Set up and configure a Chase Orbital payment gateway instance
Set up and configure a Chase Orbital payment gateway instance by using the information in this article, including prerequisites, configuration procedure, descriptions of the configuration fields, and reference for testing the payment gateway.
Before setting up a Chase Orbital payment gateway instance in Zuora, complete the following tasks:
- Obtain a Chase Orbital Gateway Account on the Salem/Stratus Platform
- Link Your Merchant ID to Zuora's Submitter ID
- Set up Safetech
- Enable the Chase Orbital payment gateway integration for your tenant. See Enable payment gateway integrations for your tenant for instructions.
Obtain a Chase Orbital Gateway Account on the Salem/Stratus Platform
Chase Orbital provides two host platforms for the Orbital Gateway: Salem (or Stratus) and Tampa. However, Zuora only supports the Orbital Gateway (Salem/Stratus Platform).
If you have not yet signed up for a gateway account, get in touch with your account representative or our sales team through We can refer you to the right contacts to ensure that you are set up with a gateway account that is compatible with Zuora.
If you have an existing Chase Orbital gateway account, make sure it is using the Salem/Stratus Platform.
Zuora does not support the Orbital Gateway (Tampa Platform), so make sure your gateway account is configured using the right host platform. If you are not sure which hosting platform your Orbital Gateway is using, the Orbital Gateway (Tampa Platform) uses BIN 000002) and has a 12 digit PNS Merchant ID number.
Link Your Merchant ID to Zuora's Submitter ID
In order for Zuora to submit payment transactions to Chase Orbital gateway on your company's behalf, your Chase Orbital Merchant ID(s), also known as the Presenter ID, will need to be linked to Zuora's Submitter ID (SID). If you are planning to configure more than one merchant ID number in Zuora, make sure all merchant IDs are linked to Zuora's SID. Alternatively, you can ask for your IDs to be linked to Zuora's SID at the chain level, which ensures the link is done at the company level and any merchant IDs associated with the company will be linked automatically to Zuora's SID. Please ensure both your Orbital Production and Test accounts are linked.
You can work with your Chase Orbital relationship/account manager, or contact the Chase Orbital support team to request the accounts be linked. Chase Orbital Support can be reached at 1-866-645-1314 or If it is an urgent matter, please contact their support team by phone. Support is provided 24x7.
Zuora's Submitter ID: 056839.
Processing Error if Account is Not Linked
If you attempt to process test or production transactions in Zuora or create a new payment method, the following error may occur if your merchant IDs have not been linked to Zuora's SID: "ProcStatus:20412 - Precondition Failed: Security Information is missing. Error processing transaction." If this error occurs, please contact Chase Orbital to ensure your accounts are properly linked.
Set up Safetech
If you want to use the Safetech Fraud Security tool and Zuora’s system, Chase Orbital and Zuora recommend that you reach out to your JP Morgan account manager before configuring this fraud service in Zuora. You might have to sign a fee schedule specifically for Safetech, and then you can obtain your Safetech ID.
When you have secured your Safetech ID, request your JP Morgan account manager to put you in contact with a Safetech analyst who will assist you with training and setting up the Safetech tool. Once you are ready to implement, refer to Chase’s developer portal for Safetech specifications.
For how to enable Safetech Fraud Service in Zuora, see Enable Safetech Fraud Service in the later section.
Take the following steps to set up and configure a Chase Orbital payment gateway instance:
- Click your username at the top right and navigate to Settings > Payments > Setup Payment Gateway.
- On the Configure Gateway Instance tab, select Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway or Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway, API v7.0.1 from the Gateway Type drop-down list.
- Click Create Gateway.
- Complete the information for the gateway instance. See below for more information on the fields. Note that all the configuration fields do not support the vertical line character "|". For password fields, if your gateway assigns a password containing this character, Zuora will display a validation error. To resolve this issue, contact your gateway provider to request a new password without the unsupported character.
- Click Save Gateway Information after entering the necessary information.
Configuration fields
Common configuration fields
There are some common fields you must complete for every gateway configuration. We recommend reviewing our Setting Up payment gateways documentation for information on these common fields:
- Name
- Use Gateway Test Environment
- Cards Accepted
- Default Authorization Amount
Except for Discover, all other card networks support $0 authorization. For Discover, use $1 or higher for authorization. - Verify new payment method (optional)
- Verify updated payment method (optional)
Specific configuration fields
In addition to the common fields, every gateway has unique requirements and information (such as credentials and certain rules) that you must provide to configure the gateway in Zuora.
Industry Type
Industry type defines the industry type for the transaction and identifies how transactions are obtained. This information is passed in the transaction request submitted to Chase Orbital. Please select the appropriate industry type, choosing from one of the following:
- Mail Order Transaction
- Recurring Payment
- eCommerce Transaction
The Industry Type for your merchant account can be found by logging into your Orbital Virtual Terminal and viewing the setup for your merchant ID (MID). Alternatively, you can also contact your Chase Orbital Account Executive or to determine which default Industry Type is set up for your MID(s).
It is possible for your transactions to be obtained using an Industry Type that is different than the Industry Type set up for your MID. In this case, when configuring the payment gateway in Zuora, you should select the Industry Type for how the transaction is actually obtained. For example, you could have an MID whose default setup in Chase Orbital is eCommerce transaction, but the transactions are Recurring Payment. In this case, you would configure the Orbital payment gateway profile in Zuora using the Industry Type of Recurring Payment.
Generally, if you are accepting orders through your website, you will use the eCommerce transaction Industry Type, and if these transactions are accepted on a recurring basis, you will use the Recurring Payment Industry Type. However, please discuss with your Chase Orbital Account Executive or to determine what industry type to use when configuring this gateway in Zuora.
The BIN number is the Transaction Routing Definition and this is assigned by Chase Orbital. The Orbital Gateway (Salem/Stratus Platform) uses only BIN 000001. Therefore, when configuring your Orbital Gateway (Salem/Stratus Platform) in Zuora, you will see only one option to select from, that is Salem - 000001 or Stratus - 000001.
Merchant ID
The merchant ID (MID) is the merchant account number assigned to you by Chase Orbital. This Orbital MID is your Salem Division (TD) number. This MID number should be the same one you provided to Zuora Global Support to enable in your tenant, and the ID(s) will appear as a picklist in the gateway configuration page. If you have more than one Merchant ID number, you can set up multiple gateway configurations for each Merchant ID number.
The MID may also be referred to as the Transaction Division (TD) number or Presenter ID.
The Orbital Gateway (Salem/Stratus Platform) MID is a 6 digit numeric value such as: 041756. This account number matches your host platform number. There are two host platforms available for the Orbital Gateway: Salem (or Stratus) and Tampa. The Orbital Gateway (Salem/Stratus Platform) uses a 6 digit numeric MID while the Orbital Gateway (Tampa Platform) uses a 12 digit numeric MID.
Zuora does not support the Orbital Gateway (Tampa Platform) so please make sure your gateway account is configured using the right host platform. If you are not sure which hosting platform your Orbital Gateway is using, the Orbital Gateway (Tampa Platform) uses BIN 000002) and has a 12 digit PNS Merchant ID number.
JPMPP Merchant ID
This is the ID of your merchant account used for strong customer authentication (SCA). Contact Chase Merchant Services to get your merchant account set up for SCA.
JPMPP Merchant Password
This is the password of your merchant account used for strong customer authentication (SCA). Contact Chase Merchant Services to get your merchant account set up for SCA.
Enable Level 2 Card Data
Level 2 Card Data provide customers and merchants with additional information on their credit card statements about their purchases such as the amount of sales tax they pay and to reconcile transactions with a unique customer code.
Select this check box if you want to enable Level 2 card data processing. Note that if the tax amount is 0, the Level 2 data will not be sent to the Chase Orbital gateway.
For details about the required data, see Level 2 and Level 3 data mapping for Chase Orbital gateway. For more information about Zuora's support for Level 3 and Level 2 data, see Level 2 and Level 3 Card Data.
Enable Level 3 Card Data
Enabling 3 Card Data means additional order and line item is passed to Orbital when processing a credit card transaction. This information may result in lower interchange rates on eligible commercial, corporate and purchasing cards. This functionality must also be enabled for your Chase Orbital account.
Select this check box if you want to enable Level 3 card data processing. If Enable Level 3 Card Data is enabled, you must configure the following fields. Otherwise, the Level 3 and Level 2 data will not be sent to the Chase Orbital gateway.
- Commodity Code: Commodity codes are used in Level 3 data by accounts payable and procurement software to classify the goods purchased. There is no universally accepted commodity code standard, but the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is widely deployed. An example of the UNSPSC Commodity Code for Software is 43230000. Orbital accepts a maximum of 12 characters.
- Unit of Measure
For details about the required data, see Level 2 and Level 3 data mapping for Chase Orbital gateway. For more information about Zuora's support for Level 3 and Level 2 data, see Level 2 and Level 3 Card Data.
Enable Safetech Fraud Service
To enable the Safetech Fraud service in Zuora, select the following checkboxes for your needs. Before enabling this service in Zuora, ensure that you have enabled it through the Chase Pay Orbital portal. See Set up Safetech for more information.
