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Zuora Quotes Q1 2015 Release Notes


Zuora Quotes Q1 2015 Release Notes

These release notes provide a summary of Zuora Quotes Release 6.40 (Q1 2015)6.41, and 6.42, including new features, enhancements, and resolved issues.

To use the 6.40 release of Zuora Quotes, you must upgrade your package as described in Upgrade Zuora Quotes to Q1 2015.

Zuora Quotes Highlights

Some of the highlights in the Q1 2105 release of Zuora Quotes are:

  • Product and Price Rules in General Availability: The Product and Price Rules provide you a guided and controlled product selection and accurate quoting experience. You can manage and offer your users dynamic pricing, automatic addition and removal of rate plans, and error checking in the Product Selector.
  • Conditional Merge Fields in Quote Template: Conditional merge fields in quote template provide you a more flexible way to produce quote files.

Maintenance Release 6.40

Product and Price Rules Generally Available

Product and price rules introduced in Q4 2014 in Limited Availability are now in GA.

With product rules, you have a better control over product and rate plan selections. Product rules check that the products and rate plans your users select will result in a correct, streamlined quote for the downstream processes.  

Price rules offer your users dynamic pricing during the quoting process by allowing standard pricing and custom fields to be altered through Salesforce configuration.

See Product and Price Rules for detail about Product and Price Rules.

Conditional Merge Field Support in Quote Templates

Now you can use a selected  set of merge fields in conditional statements in quote templates. You use the conditional merge fields to show or hide text, tables, and other merge fields in quote PDF or Word files.

See Conditional Logic (IF Fields) for information about using conditional logic in quote templates.

Access to Rate Plan Ids Selected but not Saved on a Quote

In previous versions, IAllowedRecordPlugin returned only the rate plan ids saved in the current quote.

With this enhancement, when the Product Context is set to be the current quote, you can use the IAllowedRecordPlugin to retrieve the rate plan ids added to the current quote, saved or not saved. 

See IAllowedRecordPlugin for more information about the plugin.

Display Scale Settings for Tiers

Now you can use the Display Scale Settings to control the displayed precision of tier level price and discount in the Product Selector. If you need to use and display price and discount fields in a larger scale, i.e. with more than two digits to the right of the decimal point, you can set the desired scales in the Display Scale Settings. The scale values will be used to display the specific field values. 

Support for More Billing Batches

To be in sync with the support of more Billing Batches in Zuora, Zuora Quotes now supports 50 Billing Batches. You can set the Billing Batch globally in Default Settings on the Zuora Config tab, or at the quote level.

Resolved Issues

The Price of Each Tiered Charge Incorrectly Modified When Sent to Z-Billing

When you sent a quote to Z-Billing, the total price of the quote was correct, but the price of each tiered charge showed incorrectly in Zuora. This discrepancy happened only when the quote had tiered charges with varying discount at each tier.

The Price of Overage, Flat Fee, or Per Unit Charge Miscalculated

When you added and updated the price of Overage, Flat Fee, or Per Unit type charge in a quote, displayed list price is used for calculation instead of the actual list price. When the display scale setting is different from the actual stored scale setting, discrepancy can happen in the price when the quote is sent to Z-Billing.

The Amount Value of the Related Opportunity Not Recalculated When a Quote is Deleted

The issues was fixed, and now recalculation is triggered when a quote is deleted.

Maintenance Release 6.41

The 6.41 release includes the following new features, resolved issues, and other internal operational fixes.

New Features and Enhancements

New Save Rate Plan Plugin

The SelectProduct component provides a new plugin interface called SelectProductComponentOptions.ISaveRatePlanPlugin. Use this plugin to:

  • Detect changes (add, remove, update) to charge groups on a quote when saving those charge groups in the Product Selector.
  • Perform validations on those charge groups.

This global interface contains one method and four parameters:

void onSave(List<zChargeGroup> addedChargeGroups, List<zChargeGroup> updatedChargeGroups, List<zChargeGroup> removedChargeGroups, List<zChargeGroup> persistedChargeGroups);

Zuora does not recommend modifying the charge group or charge group list in the Save Rate Plan Plugin.

See SelectProductComponent and Save Rate Plan Plugin Example for more information.

Resolved Issues

Charge Tiers sent to Zuora had Original Values Instead of Discounted Values

The updateChargeGroup() and addChargeGroup() global methods were not flushing the custom tier values from memory to database. This resulted in sending Quotes to Zuora with original, non-discounted tiered charges.

Custom Charge Tiers were Incorrectly Calculated

Calculating tiered charges using the Zuora Quotes Product Selector resulted in incorrect tiered list pricing. The Start Unit was counted as 1 when it  should be counted as 0.

Patch Release 6.41.1

The following issues were resolved.

Error Occurred After Changing Salesforce Locale and Language to Japanese

After changing the Salesforce locale and language to Japanese, errors occurred when creating amendment quotes. These errors indicated that Soldto and Billto contact information could not be found.

Updated Discounts from Zuora Quotes Was Not Automatically Distributed to Tiers

After updating discounts from Zuora Quotes, the discount was not automatically distributed to tiers. You had to update the tiers to apply the discount.

Creating a New Quote Caused a Feature Error When Feature Option Was Not Enabled

When creating a new quote, a Feature error occurred on the Product Selector page even though the Feature option was not enabled on the tenant's org.

New Field Cannot be Read When Upserting a Quote 

When upserting a quote, an error occurred on a new field on the quote: zqu__RenewalSetting__c.

Maintenance Release 6.42

The 6.42 release includes the following new features, resolved issues, and other internal operational fixes.

New Features and Enhancements

Payment Pages 2.0 Default Configuration Support

Now you can configure a default Payment Page and use the page for a  payment method in the Quote Wizard without any custom coding.

See here for detail about the default Payment Pages.

Resolved Issues

Quote Amendment Term Reverts to 6 Months

When editing an amendment Quote for an Evergreen subscription, the renewal term was always displayed as "6" on the Quote Detail page regardless of the actual renewal term value you specified.

Price Summary Detail in Guided Product Selector Displayed in HTML

In Guided Product Selector, when you hovered over the Price Summary field, the price summary detail was displayed in HTML.

Patch Release 6.42.1

The following issues were resolved in 6.42.1.

Unable to Update Sold To and Bill To Contacts During Amendment Quote Creation

The Sold to Contact (zqu__SoldToContact__c) and the Bill to Contact (zqu__BillToContact__c) fields were added to the Customer Account Details (zqu__Amend_Quote_Customer_Account_Details) field set on the Quote (zqu_Quote__c) object. Now you can update the Bill To and Sold To contacts when creating amendment quotes.

Click Update Zuora Account Details on the Quote Detail page to update the Bill To and Sold To contacts information in Zuora. See Compare and Update Salesforce and Zuora Account Information for detail information about updating Zuora contacts.

Incorrect TCV of the Quote Charge with Volume Pricing with Flat Fee Tier

When Volume Pricing with the Flat Fee tier is included in the quote product selection, an incorrect TCV of the quote charge appeared in Quote PDF and on the Quote Detail page.

Deleted Charges Listed in Guided Selling Price Summary

In Guided Product Selector, the Price Summary column included the charges that were deleted from the Product Catalog. Now the product rate plan charges are correctly filtered, and the Guided Product Selector lists only the valid charges in the Price Summary column.

Update Zuora Account Details Page Does Not Display the Differences in Contact Information

In some Salesforce orgs, depending on the Salesforce page configuration, a JQuery conflict caused issues on the Update Zuora Account Details page:

  • Differences in Contact information between Salesforce and Zuora were not displayed.
  • When you clicked Update Zuora Data, the contact information in Zuora was not updated.

The New Payment Method Button Updated to Use Payment Pages 2.0

The New Payment Method button on the Quote Detail page was updated to use the latest Payment Pages 2.0 component. The Payment Page component uses the default Payment Page you specified in Payment Pages Settings

Maintenance Release 6.43

The 6.43 release includes the following resolved issues and other internal operational fixes.

Resolved Issues

Rate Plan Charge Id and Rate Plan Id Added to the ZChargeGroup and ZCharge Global Methods

The Subscription Rate Plan Id and Subscription Rate Plan Charge Id were added to the global methods of the ZChargeGroup and ZCharge classes. Now you can reference the Zuora Ids of the Rate Plans and Rate Plan Charges in the original Subscription when creating an Amendment Quote.

Unable to Create an Amendment Quote for a Subscription When the Subscription Contains No Rate Plan

You no longer receive an error in Zuora Quotes when adding a product after removing all previous rate plans.