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Country, State, and Province Codes


Country, State, and Province Codes


Countries and regions are used in different Zuora objects such as Contact and Payment Method. Each country or region can contain multiple subregions, including states and provinces.

Zuora provides pre-defined countries and regions that adhere to ISO-3166, and pre-defined subregions for the states of the United States and the provinces of Canada. 

You can update the pre-defined countries, regions, and subregions, and create new ones as needed. For more information, see Manage countries, regions, and subregions.

A country and state or province may be required for some purposes such as credit cards, or for sold-to information when Z-Tax is enabled, and in other cases may be optional. Whenever a country name or code is specified, Zuora validates it. When the country is the United States, Canada, or any country with subregions, Zuora validates the subregion name or code as well.

Zuora validates country names

If you enter a country when creating a Contact or PaymentMethod, Zuora will validate it. You may pass the full country name or an ISO-standard 2-digit or 3-digit code. If you pass a valid country code, Zuora will translate it to the full country name, and store that. For example, if you create a contact and pass the country code BG, Zuora will translate this to Bulgaria.

For a complete list of supported country names, see View countries or regions.

Zuora validates subregion names

If you enter a subregion (state or province) when you have specified the country as Canada, United States, or any country with subregions, Zuora will require that you use a valid subregion. Zuora will accept valid subregion names or codes that are up to three characters. For example, if you create a Contact or PaymentMethod and specify the country to be Canada and the subregion code to 'NB', Zuora will translate this into 'New Brunswick'. For a complete list of subregions of a specific country or region, see View subregions.