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Zuora Release 2023.03.R1


Zuora Release 2023.03.R1

Welcome to the release notes for Zuora Release 2023.03.R1. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following Zuora products:

For the latest release notes of Zuora Revenue, see Zuora Revenue release notes.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback on this release notes article. Please use the Feedback button to let us know what you think about the new release notes.

Release schedule

For release schedule details, see this release notification.

For the planned schedule of upcoming Zuora releases, see Zuora Release Management in Zuora Community.

Join Release Notifications in Zuora Community to receive timely notifications about Zuora Billing, Collect, and Central Platform.

UI enhancements

here_black.png Indexed custom fields supported by Global Search

From this release, Global Search can support all indexed custom fields. You can search for the indexed custom fields across all supported objects. Previously, only standard Zuora fields were searchable by Global Search.

here_black.png UI Builder for invoice details page

As a system administrator, you can use UI Builder to customize the columns listed in the invoice details page table. You can add, remove, or reorder columns as needed. Columns to be added can be the following:

  • Zuora standard fields of the Invoice object
  • Custom fields of the Invoice object
  • Fields of other objects related to the Invoice object according to Zuora object model 

UI Builder is still in the Beta phase and will not be deployed to Production environments until further notice. We are actively soliciting feedback and keep making improvements before we make it generally available. Please use this form to submit feedback on this tool.

Zuora Billing

here_black.png Orders and Subscriptions

New REST API operation for updating order action

A REST API operation called Update an order action is now available. You can use this operation to update the change reason and custom fields for an order action.  

Support for displaying subscription-associated order line items on reinvented subscription details page

If an order line item is associated with a subscription, you can view brief information about the order line item in the Associated Events section on the reinvented subscription details page. You can also click the order line item name or order number link to view detailed information about the order line item or the order.  For more information, see Associate an order line item with a new subscription and View details of subscriptions through the reinvented UI.

Note that you must enable the Orders or Orders Harmonization feature to access the Order Line Items feature. 

Resolved: missing bookingDate field from Amendment functions

Previously, the bookingDate field of an amendment was missing from the Amemdment UI and some of the Amendment API operations. We have now resolved this issue. You can now set the bookingDate field of an amendment in the following use cases:

Note that in the data migration of the Orders Harmonization tenants, the order date carries over the booking date of the original amendment.

here_black.png Invoicing and Tax

Support for including zero-amount charges in invoice schedules

With the Billing Schedule feature, you can now include orders or subscriptions that contain one-time and recurring charges with zero-amount prices into invoice schedules and bill the charges into custom invoices.

For more information, see the following use cases:

Support for configuring automatic subscription renewals in bill run creation through Zuora UI

When creating bill runs through the Zuora UI, you now have the flexibility to default the Automatically renew auto-renew subscriptions that are up for renewal check box to be selected or unselected. 

A new billing rule called Default bill run to automatically renew auto-renew subscriptions that are up for renewal? is introduced to control the bill run setting. This billing rule is set to Yes by default.

For more information about this bill rule, see Default bill run to automatically renew auto-renew subscriptions that are up for renewal?

billToContactSnapshotId field available in memo API operations

You can now use the following REST API operations to retrieve the snapshots of bill-to and sold-to contacts from the billToContactSnapshotId field for credit memos and debit memos:

  • List credit memos
  • Retrieve a credit memo
  • List debit memos
  • Retrieve a debit memo

The billToContactSnapshotId field has a value only if you set the Preserve snapshot of bill-to and sold-to contacts when billing documents are posted? billing rule to Yes.

Additionally, when you manage memos with other memo API operations, this field is also automatically returned in the response schema.

For a summary of the specific API updates, see 2023 Changelog (March 10, 2023).

autoPay field available in account query API operations

You can now use the following REST API operations to retrieve whether future payments are to be automatically billed when they are due from the autoPay field for customer amounts:

  • Retrieve an account 
  • Retrieve an account summary

For a summary of the specific API updates, see 2023 Changelog (March 10, 2023).

TaxAutoCalculation field available on memo objects in data source exports and Data Query

The TaxAutoCalculation field is now available on the Credit Memo, and Debit Memo objects through data source exports and Data Query. This field indicates whether to automatically calculate taxes in credit memos and debit memos. 

With this field set to false, you can export reports for tax credits on the invoices where taxes are not passed to tax vendors.

Support for security setting in HTML templates

You can now activate a security setting by selecting the Enable JavaScript for HTML templates check box from the Settings tab, after navigating to Billing > Manage Billing Document Configuration. This setting applies to all existing and subsequently created HTML templates. With this setting enabled, XSS vulnerabilities can be effectively prevented.

Note that when this setting is enabled, existing HTML templates that were previously error-free may be disrupted. New errors require remediation if existing templates are to be used to generate documents. Also, new tenants will not be able to use JavaScript by default.

Name field available on Billing Run object in data source exports and Data Query

The Name field is now available on the Billing Run object through the data source exports and Data Query. You can now retrieve the bill run name that you specify during bill run creation from the Name field.

