Event setup
Event setup is to create an event type with detailed definitions, which includes:
- Select the type of event.
- Specify the processing type, such as by amount, by percentage, or by quantity.
- Indicate whether the revenue is to be released in a cumulative manner.
For example, if an event is brought in for 25% and the same event is collected for that line for 30%, the total revenue released for the RC is 30%. - Indicate whether a manual review is required before event data is uploaded to Zuora Revenue staging tables.
- Select the columns that are to be included in the event upload template.
- (For a cost event) Select the cost type that is to be released.
Before you begin
If you are going to create a cost event, make sure the required cost setup is completed. For more information, see Cost processing.
To create an event type in Zuora Revenue, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Setups > Application.
to open the side menu and then click Event Setup.
On the Event Setup page, click
to add an event. The New Event window is displayed.
In the Name field, provide a unique event name.
In the Event Type field, select the type of event that you want to create. Valid options are as follows:
- Budgeted Cost: To define a budgeted event based on cost.
- Budgeted Hours: To define a budgeted event based on hours.
- Revenue: Only revenue can be recognized or deferred.
- Cost: Only cost can be recognized or deferred.
- Hold: To define a hold event.
Based on the event type that you select in the previous step, specify the following fields as indicated in the UI:
- If you are creating a budgeted cost or budgeted hours event, By Percent is selected by default and cannot be changed.
- If you are creating a hold event, you do not need to specify the process type.
- The Cost Type field is for cost events only.
Cost Type: Select the type of cost that is to be released based on the cost event.
Process Type: Select the processing type. The following options are available:
By Amount: The event is processed based on the amount.
By Percent: The event is processed based on the percentage value.
By Quantity: The event is processed based on the quantity.
- If this is a cumulative event, select the Cumulative checkbox. The revenue is released in a cumulative manner.
If you are creating a budgeted cost or budgeted hours event, the Cumulative checkbox is selected by default and cannot be changed.
. The event is created.
Click the Mapping tab to select the columns that you want to include in the event upload template.
Choose the field names from the Source Column list.
- From the Event Column list, select the corresponding staging fields for each of your selections in the Source Column list.
The Event Column list displays the names of the staging fields that belong to the Line Events category on the Setup/Application/Labels page. One source column field must have a corresponding event column field.
(Optional): Click the Order By tab to select the order in which the sales order lines or invoice lines are to be processed. If no selection is made, sales order lines are processed first.
Save your configuration and close the window.
The event type is created in Zuora Revenue and will be displayed on appropriate Release Event lists for you to select when you are doing other configurations for Zuora Revenue.
What to do next
Depending on the event type that you create, different steps are required:
If the event is a revenue or cost event, the next step is to associate the event with the POB template. For more information, see Associate event with POB template.
If the event is a hold event, the next step is to associate the event with a hold or approval. For more information, see Associate event with revenue holds.
If the event is a budgeted cost or budgeted hours event, the next step is to upload the event for processing. For more information, see Event upload.