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Level 2 and Level 3 data processing on the custom payment gateway integration


Level 2 and Level 3 data processing on the custom payment gateway integration

The Universal Payment Connector (UPC) service provides you the flexibility to submit Level 2 and Level 3 data. This information might result in lower interchange rates on eligible commercial, corporate, and purchasing cards. You need to manage the additional Level 2 and Level 3 parameters to evaluate whether the gateway can accept them and decide whether to include them in the request.

This article provides instructions on enabling the support for submitting Level 2 and Level 3 data through the UPC Token Gateway integration. It also describes the field mappings and constraints.


In Zuora, configure the following custom fields:

  • On the Product Rate Plan Charge object, configure the following custom fields:
    • CommodityCode 
    • ProductCode
  • On the Account object, configure the ShipFromPostalCode custom field. 

When configuring a payment gateway instance, the API names (without "__c") of these custom fields are required to enable Level 2 and Level 3 data processing. 

For more information about custom fields, see Custom object definitions.

Enable Level 2 and Level 3 data submission

To enable the support for sending Level 2 card data, Level 3 card data, or both through the UPC Token Gateway instance, configure the following settings on the configuration page of the UPC Token Gateway instance: 

  • Enable Level 2 Processing: If you want to enable Level 2 card data processing, select this checkbox.
  • Enable Level 3 Processing: If you want to enable Level 3 card data processing, select this checkbox.
  • ShipFrom Postal Code Custom Field API Name: To send the shipFromPostalCode field to the gateway, enter the API name of the ShipFromPostalCode custom field without the __c suffix. 
  • ProductCode Custom Field API Name: To send the ProductCode field to the gateway, enter the API name of the ProductCode custom field without the __c suffix.
  • CommodityCode Custom Field API Name: To send the CommodityCode field to the gateway, enter the API name of the CommodityCode custom field without the __c suffix.

For more information about configuring the UPC Token Gateway instance, see Set up a custom payment gateway.

Field mappings

Destination information

Level 2 field Zuora field Description
shipToPostalCode SoldToContactZip

The postal code of the destination address for shipment. 

The maximum length is 10 characters.



The country code for the destination address.

The maximum length is 3 characters.


SoldToContactState The state or province code of the destination address.


SoldToContactCity The city of the destination address.


SoldToContactAddress1 The address line 1 of the destination address.



The address line 2 of the destination address.

Ship-From address

Level 2 field Zuora field Description


The ShipFromPostalCode custom field on the Account object

Postal code of the “ship-from” address.

The maximum length is 10.

Amount information

Level 2 and Level 3 field Zuora field Description

Level 2


The taxAmount field on the InvoiceItem object Total tax amount applied to the transaction.

Level 3



The shipping or freight cost associated with the transaction.

This field is set to 0 by default.



The duty charges for the transaction, if applicable.

This field is set to 0 by default.



Discount for the transaction, if applicable.

It is calculated using the following formula:

SUM{ Discount * (ApplyAmount/InvoiceAmount) }

Line item details

A maximum of 1,000 line items is allowed, with each line item containing the following fields:

Level 3 field Zuora field Description


The description field on the InvoiceItem object Description of the item.


The ProductCode custom field on the ProductRatePlanCharge object

Code identifying the product such as SKU or UPC.

The maximum length is 12 characters.


The quantity field on the InvoiceItem object

Quantity of the product being purchased.

The maximum length is 4.


The unitOfMeasure field on the InvoiceItem object

Measurement unit for the item such as PCS or KG.

The maximum length is 3.



The total tax amount applied to the individual line item. It is calculated based on the item's price and tax rate, rounded to 2 decimal places.



The tax rate applied to the line item. It is expressed as a percentage such as 5.00 for 5% tax.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Invoice detail’s tax_amount/Invoice detail’s amount_without_tax


Zuora combines the values from the amount_without_tax and tax_amount fields on the InvoiceItem object and considers it as totalAmount.

The total amount for the line item, including tax.

The maximum length is 12.


The discount field on the InvoiceItem object

The discount applied to the line item, rounded to 2 decimal places.

This field is passed to the gateway when the credit card type is not American Express.


The CommodityCode custom field on the ProductRatePlanCharge object

Commodity code of the item, if applicable.

The maximum length is 12 characters.


The unitPrice field on the InvoiceItem object 

The price per unit of the item, rounded to 2 decimal places.



Indicates whether the item's total amount includes tax (Gross) or excludes tax (Net).

Possible values:

  • "G" for Gross (tax included in the amount)
  • "N" for Net (tax not included in the amount)

It is determined using the following formula:

if(tax_amount==0){return "N"} else if(tax_amount!=0) {return "Y"}



Specifies if a discount is applied to the item.

Possible values:

  • "Y" for Yes (discount applied)
  • "N" for No (no discount applied)

It is determined using the following condition:

if(discount_amount==0){return "N"} else if(discount_amount!=0) {return "Y"}



The discount rate applied to the item, represented as a percentage.

Format: Decimal such as 10.00 for a 10% discount.

It is calculated using the following formula:

Invoice detail’s discount_amount/Invoice detail’s amount_without_tax


InvoiceDetailTaxCodeName A code representing the type of tax applied to the item such as VAT, GST, or ST.

Order information

Level 3 field Description


Date the order was placed.

Example of JSON structure for UPC Level 2 and Level 3 data

    "shipToCity": "Test City",
    "shipToAddressLine1": "Test Address Line 1",
    "shipToAddressLine2": "Test Address Line 2",
    "shipToStateProvinceCode": "California",
    "shipToPostalCode": "95016",
    "shipToCountryCode": "USA",
    "shipFromPostalCode": "1234567",
    "totalTaxAmount": "16.936803668",
    "lineItems": [
            "quantity": "10",
            "unitPrice": "1000",
            "totalAmount": 11095,
            "discountAmount": "0",
            "unitOfMeasure": "Eac",
            "productCode": "TestPCode",
            "commodityCode": "SampleCCode",
            "taxAmount": "1095",
            "taxRate": "0.11",
            "discountIndicator": "N",
            "discountRate": "0",
            "taxCode": "Test",
            "grossNetIndicator": "Y"
            "quantity": "1",
            "unitPrice": "1000",
            "totalAmount": 1000,
            "discountAmount": "100",
            "productCode": "TestPCode",
            "commodityCode": "SampleCCode",
            "description": "Test Rate Plan Description",
            "taxAmount": "0",
            "taxRate": "0",
            "discountIndicator": "Y",
            "discountRate": "0.1",
            "taxCode": "null",
            "grossNetIndicator": "N"
    "freightAmount": 0,
    "discountAmount": "0.8336807",
    "orderDate": "211124",
    "dutyAmount": 0