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Zuora Collect

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Phone field for SEPA payment methods on GoCardless available in UI

For SEPA payment methods on the GoCardless payment gateway integration, you can now add the phone number of an account holder through the Zuora UI. Previously, you could only add the phone number for SEPA through the Zuora API operations.

For more information, see SEPA field mappings.

Enhancement on Payment Pages 2.0 interaction

We have enhanced Payment Pages 2.0 to provide the following function and event handlers for an improved interaction experience:

  • Z.scroll function: Use it to scroll the payment page to a specified position. 
  • onSubmit event handler: Use it to listen to the Payment Page submission event and trigger actions when the event is captured. 
  • onCancelMandatePage event handler: Use it to listen to the event that the confirmation dialog of a Bank Transfer Payment Page is canceled and trigger actions when the event is captured.

For more information, see the following sections in Integrate Payment Pages 2.0:

Support for passing in mandate type for recurring payments in India through Stripe

In Zuora, you can implement a one-time payment flow on the Stripe v2 payment gateway integration to support processing Indian local recurring payments. The creation of Indian recurring mandates through the one-time payment flow now supports passing in the mandate type information.

For more information, see Implement Payment Pages 2.0 to support processing payments in India.

Reinvented payment details page

From this release, you will notice the following changes in the payment details screen.

  • Multi-section page with a new look and feel

  • Existing functions in the previous UI smoothly revitalized

You can enable or disable the reinvented Payment details page for individual users. To do this, Go to the user profile to edit the Enable New Zuora Experience setting. 

Note that if you disable the New Zuora Experience, the reinvented list views will also be disabled. To disable the reinvented Payment details page across all users within a tenant, contact Zuora Global Support.

here_black.png Finance  

Configure Foreign Currency Conversion with Reporting Currency

From this release onwards, home and reporting currency conversion are supported while generating reports. Currency conversion enables you to generate reports from your Transaction Currency to your Home Currency or Reporting Currency. For more information, see Configure Foreign Currency Conversion.

To enable this feature, contact Zuora Global Support.

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Zuora Central Platform

here_black.png Events and Notifications

The eventTypeNamespace field available for email template API operations

The eventTypeNamespace field is now available for the following email template API operations:

The eventTypeNamespace field applies only to email templates for custom events or custom scheduled events. This field indicates who created the event and which namespace the event is assigned to. Zuora supports the following values for this field:

  • com.zuora.notification: events that are created by Zuora.
  • user.notification: events that are created by tenant users.

For example, if you create a custom event in your Zuora tenant, and then create an email template for that event with the "Create an email template" API operation, the value in the eventTypeNamespace field in the response body will be user.notification.

Email and callout notifications available for the Tax Integration System Health dashboard

The Tax Vendor Failures event is now available for the Tax Integration System Health dashboard. You can send callout or email notifications based on this event with evaluation parameters such as evaluation frequency, triggering threshold, threshold type, and time range.

For example, you can define notifications as follows:

  • If more than 50 percent of tax calls fail over the last 60 minutes, an email notification is sent.

  • If five tax calls fail over the last 120 minutes, a callout notification is sent.

For more information, see Standard events for Zuora Central Platform.

here_black.png System Health

Two new dashboards available for System Health

The Data Source Export and Aggregate Query API (AQuA) dashboards are now available for System Health:

  • Data Source Export dashboard: Collects and displays data about usage, failures, performance, processing jobs, and top executed queries of the Data Source Exports service in near real time.
  • AQuA dashboard: Collects and displays data about usage, failures, performance, processing jobs, and top executed queries of the AQuA service in near real time.

For more information, see Data Source Export dashboard and AQuA dashboard.

here_black.png Workflow

Workflow on Any Event

You can now select On Billing Event in Create New Workflow Definition to define the Billing Event and Billing Event Parameters.

Workflow definition on billing event.png
You can now select the configured Billing Event Parameters at the On Start branch and use the Billing Event Parameters in the swimlane.

Data Apyload.png

You can now view the Event metadata under Data Payload to access fields such as base object name, base object Id, event name, trigger time, trigger by, and others.

here_black.png Central Sandbox

Zuora's central sandbox and developer sandbox refresh

Zuora's Central Sandbox and Developer Sandbox refreshes are now every 28 days and 14 days, respectively, with this release. This is to better accommodate customer IT teams who want to align refreshes with two-week agile sprint cadences.

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For the detailed API documentation, see API Reference.

For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Zuora API Reference, see 2023 API Changelog

Quickstart API 

From 2022.09.R1, the Quickstart API is available to you if you have the Orders (or Order Harmonization) and Invoice Settlement features enabled in your tenant. The QuickstartAPI allows new integrators to swiftly integrate with Zuora, and it supports essential business use cases.

For the detailed Quickstart API documentation, see Quickstart API Reference.

For a summary of REST API updates and documentation updates in the Quickstart API Reference, see Quickstart API Changelog


Current WSDL version: 130

For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.

SOAP API change history

For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.