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Payment surcharges


Payment surcharges

Zuora now supports the ability to apply credit card surcharges to help merchants pass on payment processing fees to end customers, offering greater flexibility in managing processing fees. For example, if a customer pays by credit card, the merchant can apply a percentage based fee based on the payment processing charge.

This is currently in the early adopter phase and in limited availability and is available for customers on Invoice settlement.

Payment surcharges are assessed at the time of payment request and do not alter the original invoice or debt documents. Surcharges are recorded as debit memos linked to the original invoice once the payment is processed.


  • For merchants,
    • Reduces the financial burden of credit card transaction fees and improves profit margins for merchants.
    • Allows flexibility to tailor surcharge fees according to the business needs and cost structures.
  • For buyers,
    • Provides awareness to understand the additional costs associated with their payment method, leading to more informed payment decisions.
    • Allows the usage of lower-cost payment methods to reduce their overall transaction fees.


The payment Surcharges feature is available only if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

If you would like access to this feature, contact your Zuora account team or submit a request to Zuora Global Support specifying your tenant ID.

Permissions and Roles 

The following user role permissions are required for the surcharge capability in Zuora:

  1. Surcharge configuration: Surcharge configuration is performed by making an API call to create the combinations of attributes-value pairs that determine the surcharge amount (or rate). An API user is required to perform this action.
  2. Surcharges computed during the payment run process will use the Payment Run Schedule Job user to create the debit memo holding the surcharge amount. 

How does Payment Surcharge work?

Surcharge Configuration

A surcharge (Payment) is defined as a single entity for a given tenant; that is, though there are various dimensional elements (attributes), a surcharge definition will create one definition. This surcharge can have a permutation of values and combinations in the backend.

A new system object, ‘Surcharge,’ has been introduced. Use the standalone surcharge configuration API to configure a decision table that includes the attributes that will define the eligibility for surcharge, accounting, and taxability of surcharge on a given payment.

The following attributes are part of the standalone surcharge configuration:

Name Comments
Id Unique key, auto generated
SurchargeName Name of surcharge provided by the customer, used to display and print on receipts
SurchargeNumber Natural key. Optional (auto generated if not specified)
Description User provided. Optional
Category Payment Surcharge (API name: PAYMENT_SURCHARGE)
Trigger Event Trigger event is auto selected but the user can override. For now, Payment Surcharge will have a trigger event value of “Payment Request”. (Optional and defaulted automatically based on category)


Indicates if the parent transaction is reversed then should the surcharge be credited.

Default True.

Tax Mode

{Exclusive, Inclusive, Non Taxable}

User selects one option. By default “Exclusive”.

Tax Code User selected, options are populated from tax code configuration defined in Zuora.
Accounting Codes Revenue recognition rule, deferred revenue accounting code, recognized revenue accounting code, accounts receivable accounting code.

Pricing information against various combinations of the attributes is stored separately. 

Attributes (Dimensions) and Mapping

Attributes: Keys or dimensions of the business that define the context of an invoice based on which the rate of surcharge is determined. A set of up to 10 attributes can be configured while defining Surcharges. All the attributes must have a valid mapping to a Zuora object. The following objects are supported for attribute mapping; that is, a standard or a custom field on any of these objects can be used to define surcharge rates:

  • Account (API name: Account)
  • Payment Method (API name: PaymentMethod)
  • Sold to contact on Account (API name: Account.SoldToContact)
  • Bill to contact (API name: Account.BillToContact)
  • The user defines the attributes' names, which are used to configure the values per permutation of the surcharge rate.
  • There can be up to 1,000 distinct permutations of the surcharge. 
  • This limit is not applicable in the early adopter phase, but we recommend that any use case that requires a larger number of combinations must be discussed with Zuora.
  • Attribute and context matching supports the equality (==) operator (exact matches); that is, the attribute values in the configuration must exactly match that of the mapped <object.field>.
  • Attribute values can be String values only. 
  • Payment Surcharge configuration should only have unique combinations of attribute values to avoid any race condition during retrieval and evaluation.

Key Features

  • Payment Surcharge is configured under a specific surcharge model in Zuora, called “Payment Surcharge”. This model has several combinations of the rates based on the attributes that are used to define the rates (Card Type, Geo, Customer Type and so on).
  • Users can define a set of attributes before configuring Surcharge.  
  • Tax Mode and Tax code can be defined by combining the attributes. There is a default at the surcharge definition level, but users can modify it at the permutations of attributes like card type, brand, geolocation, and so on. 
  • Reversible flags can not be modified at the level of individual combinations of attributes. 
  • Accounting and revenue recognition information is maintained at the Surcharge level, not at the individual combination level. 
  • Rates can be set as a percentage of the payment request amount or as a fixed fee per transaction. 
  • Once set up, the surcharge configuration cannot be updated. It will need to be reconfigured (deleted and recreated). Applicable for the early adopter phase only.
  • Since there is only one Payment Surcharge configuration (with n permutations on the attributes), developers can interact with the configuration using category as the handle “PAYMENT_SURCHARGE” (case sensitive).
    • Retrieval and delete can work using Category. You do not need to capture/store/retrieve Ids or keys. 

