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Zuora Revenue Release Notes


Zuora Revenue Release Notes

This article provides a summary of new features, enhancements, and resolved issues in Zuora Revenue version

New features and enhancements

The following new features and enhancements are available in this release. 

Close Process Dashboard

This enhancement is currently available only to customers who use Billing - Revenue Integration with SSO enabled.

Beginning from, the Data Validation tab is expanded to provide the additional data elements as described below that might have an impact on revenue recognition. These items typically need the revenue user's attention and actions before a period can be closed:

  • Revenue Holds: Displays the number of holds that are active as well as the value of revenue that is impacted (in the Reporting currency). The revenue holds might need to be reviewed and if applicable, approved for release before the period close.
  • SSP Exceptions: Displays the number of SSP exceptions based on the SSP Exception Report for the current open period as well as the total amount of Extended Sell Price and the number of transactions lines that are impacted. This will have an impact on the adjustment revenue calculation and recognition of the revenue contract.
  • Auto POB: Provides the information about transaction lines to which the Auto POB template is applied. Before the period can be closed, these transaction lines need to be assigned to a valid POB template for further revenue processing. 
  • Unreleased POB: Provides the information about the POB lines that have unreleased revenue, which includes the number of the POB lines and the total unreleased amount (in the Reporting currency). If required, revenue users might have to manually release the revenue on these POB lines before the period close.

Beginning from, the Close Process Dashboard is further enhanced to automate the accounting reconciliation process by introducing the Accounting Analysis tab. The Accounting Analysis tab can automatically reconcile between the following reports for the revenue and contract activity and balances based on different entities and natural account segments against all post-able entries that can be found in the Accounting Detail Report.

  • Revenue for the period reconciliation: Accounting Detail Report versus Revenue Insight, Rollforward, and Waterfall Report
  • Contract Liability Activity & Balances: Accounting Detail Report versus RC Rollforward Report
  • Unbilled Revenue Activity & Balances: Accounting Detail Report versus Unbill Rollforward Report
  • Billed Revenue Activity & Balances: Accounting Detail Report versus Billing Rollforward Report

For more information, see Close Process Dashboard.

Seamless integration experience between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue

This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.

Previously, after Billing - Revenue Integration was enabled, you still had to manually configure the Revenue Sync job to sync Billing data and transform it into the line staging tables of Zuora Revenue. 

From this release, a more seamless integration experience is provided to new customers. If you enable Billing - Revenue Integration after version, Zuora Billing data will be automatically synced to Zuora Revenue in real-time after the one-time configuration is completed. For more information, see Prepare for data collection in Billing - Revenue Integration environment.

If you enabled Billing - Revenue Integration before version, this enhancement will not affect you. If you still want to use this functionality, contact Zuora for the enablement process.

Subscription-related fields are available for GL interface mapping

This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.

As a prerequisite of transferring accounting entries to the general ledger, you must define the interface mapping for the fields to be transferred. From this release, many subscription-related fields are added to the Setups > Application > Interface Setup page. This enhancement is to satisfy the business needs of the customers who use Billing - Revenue Integration for their subscription-based transactions. 

