WorldPay Troubleshooting
This article describes response codes, messages, and next steps that you need to know when troubleshooting issues with WorldPay High Capacity Gateway Updater.
Zuora-Defined Response Codes and Messages
The following table shows the specific response codes, descriptions, and messages for the Zuora Payment Method Updater using WorldPay High Capacity Gateway Updater. Use the table as a guide when troubleshooting issues with WorldPay updater.
Response Code | Response Message | Description | Next Step |
101 | Successful Upload. | - | None |
103 | No Record to Upload. | There is no record in the batch that was ready for submission to the updater. | None |
301 | Communication Error. WorldPay Updater URL is missing in property file. Tracking Number: woRKFq2nRU | The URL is not configured for submitting the request. | Fix the gateway updater setting, and the Zuora server will retry the submission later. |
301 | Communication Error. Session.connect: Connection reset. Tracking Number: xB2F5RxgkQ | The connection timed out while submitting the request. | None. The Zuora server will retry the submission later. |
301 | Communication Error. [detailed error message.] Tracking Number: 1234567890 | An unexpected error | Contact Zuora support with your tracking number. Once Zuora fixes the issue, manually retry the batch, or wait for the background retry job to run the next day. |
401 | General System Failure. org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line -1 of document: Premature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file. Tracking Number: xB2F5RxgkQ | A wrong URL when submitting the request. | Fix the gateway updater setting, and Zuora server will retry the submission later. |
401 | General System Failure. Failed to download remote file: /AccountUpdater/200591/out/Batch_20140521_891276341.xml, Error: The requested operation failed. Tracking Number: dMVgxtf6Xm | Miscellaneous operational errors when retrieving the response file. | Contact Zuora support or the gateway provider for help. |
401 | General System Failure. Failed to download remote file: /AccountUpdater/200592/out /Batch_20140521_891242690.xml, Error: Auth fail. Tracking Number: 11fWraZUQy | An authentication problem when retrieving the response file. | Correct the credentials in the updater setting page. Zuora server will retry the action later. |
401 | General System Failure. Failed to download remote file: /AccountUpdater/200591/out/Batch_20140521_891324180.xml, Error: Session.connect: Connection reset. Tracking Number: Z4CyytdIV0 | A connection error when retrieving the response file from gateway's SFTP server. | None. Zuora server will retry later. |
401 | General System Failure. WorldPaySFTPClient decryption exception. Tracking Number: 60RzhLGfll | The passphrase for the response file decryption is wrong. | Correct the passphrase in the updater settings page. Zuora server will retry with the corrected passphrase later. |
401 | General System Failure. Mismatching batch id in retriever response: 891276341 and updater request id from the submitter response: 891289401. Tracking Number: YkDPK3SEbF | A wrong response file containing an unexpected batch id is retrieved. | Contact Zuora support for help. |
401 | General System Failure. [detailed error message.] Tracking Number: 1234567890 | An unexpected error | Contact Zuora support with your tracking number Once Zuora fixes the issue, manually retry the batch, or wait for the background retry job to run the next day. |
501 | The Request is Completed by Updater. 10 transactions returned in response. | The batch has been completed successfully. The response code and message returned by the gateway indicates that the updater service on the batch is done. | None |
502 | Updater Declined the Request. not able to retrieve response file from server. | The response file is not available for download. Zuora will automatically retry the batch. | The most likely cause is that the response file has not been generated by the gateway yet. This happens when there's a delay on the gateway's side and will be corrected on a later day when the response file is generated by the gateway. If you can fix the issue, contact Zuora support or the gateway support for further help. |