Batch Gateway Reconciliation event mapping between Zuora and GoCardless
The gateway reconciliation batch job on the GoCardless side starts at 6:30 am PT every day. Within a GR job, every record in the gateway reconciliation report is parsed into an event and matched with the corresponding Zuora transaction.
The following table lists the event mapping between GoCardless and Zuora in gateway reconciliation.
Object GoCardless Action Zuora Event Zuora Action Mandate reinstated MandateReinstated Zuora reactivates the payment method. Mandate canceled MandateCanceled Zuora closes the payment method. Mandate failed MandateRejected Zuora closes the payment method. Mandate expired MandateExpired Zuora closes the payment method. Mandate resubmission_requested MandateReinstated Zuora reactivates the payment method. Payment customer_approval_denied TransactionRejected - Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Failed to Settle" on the Payment transaction.
- Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to "Payment Rejection" if the code is active in the Reason Codes list. Otherwise, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to the default reason code in the list.
Payment confirmed TransactionSettled Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Settled" and the Settled On date field of the Payment event. Payment cancelled TransactionRejected - Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Failed to Settle" on the Payment transaction.
- Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to "Payment Rejection" if the code is active in the Reason Codes list. Otherwise, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to the default reason code in the list.
Payment failed TransactionRejected - Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Failed to Settle" on the Payment transaction.
- Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to "Payment Rejection" if the code is active in the Reason Codes list. Otherwise, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to the default reason code in the list.
Payment charged_back TransactionReversed Optionally, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to "Payment Reversal" if the code is active in the Reason Codes list. Otherwise, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to the default reason code in the list. Payment late_failure_settled TransactionReversed Optionally, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to "Payment Reversal" if the code is active in the Reason Codes list. Otherwise, Zuora creates an external refund with the reason code set to the default reason code in the list. Refund paid TransactionSettled Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Settled" and the Settled On date field of the Refund event. Refund refund_settled TransactionSettled Zuora updates the Gateway State to "Settled" and the Settled On date field of the Refund event.