These subscription-based fields that can be transferred include

  • Subscription ID (SUBSCRP_ID)
  • Subscription Name (SUBSCRP_NAME)
  • Subscription Version (SUBSCRP_VERSION)
  • Subscription Start Date (SUBSCRP_START_DATE)
  • Subscription End Date (SUBSCRP_END_DATE)
  • Subscription Owner (SUBSCRP_OWNER)
  • Invoice Owner (INVOICE_OWNER)
  • Rate Plan ID (RP_ID)
  • Rate Plan Name (RP_NAME)
  • Rate Plan Charge Number (RPC_NUM)
  • Rate Plan Charge Name (RPC_NAME)
  • Rate Plan Charge Version (RPC_VERSION)
  • Rate Plan Charge Model (RPC_MODEL)
  • Rate Plan Charge Type (RPC_Type)
  • Rate Plan Charge Trigger Event (RPC_TRIGGER_EVT)
  • Rate Plan Charge Segment (RPC_SEGMENT)
  • Rate Plan Charge ID (RPC_ID)
  • Original Rate Plan Charge ID (ORIG_RPC_ID)
  • Subscription Type (SUBSCRP_TYPE)
  • Charge Level (CHARGE_LEVEL)
  • Amendment ID (AMENDMENT_ID)
  • Amendment Type (AMENDMENT_TYPE)
  • Amendment Reason (AMENDMENT_REASON)
  • Order ID (ORDER_ID)
  • Order Item ID (ORDER_ITEM_ID)
  • Order Action ID (ORDER_ACTION_ID)
  • Account ID (ACCOUNT_ID)
  • Product ID (PRODUCT_ID)
  • Product Rate Plan ID (PRODUCT_RP_ID)
  • Product Rate Plan Charge ID (PRODUCT_RPC_ID)
  • Charge Created Date (CHARGE_CRTD_DATE)
  • Charge Last Update Date (CHARGE_LAST_UPDT_DATE)
  • Bill ID (BILL_ID)
  • Bill Item ID (BILL_ITEM_ID)
  • Zuora Billing Batch ID (ZBILL_BATCH_ID)
  • Ramp Deal Reference (RAMP_DEAL_REF)
  • Sequence Number (SEQ_NUM)
  • Average Pricing Method (AVG_PRCING_MTHD)
  • Price Format (PRC_FRMT)
  • Parent Charge Segment (PRNT_CHRG_SEGMENT)
  • Parent Charge Number (PRNT_CHRG_NUM)
  • Entity ID (ENTITY_ID)
  • SSP Sell Price (SSP_SLL_PRC)
  • SSP List Price (SSP_LST_PRC)
  • Subscription Term Start Date (SUBSCRP_TRM_ST_DT)
  • Subscription Term End Date (SUBSCRP_TRM_END_DT)
  • Subscription Term Number (SUBSCRP_TERM_NUM)
  • Old Sell Price (OLD_SELL_PRC)
  • Ramp Allocation Percentage (RAMP_ALLOC_PCT)
  • Ramp Allocatable Price (RAMP_ALCTBL_PRC)
  • Ramp Allocated Price (RAMP_ALCTD_PRC)
  • Ramp Carve Amount (RAMP_CV_AMT)
  • Ramp Cumulative Carve Amount (RAMP_CUM_CV_AMT)
  • Ramp Cumulative Allocated Amount (RAMP_CUM_ALCTD_AMT)
  • Reason Code (REASON_CODE)
  • Update Product ID (UPDT_PRD_ID)
  • Bill Item ID (BIIL_ITEM_ID)
  • K2 Batch ID (K2_BATCH_ID)
  • Ramp ID (RAMP_ID)
  • Impairment Negative Allocatable (IMPAIR_NEG_ALCTBL)
  • Unbilled Reversal Period (UNBL_RVSL_PRD)

Support amount-based event processing for Billing - Revenue Integration

Previously in the Billing - Revenue Integration environment, only the By Percent event processing type is supported by Billing - Revenue Integration. Events cannot be processed based on amount. To fill this functionality gap for customers who use Billing - Revenue Integration, the By Amount event processing type can be supported for non-recurring charges (one-time and usage charges) from this release. 

For more information about creating event types, see Event setup. For information about existing limitations of Billing - Revenue Integration, see Known limitations of Billing - Revenue Integration.

Ramp deal allocation for Zuora Central Revenue

This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.

The standard relative allocation functionality (also known as SSP allocation) is not applicable to customers who use Zuora Central Revenue. The system cannot process ramp deals coming from Zuora Billing because the ramp deal allocation is based on the relative allocation.

From this release, the dependency on the relative allocation is removed for ramp allocation if you use Zuora Central Revenue. It means the system can perform ramp allocation for the ramp deals even if the relative allocation functionality is not applicable. For more information, see Ramp allocation in Zuora Central Revenue.

For customers who use Zuora Advanced Revenue, this enhancement has no impact on the current ramp deal allocation. The ramp allocation is still based on the relative allocation. For more information, see Ramp allocation in Zuora Advanced Revenue.

Variable consideration processing supported for Billing - Revenue Integration

This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.

From this release, when a sales order line is collected in the Billing - Revenue Integration environment, Zuora Revenue can automatically create VC estimates. You can also upload VC estimates or actuals to Zuora Revenue directly with file upload. Then, Zuora Revenue can perform different VC-related operations based on the uploaded file. For more information, see Variable consideration processing.

Line-level indicator for transaction data from different upstream systems

This enhancement is applicable only if you use Billing - Revenue Integration.

In the Billing - Revenue Integration environment, besides Zuora Billing, you can also upload transaction data from other upstream systems into Zuora Revenue. This enhancement is to provide a line-level indicator named Source in Zuora Revenue to indicate the source of the transaction data. If the transaction data comes to Zuora Revenue from Zuora Billing, the value of this indicator is Zuora Billing. If the transaction date comes from a system other than Zuora Billing, the value is Other.

With this indicator, you will have more flexibility to use different upstream systems for the billing data and use Zuora Revenue as a hub for revenue management activities. There can be a combination of transaction lines from different upstream systems within one revenue contract. You will have the option to manage them all together within the revenue contract. With this indicator, it is also possible to support variable consideration processing for transaction lines from Zuora Billing. For more information, see Variable consideration processing. This line-level indicator is added as a field or a column in the UI wherever applicable.

More fields available in User Assignment Report

From this release, the following fields are added to the User Assignment Report. These fields can also be added to your customized report layout.

