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Retrieve BIN information for card payment methods


Retrieve BIN information for card payment methods

Zuora saves the following Bank Identification Number (BIN) information for card payment methods if the BIN information is available:

  • Card brand
  • Card class
  • Card product type
  • Issuer
  • Issuing country code

The availability of BIN information depends on whether it can be retrieved based on the card BIN number. If the information is not available, it is not saved.

You can retrieve the BIN details by using any of the following methods:

  • The Retrieve a payment method API operation
  • The customer account detail page or the payment method page in the Zuora UI
  • Data Query on the Payment Method object

In Payment Pages 2.0, you can use the cardBinInfo event handler to capture detailed BIN information for card payment methods. For more information, see Integrate Payment Pages 2.0.