API (Definition Sample)

Example: create payment surcharge with flat amount pricing per transaction

POST /commerce/surcharges


       "description": "a surcharge",

       "category": "payment_surcharge",

       "name": "surcharge-1",

       "reversible": true,

       "attributes": [


               "name": "CardType",

               "type": "String"

               // type can be specified or user can specify object mapping

               // for payment surcharge object mapping will be enforced

               // either mapping or type can be specified, not both







               "name": "Provider",

               "type": "String"



       "data": [


               "attributes": [


                       "name": "CardType",

                       "operator": "==",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Credit"




                       "name": "Provider",

                       "operator": "==",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Visa"




               "pricing": {

                   "amount": 3




               "attributes": [


                       "name": "CardType",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Credit"




                       "name": "Provider",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Master"




               "pricing": {

                   "amount": 2.5




               "attributes": [


                       "name": "CardType",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Credit"




                       "name": "Provider",

                       "value": {

                           "string_value": "Amex"




               "pricing": {

                   "amount": 2.3








   "value": {

       "custom_fields": [],

       "attributes": [


               "name": "CardType",

               "type": "String"



               "name": "Provider",

               "type": "String"



       "created_by_id": "00c6d963654548edba45c615f44f0478",

       "created_time": "2024-07-23T18:41:44.825-04:00",

       "updated_by_id": "00c6d963654548edba45c615f44f0478",

       "updated_time": "2024-07-23T18:41:44.825-04:00",

       "id": "dff2db77-1318-4c13-b3ac-0f60404fec76",

       "surcharge_number": "SUR-1721774504",

       "name": "surcharge-1",

       "tax_mode": "non_taxable",

 "category": "payment_surcharge",

 "reversible": true



Sample Configuration 

(Note that there are other elements to the configuration such as Accounting, Revenue Recognition, and Taxation. Refer to detailed API specs for the same)

Payment Surcharge Configuration



Business Line

Card Type





Type (Payment Surcharge)






Type (Flat or %)

CC Fee

My CC Fee

Payment Surcharge






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 2






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 2






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






CC Surcharge

CC Fee

Payment Surcharge

MyBrand 1






Auditing Changes to Surcharge Config

Changes to the Surcharge configuration are audited for the following actions: 

  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete

Any changes made to this configuration through these actions are available in Zuora’s Audit Event logs. For more information on the Zuora Audit Trail and how to access it, see Audit Trail. Surcharge specific audit events can be located using the filter “objecttype = ‘Surcharge’” in data query.


Surcharge Evaluation 

The following flow diagram details the surcharge evaluation in Zuora:

The sequence of activities for computing surcharges and creating surcharge debit memos:

  1. Surcharge eligibility is based on the surcharge configuration and is automatically evaluated via payment run at the time of payment request. 
  2. Suppose the payment method in use is eligible for a surcharge. In that case, the surcharge amount is calculated based on the configuration, offering the flexibility of choosing between a percentage or a flat fee.
  3. Further, if the surcharge is eligible for tax, tax amount is computed based on the tax code and mode defined in surcharge configuration and is evaluated on the total Surcharge amount.  And always uses the account default sold to address as the debit memo tax address. For computing tax, both z tax and Avalara are supported.
    When a payment containing a surcharge is unapplied and refunded, surcharge debit memos are handled automatically, eliminating manual intervention, ensuring seamless reconciliation, and simplifying user workflows.
    When a payment containing a surcharge is unapplied and subsequently refunded, the system will automatically write off the balance on the associated surcharge debit memo. This ensures that the surcharge debit memo no longer remains as an open balance in the account, streamlining the management of surcharge-related transactions.

For example:

Product/service charge on Invoice  


Tax on Invoice  (10% *$100)


Invoice Total 


Invoice Balance 


Surcharge Rate 


Surcharge Amount (3% x $110) 


Surcharge Tax (If applicable on surcharge configuration 8%) (8%*$3.3)


Payment Total via Payment Run (Invoice Balance + Surcharge + Surcharge Tax)  


  1. During a payment request to the payment gateway, the payment request includes the invoice balance being processed + applicable surcharge + surcharge tax. The invoice balance is calculated after applying any open credit memo or unapplied payment, should that be the configuration in the payment run. 
  2. If payment collection is successful (Payment status = Processed), then a debit memo is created for the surcharge component of the payment. The surcharge debit memo carries the following attributes: 
    • Customer Account: Customer account associated with the invoice being processed in payment run 
    • Source: Payment Run 
    • Source Type: Surcharge 
    • Referred Invoice ID/Referred Debit memo ID: Invoice associated with the surcharge 
    • Memo Date: Max of Payment date or Invoice date
    • Target Date: Payment date 
    • Reason Code: Defaulted to ‘Surcharge’ (this reason code cannot be changed)
    • Charge Name: Name provided during surcharge configuration 
    • Other billing attributes, such as currency code, sequence set, payment term, sold to contact, and bill to contact, will be inherited from the source invoice or debit memo.
  3. Once the surcharge debit memo is successfully created, the collected payment is applied to the original invoice. The surcharge debit memo is based on the default application rule configuration in Zuora. 

Surcharge Debit Memo looks like: 

  1. The invoice pdf may be regenerated if you have configured the billing document settings


  • The surcharge debit memo (DM) is not linked to any specific invoice item or debit memo item. Surcharge DM carries one line item for the surcharge amount and a taxation item for the surcharge tax amount. 
  • Surcharge DM posting does not trigger a separate post Debit Memo notification.
  • Surcharge debit memos will be created as posted and will not go through a draft status. 
  • Once created, surcharge type DMs cannot be unposted, canceled, or updated. 
  • A payment refund will unapply the payment from the DM and leave the DM open (For more information, see Unapply and Refund section).
    • To write off the balance on surcharge debit memo, users can use the write off debit memo capability.
    • The payments associated with surcharge debit memos fully refunded using the Refund and auto-unapply API will be automatically written off when the user unapplies and refunds the payment.

Passing surcharge amount to payment gateway 

The surcharge amount will be passed to the payment gateway (Chase orbital is in scope for the early adopter phase) as Level 2 and Level 3 information.

L2 Information

Level 2 Information will include the ‘Total tax amount’. If a surcharge is taxable, this field will also include the surcharge tax along with the invoice tax.

L3 Information

When a surcharge is applied, Zuora will include it as one of the level 3 line items.

Here is an example (in red) of level 3 line items via Orbital.











<![CDATA[Payton Chesser]]>













Notifying the Customer of a Surcharge 

Customers are notified via ‘Payment processed event notification’ with a regeneration of the invoice PDF, which is sent as an attachment. The re-generated invoice will have two modes:

  • Detailed - a replica of the invoice with a line item added for surcharge and a grand total 
  • Summary - sent as 2 line items. One shows the invoice total, the other shows the surcharge, and the grand total. The summary follows the same styling as the detailed (same as the invoice template).

Sample of Invoice Template

The following example shows how to combine the surcharge debit memo into one invoice template:

The HTML template reference for surcharge part:


  <table class="table-grid u_content_custom_reactDataTable_1">



        <th style="width: 20%;">ChargeName</th>

        <th style="width: 15%;">Service Period</th>

        <th style="">Quantity</th>

        <th style="">Charge Amount</th>

        <th style="">Tax</th>

        <th style="">Total</th>






          <td style="">{{ChargeName}}</td>

          <td style="">{{ServiceStartDate}}</td>

          <td style="">{{Quantity}}</td>

          <td style="">{{AmountWithoutTax}}</td>

          <td style="">{{TaxAmount}}</td>

          <td style="">{{#Wp_Eval}}{{AmountWithoutTax}}+{{TaxAmount}}|Round(2)|Localise{{/Wp_Eval}}</td>



















Subtotal of the Invoice: {{#Wp_Eval}}{{InvSubTotal}}+{{DMSubTotal}}{{/Wp_Eval}}

                                Tax: {{#Wp_Eval}}{{InvTax}}+{{DMTax}}{{/Wp_Eval}}

                 Total Invoice: {{#Wp_Eval}}{{InvTotal}}+{{DMTotal}}{{/Wp_Eval}}

           Invoice Balance:{{#Wp_Eval}}{{InvBalance}}+{{DMBalance}}{{/Wp_Eval}}



Consolidated Invoice PDF Sample

Sample of Debit Memo Template

Here is an example how to combine the surcharge debit memo into one debit memo Template:

The HTML template reference for surcharge part:






Surcharge: {{DebitMemo.Account.Currency|Symbol}} {{surcharge|Round(2)|Localise}}

Tax:{{DebitMemo.Account.Currency|Symbol}} {{#Wp_Eval}}{{DebitMemo.TaxAmount}}+{{surchargeTax}}|Round(2)|Localise{{/Wp_Eval}}

Total:{{DebitMemo.Account.Currency|Symbol}} {{#Wp_Eval}}{{DebitMemo.TotalAmount}}+{{surchargeTotal}}|Round(2)|Localise{{/Wp_Eval}}

Balance:{{DebitMemo.Account.Currency|Symbol}} {{#Wp_Eval}}{{DebitMemo.Balance}}+{{surchargeBalance}}|Round(2)|Localise{{/Wp_Eval}}

Consolidated Debit Memo PDF Sample

Accounting for Surcharges 

Journal Entries 

When the surcharge debit memo is created and posted at the time of payment request, the following accounting entries will be created:






Accounts Receivable 



Deferred Revenue



Taxation Item

Accounts Receivable  



Sales tax payable 





Debit memo posting - Surcharge

Accounts Receivable



Cr Surcharge Revenue A/C




Accounts Receivable 



Sales tax payable 




Payment receipt




Accounts Receivable 



Revenue Schedules

In a revenue recognition system, the accounting treatment for surcharges is as follows:

  • If the accounting treatment of surcharges is configured as revenue (the revenue accounting code is selected while configuring surcharges), then revenue schedules are generated against surcharges.
  • Revenue is distributed in the accounting period in which the payment originates.
  • For any advanced revenue recognition, such as straight-lining over a period, it is recommended that you associate a specific rule with the Surcharge Configuration from the Manage Revenue Recognition Rules setting.
  • Any advanced recognition strategy may need a Workflow and Mass Update. For more information, see Key Considerations.

Zuora Revenue integration is not supported.

Unapply and Refund of a Payment including Surcharge

Unapply and Refund of the surcharge is controlled by the ‘Reversible’ attribute value in surcharge configuration.

If `Reversible` = Yes, then when a user performs an Unapply of a payment which includes surcharge, they will be able to unapply a payment from the invoice as well as the associated surcharge debit memo, and issue a refund.

This will lead to both the invoice balance and the debit memo balance to be re-opened. The invoice balance can be closed by collecting future payments against the invoice. 

For closing the balance on the surcharge debit memo, users can use the ‘Write off debit memo’ function.

For automatically writing off the surcharge debit memo balance upon full unapply and refund, users can utilize the refund a payment with auto-unapply API. When a full unapply and refund is originated using this API, the surcharge debit memo balance will be automatically written off.

Key Considerations

  • Payment surcharges are supported for payments generated from payment runs and payment retries (OOTB and CPR) only. Payments generated via Zuora UI/API orHPM are not considered for surcharge evaluation. 
  • Payment run must be configured to take one payment against one invoice as surcharge is not evaluated in scenarios where a single payment is collected for multiple invoices/debit memos. 
  • Surcharge configuration is available via API only. 
  • Surcharge integration is supported via the Chase orbital payment gateway.
  • Journal Run and Trial balance generation are supported. Revenue Recognition is supported through Zuora finance (and legacy Revenue), not Zuora Revenue (formerly known as Revpro). 
  • Journal Run, Trial Balance, and legacy Revenue (upon posting of Debit Memo) are supported. Detailed data source for Journal Run doesn’t contain surcharge. 
  • Zuora Advanced Custom Fields are not supported. For more information, see Manage custom fields with the Object Manager

Others key considerations: 

  • Surcharges cannot be discounted. 
  • Order preview doesn’t support surcharge (that is, surcharge is not evaluated during the checkout process).
  • Surcharge is not associated with the Accounts, Subscriptions, or Orders. 
  • Invoice preview doesn’t evaluate surcharge as the surcharge is only evaluated during Payment Request generated through Payment Run. 
  • Evaluation of the surcharge at the time of payment request has the potential to slow the payment run performance down due to the inclusion of tax calculation on surcharge and debit memo creation. 
  • In case of a failure in Surcharge evaluation or tax calculation (for example, Customer Sold to Contact does not provide the postcode leading to tax calculation failing), the payment request will fail. This will manifest as “unprocessed” invoices on the payment run page with the appropriate error messages. The user can execute an ad hoc payment run for these invoices or the subsequent payment run will automatically pick these up.
  • If surcharge configuration is completed while certain payments are in retry via OOTB retry or CPR, and such payments are evaluated to be eligible for a surcharge, a surcharge will be included in the total payment amount processed by the retry. 
  • If a particular attribute combination is not found in the configuration, then that combination (hence payment) is considered ineligible for a surcharge. 
  • BIN Lookup must be enabled in your environment prior to surcharges enablement. Zuora will rely on BIN values (card brand, card class, card product type, Issuer, Issuing Country) to determine surcharge eligibility for a payment method.