  • User Updated Date
  • User Role Assigned Date
  • User Role Updated Date
  • Role Creation Date
  • Role Updated Date
  • Role Org Assigned Date
  • Role Org Updated Date
  • Org Creation Date
  • Org Updated Date
  • Org Enabled

New contract modification rule for manual unfreeze

Previously, when you perform manual unfreeze in the UI, the reversal allocation entry is created based on the end date of the contract modification. If any prospective treatment is triggered for the contract before the allocation entries are posted, the reversal entry that is created for manual unfreeze will be deleted. As a result, the cumulative allocation amount of the line becomes 0, and the reason for the allocation is not explicitly indicated in the UI.

From this release, a new contract modification rule called Manually Unfreeze the RC is introduced for manual unfreeze. The default allocation treatment for this contract modification rule is Existing Alloc trmt, which is based on the previous accounting treatment. This enhancement can provide visibility in the scenario when no contract amendments occur however changes in allocation treatment are observed for the contract. For more information, see Predefined contract modification rules.

Support for deleting amendments and unposting billing documents 

This enhancement is applicable only if you use the Billing - Revenue Integration.

Billing - Revenue Integration has been enhanced to support the following use cases:

  • Delete amendments in Zuora Billing 
  • Unpost billing documents in Zuora Billing, including invoices, credit memos, and debit memos

Previously, these use cases were not supported and could result in a data mismatch between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue.

Deprecated programs for the CA/CL netting process

From this release, the CA/CL netting process has been optimized. The following predefined batch programs are no longer needed and thus deprecated. For the CA/CL netting process, use the RevPro3.0 Netting Process program instead. For a list of predefined programs, see Predefined programs.

  • RevPro3.0 Netting Batch Process
  • RevPro3.0 Netting Batch Process Thread
  • RevPro3.0 Netting Batch Populate RC

Changes to BI views 

In this release, the following changes are made to the Zuora Revenue BI views. To download the spreadsheet that contains the columns in each BI view and their sources, see Data entry details.

  • New columns are added to the following BI views:

Changes to MJE Details - By Schedule Period report layout ( or later)

A performance issue is identified when the MJE Details Report is run based on the MJE Details - By Schedule Period layout. The report cannot be generated and ends up in errors. To fix this performance issue, the MJE Details - By Schedule Period report layout is moved from the MJE Details Report to Accounting Report, which is always based on the schedule period. The existing layout for the MJE Details Report, which uses the schedule period as a filter, is marked as Deprecated.

Column changes to Contract Modification tab in Workbench ( or later)

Previously, there was a column called Modification Treatment in the Contract Modification tab on the Revenue Contract Detail page, which is supposed to indicate the contract modification treatment that is triggered for the revenue contract. However, the source of this column comes from contract modification settings instead of the actual allocation treatment for the current revenue contract.

Beginning from, the Modification Treatment column is replaced by another column called Allocation Treatment in the Contract Modification tab. This new column can indicate the actual contract modification treatment that is triggered for the revenue contract.

If you use the previous Modification Treatment column in any of the custom layouts for this tab, you need to update the custom layout to remove it. Otherwise, you might encounter errors when viewing this tab in the UI.

Issues resolved in this release

Refer to Resolved_issues_in_37.006.00.00_37.006.01.00_37.006.02.00_37.006.03.00_37.006.04.00_37.006.05.00_37.006.06.00.xlsx to get a complete list of all issues that have been resolved in this release. The allocation-related issues are listed in the following table.

Engineering tracking ID Support tracking ID Impacted functionality Fixed version Summary
ZR-6725 N/A Allocation release Schedule data is getting differently after collecting CM, CM-C, RORD, PORD, and PRATE for an RC
ZR-6806 N/A Allocations Carves and Allocated are NULL for discount charges when all lines in the RC are within range and the Alloc_within_FV_Trans profile is disabled
ZR-5770 N/A Allocations Multi-Book Testing - Data collection with Book_id in separate batches - SSP is not applied for 2nd batch collection book
ZR-5845 294245 Allocation release Full CM-R is not reducing Alctbl_xt_prc and reversing Adjustment revenue
ZR-5895 N/A Allocations Multi-Book Testing - Reallocation is not triggered automatically when the allocation eligible POB is linked to the RC
ZR-6405 295686 Allocation release Adjustment Revenue is not properly amortized
ZR-6568 299761 Allocations Adjustment revenue is being booked for the allocation eligible 'X' (Within SSP) lines
ZR-7006 260927 Allocation release, Intercompany entries were created even though the allocation happened for a single company code and another company is posted 100% and not participating in allocation.
ZR-7104 304353 Allocation release CL Distribution created wrong entries
ZR-7295 304912 Allocations Reallocation did not happen during the deferral event process
ZR-7790 308287 Allocations Allocations have been disabled but we are seeing adjustment liability/adjustment revenue entries
ZR-6562 N/A Allocation release Cumulative event uploaded without changes the system calling the retro defer API.
ZR-8345 N/A Allocations Ramp - Allocation profile - Disabled - Incorrect CT mod rule triggered when updated SO collected in revision period

Documentation updates

The following documentation is updated or published for this release: