps within the Liquid tax template. The document_items object can now be added to retrieve BillTo information for sharing with external app vendors. For more information, please see the Context object page.
An example of the syntax is as follows:
<StreetAddress1>{{document_item["billTo"]["address1"]}}</StreetAddress1> <StreetAddress2>{{document_item["billTo"]["address2"]}}</StreetAddress2> <City>{{document_item["billTo"]["city"]}}</City>
Zuora Payments
The Zuora Payments features and enhancements will be deployed to Production environments no earlier than 21 August 2023.
Self-enablement for Real-Time Reconciliation on Stripe v2
You can now enable the Real-Time Reconciliation feature on Stripe v2 through a self-service configuration by navigating to Payments Settings > Configure Stripe Real-Time Reconciliation. Previously, you had to submit a request at Zuora Global Support to enable this feature.
For better clarity, we have also renamed the Configure Real-Time Reconciliation setting to Configure GoCardless Real-Time Reconciliation.
For more information, see Configure Real-Time Reconciliation.
Enhancements to updating Gateway State
We have made the following enhancements to updating the Gateway State field:
- For users who have the Edit Payment Gateway Status user permission, you can now update the
Gateway State
field to any of the following values through the Update a payment API operation:- NotSubmitted
- Submitted
- Settled
- FailedToSettle
- On the payment details page of the Zuora UI, the Gateway State field is available regardless of whether New Zuora Experience is disabled or not in your profile setting. Previously, Gateway State was only available if New Zuora Experience is disabled.
For more information about the Gateway State field, see Electronic payment processing.
Support for associating payment methods with accounts when updating payment methods through REST API
We have enhanced the Update a payment method API operation to support associating a payment method with an account. You can specify the account ID in the accountKey
Enhancement in Stored Credential Profile data source
We have improved the Stored Credential Profile data source to support exporting more information about stored credential profiles. If the new Stored Credential Profile Data object is selected in the Stored Credential Profile data source, you can export the following fields:
- Network Transaction Id
- Gateway Type
- Gateway Version
For more information, see Stored Credential Profile data source.
Update on Gateway Reconciliation for Worldline Global Collect
Following Worldline’s required endpoint changes, we have updated the production endpoint of the Gateway Reconciliation service for the following payment gateway integrations:
- Worldline Global Collect (previous Ingenico ePayments)
- Worldline Global Collect Legacy - Reconciliation Only (previous GlobalCollect (WebCollect Merchant Link) - Reconciliation Only)
Before | sft.globalcollect.com |
Now | prod.mft.worldline-solutions.com |
Credentials used for Gateway Reconciliation might be changed. Please contact your Worldline account representative for more details about the changes required, and then update the username and password settings for Gateway Reconciliation on Zuora’s gateway configuration page.
Download summary tab information button enabled
Previously, only customers without Invoice Settlement (legacy AR functionality) had access to the Download Summary Tab Information button within Accounting Periods.
Now if you have the Invoice Settlement feature enabled, the Download Summary Tab Information button is displayed under more icon on the Accounting Period View page, and you can export the accounting period summary information.
For more information, see Export Accounting Period Summary Information.
Zuora Central Platform
Events and Notifications
Increased character limit for client secrets in OAuth 2.0 Provider
The character limit for client secrets in OAuth 2.0 Provider has now been increased to 16,000. Previously, the character limit was 512.
For more information about OAuth 2.0 Provider, see Add an OAuth 2.0 provider.
System Health
New System Health dashboard UI navigation path
Previously, you could access the System Health section in the left navigation panel in the Zuora UI.
Now you can access System Health in the left navigation menu under the Administration section in the Zuora UI. For more information, see Zuora System Health.
Copy and paste workflow tasks
You can now copy and paste tasks between Workflows. For more information, see Workflow tasks.
For the detailed API documentation, see API Reference.
For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference, see 2023 API Changelog.
Quickstart API
From 2022.09.R1, the Quickstart API is available to you if you have the Orders (or Order Harmonization) and Invoice Settlement features enabled in your tenant. The QuickstartAPI allows new integrators to swiftly integrate with Zuora, and it supports essential business use cases.
For the detailed Quickstart API documentation, see Quickstart API Reference.
For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Quickstart API Reference, see Quickstart API Changelog.
Current WSDL version: 135
For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.
SOAP API change history
For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.