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Edit an Outcome


Edit an Outcome

To edit an outcome, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Products
  2. Select Features
  3. Select the feature for which you want to edit an outcome
  4. Select the version of the feature to edit
  5. To edit an outcome, you can do either of the following:

    The Edit an Outcome screen displays, as illustrated below:


    • Right-click the outcome in the rules canvas, then select Edit
    • Scroll to the Outcomes section below the rules canvas and select the Edit button related to the outcome you want to edit
  6. Update the Title text box as required
  7. Update the Description text box as required
  8. If you want to edit a component, select the Edit button related to the component you want to edit

    Update the details for the component as described in the following topics:

  9. Select the Save as New Version & Publish button

Note: You can also edit an outcome in a preview. For further information, see the Edit a Previewed Outcome topic.