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Configure Quote Studio admin settings


Configure Quote Studio admin settings

Navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings > Admin Config, then you can configure the advanced settings for Quote Studio.

The configuration on this page should be completed by system administrators.


Admin setting Description
Show CPQX Button In Edit Products

To minimize the adoption friction, the Quote Studio page can be also used to edit products in the existing quote flow in Zuora Quotes.

If you switch the Show CPQX Button In Edit Products toggle to Active, the Check Out CPQ X button is displayed on the existing Edit Products and Charges page of Zuora Quotes and the Quote Detail page. It allows users to switch to Quote Studio from the existing quote flow or the quote details page.

See Switch to Quote Studio from Edit Products and Charges page of Zuora Quotes for more information.

Navigate to Quote Studio After Select Products
With this setting enabled, you can directly enter Quote Studio to configure pricing after products are selected in Zuora Quotes guided selling pages. It allows you to do a final review or configuration in Quote Studio before submitting the quote.
See Enable Navigate to Quote Studio After Select Products setting for more information.

Note that you will still be directed to the Quote Studio page if you choose products from the product selector page in the legacy CPQ flow (CPQ 9).
Rules Engine for Quote Studio

Rules defined through the rules engine are not inherently supported in CPQ X for scenarios where multiple segments exist in a charge. Such scenarios include ramp deals and future dated actions.

By default, if the rules engine is enabled for Zuora Quotes, rules can work in Zuora Quotes but cannot be used in CPQ X. To allow the rules to be used on the Quote Studio page, you must enable the Rules Engine for Quote Studio setting.

Disable "Information Modal" Pop-Up when Rules Trigger
When this setting is enabled, the notification modal doesn't show up by itself. Instead, it needs to be opened manually by clicking the notification icon. On the other hand, if the setting is disabled, the rules engine validation notification modal appears automatically.
Display Contact Address fields in Subscription Level Contact picklists
With this setting enabled, Subscription Bill To Contact field displays  Bill To Contact Addresses as a picklist value.

This setting must be used in conjunction with Enable Flexible Billing in Quote Studio setting.
Navigate to Quote Studio After Select Products

To allow users to configure product pricing in Quote Studio right after selecting products from the Zuora Quotes guided selling pages, you can enable the Navigate to Quote Studio After Select Products setting.

See Combine guided selling with Quote Studio for more information.

Enable Ramp Deal Creation in Quote Studio

Configure this setting to enable or disable ramps in quotes. 

With this setting disabled, no ramp settings are displayed in Quote Studio, thus users cannot create new quotes with ramps. If users attempt to amend or renew quotes that contain existing ramps, they cannot complete in-flight quotes, but can see previous ramp actions with no intervals displayed. 

Pass QRPC List Price to Zuora for ELP

When this setting is enabled, a seamless integration is established between Salesforce and Zuora. Specifically, for each quote record, the List Price (zqu__ListPrice__c) associated with the Flat Fee and Per Unit charge models of every Quote Rate Plan Charge object record will be sent to Zuora. The List Price information is passed into Zuora under the field name "originalListPrice".

When this setting is enabled both List Price and Effective Price will be sent to Zuora.

Enable OLI Creation in Quote Studio

In addition to the subscription business model, CPQ X also allows you to launch non-subscription and unified monetization business models, which can be sent to Zuora for future processing. After quote line items are sent to Zuora, they are converted to order line items.

CPQ X provides the following options for users to create quote line items:

  • Create quote line items for existing one-time product rate plan charges. 
  • Create ad hoc quote line items from scratch. See the Allow ad hoc OLI creation setting to learn more.

With the Enable OLI Creation in Quote Studio setting enabled, a new Non-Subscription Items section is displayed on the Quote Studio page. In this section, users can search and browse existing one-time charges, and create quote line items for these charges.

Allow ad hoc OLI creation

This setting becomes available for configuration only if the Enable OLI Creation in Quote Studio setting is enabled.

Switch the Allow ad hoc OLI creation toggle to Active if you want to allow for creating ad hoc quote line items from scratch. With this setting enabled, the New Quote Line Items button is displayed, which allows users to create new quote line items.

See create quote line items for more information.

Enable Preview On Demand

If you enable the Enable Preview On Demand setting, a new button named Preview Metrics will be displayed on the Quote Studio page. Users can click this button to preview quote metrics after they have made all changes to the quote, and the button is disabled until later changes are made. It ensures that the Preview an order API is called only when needed and minimizes the number of API calls.

See Configure information on Quote Studio page for more information.

Hide Product Selector Modal for New Subscription Quote Type
With this setting enabled, you can hide the Browse Product button or control the Search Product field from New Subscription quote type in Quote Studio. 

Note that this is to be used when legacy Guided Selling is enabled with CPQ X; else, you cannot choose a product while creating a quote.

Enable Flexible Billing in Quote Studio

With this setting enabled, you can specify billing attributes including bill-to-contacts and payment terms at the subscription level.

Note that the system will allow you to enable this setting only if the Flexible Billing feature is enabled in the connected Zuora tenant. Otherwise, you will receive an error stating Your Zuora Tenant is not enabled Flexible Billing. Please reach out to Zuora Support to avail “Flexible Billing” feature”.

Enable Subscription Owner Transfer
With this setting enabled, you can transfer ownership of subscriptions from one customer account to another.
Enable Nested Discount Rows

With this setting enabled, you can use Nested Discount rows in a subscription.

See Enable and use Nested Discount Rows in CPQ X for more information.

Summarize Invoice Item

Enabling this setting allows you to store the preview invoice summaries in the Invoice Item Summary (InvoiceItemSummary__c) object. However, it's only compatible with quotes that don't use Order Line Items. 

Key fields within the Invoice Item Summary object:

  • Preview_Invoice_Sequence__c
  • Service_Period_Start_Date__c
  • Service_Period_End_Date__c
  • SubTotal_Amount__c
  • Discount_Amount__c
  • Tax_Amount__c
  • Total_Amount__c

For example: 

  • If you want to store preview invoice summaries and you don’t use Order Line Items in your quoting process, you can enable this setting. 

  • If you use Order Line Items in your quoting process, enabling this setting will result in an error.

Note that this setting is disabled by default after upgrading to version 10.28 or later.

Define Behavior for making Updates before Future Dated Updates

This setting includes two dropdown options, allowing you to configure the inclusion of the "Specific Update Date" field.

Option Description
Require manual designation of the “Make this Update before a Future Update”.(Default) When selected, updates made prior to the future date change will require manual activation of the "Make this update before a future date change" toggle to include the "Specific Update Date" field. 

This option is the default setting.

Always automatically set Specific Update Date in the backend When selected, the "Specific Update Date" field is automatically included whenever updates are made before the future date change. There is no need for manual activation of the toggle.
Rate Plan Per Page

With this setting enabled, you can customize the number of rate plans displayed on each page. By default, the value is set to 20 rate plans per page.

Note that in the given example, if you have 30 rate plans and the default rate plans per page is set to 10, the pagination will function as follows:

  • On the first page, you will see the first 10 rate plans, numbered from 1 to 10.
  • When you navigate to the second page, it will display the next set of rate plans, again numbered from 1 to 10, rather than starting from 11.
Invoice Preview option

With this setting, you can control how CPQ retrieves the complete Invoice Item Preview at the Charge level, visible in the modal that opens when clicking on a specific Charge Subtotal value. The "Invoice Preview option" setting includes three dropdowns to cater to varying user preferences and quote sizes:

Option Description
Default (Intelligent Invoice Item Preview Retrieval) The Default option, recommended for optimal performance, intelligently retrieves Invoice Items based on the size (MB) of the response. If the response size may degrade performance, Invoice Items are aggregated into a single line. Conversely, if the response size does not impact performance significantly, the full breakout of all Invoice Items based on the charge’s Billing Period is displayed.

Note that by default, this option will be selected.
Retrieve All Invoice Items This option retrieves all invoice items, regardless of the quote size.
Retrieve ONLY Aggregated Single Invoice Items per Charges With this option, only aggregated single Invoice Items per charges are retrieved, irrespective of the quote size.

Note that selecting the "Retrieve ONLY aggregated single Invoice Items per Charges" option restricts you from viewing the detailed invoice item breakup on the Quote Studio UI.
Max Charges for Loading Optimization
With this setting, you can configure whether subscription data is fetched synchronously or asynchronously during the creation of an amendment or renewal quote.

Use Cases
  1. If you are creating a renewal or amendment quote that includes 30 rate plans and you prefer synchronous data fetching, simply input a value of 30 or higher in the "Max Charges for Loading Optimization" field.
  2. If you prefer asynchronous data fetching, input a number less than 30.

Upon Quotes version 10.25 package installation, the "Max Charges for Loading Optimization" field will have a default value of 30.

Display Bill To Contact Address fields in the Invoice Owner Account picklist
With this setting enabled, Invoice Owner field will display Bill To Contact Address with Billing Account Name as picklist values.
Hide Product Selector Modal for Amend/Renew Subscription Quote Type
With this setting enabled, you can hide the Browse Product button or control the Search Product field from Amend/Renew Subscription quote types in Quote Studio. 

Note that this is to be used when legacy Guided Selling is enabled with CPQ X; else, you cannot choose a product while creating a quote.

On Amendment Quotes, Default new Product Update Actions to Original Product Add Date
  • If this setting is enabled, adding a new product or updating a rate plan charge in a ramped quote will default to the Interval Start Date.
  • if this setting is disabled, adding a new product or updating a rate plan charge will default to the Quote Start Date

If you amend a subscription with a ramp for a QSD that doesn’t fall in, the effective date will default to the Interval Start Date.

Note that using Prohibit Backdate Actions and On Amendment Quotes, Default new Product Update Actions to Original Product Add Date together is not possible since the two settings conflict.

View Amendment Quotes as of Quote Start Date
With this setting enabled, on an amendment quote, CPQ X considers the quote to start from the Quote Start Date instead of the subscription term start date, thus will filter out actions before that date.

This setting must be used in conjunction with the "Hide Original One-Time Charges" setting under Zuora Config > Quote Configuration Settings.
  • When the "View Amend Quote as of Quote Start Date" setting is enabled and the "Hide Original One-Time Charges" setting is disabled, the original One-Time charges will be visible in the amendment and renewal quote types.
  • When both the "View Amend Quote as of Quote Start Date" setting and the "Hide Original One-Time Charges" setting are enabled, the One-Time charges will not be visible in the amendment and renewal quote types.
Prohibit Backdate Actions
With this setting enabled, the Contract Effective Date of update actions cannot be set to earlier than the Quote Start Date. 
Note that if Update Amendment Quotes as of Original/Subscription Term Start Date is also enabled, users can still update original products as of the original trigger date.
Preview Pending Subscription
With this setting enabled, you can preview pending subscriptions with Upon Contract Effective as the trigger event when rate plan charges have trigger events as Upon Service Activation or Upon Customer Acceptance.
Enable Lookup Filter
With this setting enabled, you can add custom lookup fields to Quote Studio. When an existing lookup filter is updated or new lookup fields are created, you can click the Refresh Filter button to refresh all filters.

See Enable lookup filters for fields in Quote Studio for more information.

Get Tiers From Zuora Product Catalog

With this setting enabled, the tiers displayed on the Quote Studio UI will be sourced from the product catalog, rather than the existing subscription.

Source of Tier Information Get Tiers From Zuora Product Catalog
(CPQ X setting)
Get Tiers From Zuora (Legacy CPQ setting)
Zuora Product Catalog Enable Disable
Existing Zuora Subscription Charges Disable Enable