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Component Layout Config

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Component Layout Config

With the Component Layout Config setting, you can configure the Quote panel, Subscription panel, and fieldsets to either collapse or expand during page load for the New, Renew, Amend, and Cancel Subscription flows. This feature is accessible from the Quote Studio Settings page.

You can customize your experience by collapsing or expanding the panels according to your preferences. This can help streamline the user interface and make it more intuitive, as you can choose to see only the information you need.

By default, the system sets the Quote panel, Subscription panels, and fieldsets to expand.


To configure the Quote panel, Subscription panel, and fieldsets, take the following steps:

  1. In your Salesforce org, navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings > Component Layout Config.
  2. Using the dropdown options (Expanded or Collapsed), configure the state of the components and fieldsets based on the Quote flow type.
  3. Enable the Apply to Specific Profiles toggle to select and apply the configurations to specific profiles.
    If the toggle is disabled, then the configurations are applied for all users.
  4. Click Save.
