The following two reports can be generated for CyberSource Gateway Reconciliation:
- Processor Events Details Report
- Event Detail Exception report
The Gateway Reconciliation reports available to you are dependent on your CyberSource processor. If the processor you are using is not listed in the following table, the preceding reports cannot be generated.
For the Chase Paymentech processor, please check with Cybersource regarding Gateway Reconciliation support as the sub-processor labels for Chase Paymentech are not available to Zuora.
Report |
Supported processors |
Processor Events Details |
- globalcollect
- alipaydomestic
- sofort
- wellsfargoach
- dlocal
- bofaach
- alipay
- global_collect
- mollie
- litle
- payeasecn
- smartpay
- hipay
- citcon
- dialcom24
- kcp
- klarna
- comerciolatino
- buybox
- cardinal
- ctp
- paypal
Event Detail Exception |
- aibms
- amexbrighton2
- amexdirect
- atos
- barclays2
- bofaach
- cardinal
- cardnet
- cielo
- citimb
- cmcic
- comerciolatino
- fdccompass
- fdcgermany
- fdcsouth
- fdiaus
- fdiglobal
- globalcollect
- gpn
- hbos
- hsbc
- jcngateway
- litle
- migs
- moneris
- networkintluae
- omniire
- omnipaydirect
- omnipayfdi
- opdfde
- rbsworldpay
- six
- smartfdc
- smartpay
- streamline2
- vdcacpcaymannb
- vdcacpnatlcalif
- vdcagbkchina
- vdcanzbank
- vdcaxis
- vdcbanamex
- vdcbankmuscat
- vdcbarclayszm
- vdcbay
- vdcbni
- vdccitisg
- vdcctbc
- vdcguatemala
- vdchabibltd
- vdchdfc
- vdchsbcbank
- vdckbank
- vdcmashreqbk
- vdcmaybankmy
- vdcnacombk
- vdcnbad
- vdcnbk
- vdcocbc
- vdcpromerica
- vdcqnbqa
- vdcuob
- vdcuruguay
- vdcvantiv
- vdcvietin
- vdcwestpac
- vdcwhb
- vital
- wellsfargoach