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Field mappings for Direct Entry AU transactions through Fat Zebra


Field mappings for Direct Entry AU transactions through Fat Zebra

The following tables describe the mappings of key identifier fields for Direct Entry AU transactions through Fat Zebra. To find out more information about the communication between Zuora and the gateway for payment method creation, verification, and payment processing, you can use the information in the following tables in combination with the information in the payment method transaction log and payment transaction log. For how to export transaction logs, see Discover information about payment method creation and payment processing.


Fat Zebra API Field Zuora Field Request/Response Description
reference TenantId_PaymentNumber Request A unique reference.
description gwOptions_InvoiceNum Request Required. If invoice is blank, the Payment Number is used.
reference GatewayReferenceId Response Example: 071-DD-L4M3SN0E


Fat Zebra API Field Zuora Field Request/Response Description
reference TenantId_PaymentNumber Request A unique reference.
description RefundNumber Request Must be unique.
reference GatewayReferenceId Response Example: 071-DD-L4M3SN0E