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Zuora business object model

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Zuora business object model

The following diagram is a high-level view of how key business objects are related to one another within Zuora Billing and Zuora Payments.

For information about business object models for Zuora CPQ and Zuora Revenue, see the following articles:

Click the diagram to open it in a new tab and zoom in. See below the diagram for more information about the different sections of the diagram.


This diagram is intended to provide a conceptual understanding; it does not illustrate a specific way to integrate with Zuora.

Product catalog

The product catalog is where you define the pricing of your product or service.

This section in the diagram does not include the objects introduced by the Attribute-based Pricing feature. For more information, see Attribute-based Pricing object model.

For more information about the product catalog, see Product Catalog.

For more information about the Product object, see Introduction to Product object.

Orders and subscriptions

Orders are contractual agreements between you and your customers. You can use orders to create and modify your customers' subscriptions. For more information, see Orders and Subscriptions.

This section of the diagram does not include Order Metrics or Ramp Metrics. For details about Order Metrics and Ramp Metrics objects, see Orders Object Model.

The relationship between order actions and rate plans is determined by the type of order action. For more information, see Orders Object Model.

If your Zuora tenant does not have the Customers > Orders menu item, your organization does not use the Orders feature. In this case, the following objects are not available:

  • Order
  • Order action
  • Ramp
  • Ramp interval

Account objects

Each of your customers has a corresponding account within Zuora Billing. For more information about the Account object, see Introduction to Account object.

Billing and payments

After your customers have subscribed to your product or service, you invoice your customers and collect payments. For more information, see Billing and Payments.

This section of the diagram includes the Invoice Settlement feature. However, it does not include the Invoice Item Settlement feature. For details about Invoice Settlement objects and their relationships, including the Invoice Item Settlement feature, see Invoice Settlement Object Model.

If your Zuora tenant does not have the Billing > Credit and Debit Memos menu item, your organization does not use the Invoice Settlement feature. In this case, the diagram does not represent the available objects. See Zuora Billing business object model prior to Orders and Invoice Settlement instead.


The Finance component is a native Zuora Billing service that enables you to use Zuora Billing as a general ledger sub-ledger for your subscription revenue. For more information, see Finance.

Zuora Revenue is a Zuora product separate from Zuora Billing. Zuora Revenue enables you to automate the complicated revenue management process in compliance with the latest revenue standards (ASC 606 and IFRS 15). For information about which objects can be synchronized to Zuora Revenue, see Billing - Revenue Integration infrastructure overview. The diagram does not include any details about Zuora Revenue.

  • Introduction to Account object
    Introduces the Account object, including key concepts, an object relationship diagram, and instructions on how to set up accounts in Zuora.
  • Introduction to Product object
    introduces the Product object, including key concepts, an object relationship diagram, and instructions on how to create products in Zuora.