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Overview of Alipay payment gateway integration


Overview of Alipay payment gateway integration

Zuora integrates with Alipay Auto Debit and provides a gateway integration known as Alipay for processing payments with Alipay China.

This feature is in the Early Adopter phase. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters. If you want to join this program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

Supported features

The following table provides a quick reference for the supported features.

Supported payment methods Alipay (Alipay China)
Supported payment operations 
  • Payment
  • Referenced refund 
  • Payment cancel
Support 3D Secure 2.0 No
Support Delayed Capture No
Support Level 2 and Level 3 card data No
Support stored credential transactions No
Support Gateway Options fields No
Gateway provider’s API version v1
Gatetway provider’s  production endpoint used for Zuora gateway integration service
Support Batch Gateway Reconciliation No
Support Real-Time Reconciliation Yes
Support Payment Method Updater No
Support inquiry call for retrying a transaction request Yes

Supported payment methods

The Alipay payment gateway integration supports the Alipay payment method, an eWallet in China. You can set up Alipay payment methods by integrating with a JavaScript SDK provided by Zuora. For implementation instructions, see Set up Alipay payment methods with Zuora JavaScript SDK.

For supported currencies, see Alipay's documentation.

Currently, Zuora supports browser-based Alipay checkout on desktop devices, which corresponds to the terminalType=WEB configuration in Alipay's API. See terminalType in Alipay's documentation for more information.

Support for Real-Time Reconciliation

The Alipay payment gateway integration supports the Real-Time Reconciliation feature. With this feature enabled, the payment gateway can submit notifications to Zuora for supported event types, and the corresponding records are automatically updated in real-time. To reconcile payments and close payment methods, you must enable Real-Time Reconciliation.

For more information, see the following articles: