Update the status of refund stuck in processing
When processing refunds, if appropriate confirmation is not received from the gateway, Zuora keeps the transaction in Processing status to prevent duplicate transactions from being attempted on the same billing documents. If you have a refund stuck in Processing status, complete the following steps to update the status.
Step 1. Retrieve the latest status
- From the Zuora UI, click Refunds on the left navigation, and then search for the refund with the refund number.
- From your search results, click the refund number link to access the Refund Detail page. When a user accesses the Refund Detail page, Zuora will attempt to retrieve the refund status from the gateway.
- If the refund status is available, the refund status in Zuora will be updated to either Error or Processed.
- If the refund status is still indeterminate or unavailable, the refund will remain in Processing status and you can proceed to the following step 2.
Step 2. Update the status manually
Updating status manually is only available in Zuora UI with New Zuora Experience disabled.
Zuora supports idempotent retry or inquiry call on some gateway integrations to automatically resolve refunds stuck in the Processing status. This process usually takes up to 48 hours. If the refund has been stuck in Processing for more than 48 hours, regardless of whether the gateway integration supports idempotent retry or inquiry call, an Update Refund Status link will be available next to the Status field and the Gateway Response Message field on the Refund Detail page. Complete the following steps to manually update the refund status.
The refund status can be manually updated only once. After you update the status by using the following procedure, the refund status cannot be changed anymore.
On the Refund Detail page, click the Update Refund Status link next to the Status field or the Gateway Response Message field.
On the Update Stuck Refund Status page, fill in the following fields. The values of the following fields are generated by the gateway provider. Check your gateway console or contact the gateway support to retrieve the values.
Transaction ID: Optional. If the refund was processed successfully on the gateway side, the gateway associates a transaction ID with the refund request received from Zuora, and will validate this ID during the refund. If the refund has not been received by the gateway, leave this field empty.
Gateway State: Required. If the refund has been processed successfully on the gateway side and you want to update the refund status to Processed, select Submitted. Otherwise, select Not Submitted to set the refund to Error and start the retry.
Gateway Response Code: Optional. The response code returned by the gateway for the refund.
Gateway Response MSG: Optional. The response message returned by the gateway to further explain the Gateway Response Code.
Transaction Result Code: Required. If the refund request has reached the gateway and you want to update the refund status to Processed, select Approved. Otherwise, select another value that you get from the gateway to set the refund to Error and start the retry.
Click Add Transaction Log and Update Refund.
The refund status will be updated to either Processed or Error, and the information you provided will be populated to the following fields of the transaction log in Zuora.
Information from gateway | Field in Zuora transaction log |
Transaction ID |
Gateway Transaction ID |
Gateway State |
Gateway State |
Gateway Response Code |
Gateway Response Code |
Gateway Response MSG |
Gateway Response Code Description |
Transaction Result Code |
This field will be saved in Zuora but cannot be retrieved through any query or reporting tools. |