- Enable Safetech Fraud Service for Payment Method Verification
Additional order information and customer parameters are passed to the Safetech Fraud Management tool for evaluation in the request of the following API operations or Payment Pages 2.0:- Payment method creation API operations, such as Create a payment method
- Verify a payment method API operation
- The Gateway Options client parameters in Payment Pages 2.
- Enable Safetech Fraud Service for Delay Capture Authorization
Additional order information and customer parameters are passed to the Safetech Fraud Management tool for evaluation in the request of the Create authorization API operation. Note that this setting is only available for the Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway integration.
The following table lists the fields that Zuora sends to Chase Orbital for Safetech integration:
Safetech Field Name in <SafetechFraudAnalysis> | Zuora Field Name | Comments |
AccountNum | CreditCardNumber | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
ExpMonth | CreditCardExpirationMonth | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
ExpYear | CreditCardExpirationYear | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
CurrencyCode | gwOptions_CurrencyCode | |
CardSecVal | CreditCardSecurityCode | Available for API operations for creating payment methods and verifying payment methods. |
AVSaddress1 | CreditCardAddress1 | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVSaddress2 | CreditCardAddress2 | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVScity | CreditCardCity | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVSphoneNum | Phone | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVSzip | CreditCardPostalCode | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVSstate | CreditCardState | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVScountryCode | CreditCardCountry | Only available for API operations for creating payment methods. |
AVSDestzip | gwOptions_AVSDestzip | |
AVSDestaddress1 | gwOptions_AVSDestaddress1 | |
AVSDestaddress2 | gwOptions_AVSDestaddress2 | |
AVSDestcity | gwOptions_AVSDestcity | |
AVSDeststate | gwOptions_AVSDeststate | |
AVSDestphoneNum | gwOptions_AVSDestphoneNum | |
AVSDestname | gwOptions_AVSDestname | |
AVSDestcountryCode | gwOptions_AVSDestcountryCode | |
OrderID | gwOptions_GatewayOrderId | |
Comments | gwOptions_Comments | |
CustomerAni | gwOptions_CustomerAni | |
AVSPhoneType | gwOptions_AVSPhoneType | |
AVSDestPhoneType | gwOptions_AVSDestPhoneType | |
CustomerEmail | ||
CustomerIpAddress | gwOptions_CustomerIpAddress | |
EmailAddressSubtype | gwOptions_EmailAddressSubtype | |
CustomerBrowserName | gwOptions_CustomerBrowserName | |
ShippingMethod | gwOptions_ShippingMethod | |
KaptchaSessionID | gwOptions_KaptchaSessionID | |
WebsiteShortName | gwOptions_WebsiteShortName | |
CashValueOfFencibleItems | gwOptions_ |
When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
CustomerDOB | gwOptions_CustomerDOB | When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
CustomerGender | gwOptions_CustomerGender | When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
CustomerDriverLicense | gwOptions_ |
When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
CustomerID | gwOptions_CustomerID | When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
CustomerIDCreationTime | gwOptions_ |
When fraud score indicator is 2, this field is submitted. |
KTTDataLength | gwOptions_KTTDataLength | |
KTTDataString | gwOptions_KTTDataString | |
Amount | screeningAmount | For Credit Card validation transactions through Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway integrations, you can use the screeningAmount field to pass in the amount used for fraud screening. You can specify screeningAmount through any of the following approaches:
screeningAmount field is not specified, the authorization amount is used for fraud screening. |
For the fields starting with "gwOptions_", you must leverage the Gateway Options fields (gatewayOptions
field for API operations andparam
parameter for Payment Pages 2.0) to pass in values.
Enable gateway reconciliation
Before enabling Gateway Reconciliation in Zuora, enabled it through the Chase Orbital portal first:
- Contact Orbital to get access to the Orbital Virtual Terminal Scheduled Reporting.
- Enable Closed Batch Detail Report and Rejected Batch Detail Report.
- Request a Batch User ID and the password.
- Set Report type to File/CSV.
- Set Delivery method to SFTP.
In Zuora, select Enable gateway reconciliation and configure the following credentials:
- Reconciliation Username: SFTP username for the reconciliation.
- Reconciliation Password: SFTP password for the reconciliation. This password expires every three months. Therefore, you need to reset the password every three months on the Orbital side and in Zuora configuration.
- Unzip File Password: Password to unzip files for the reconciliation.
Reconciliation reports are scheduled to run daily at 23:00:00 PDT. Zuora automatically retrieves the reports and they can be viewed by accessing Payment Operations > Gateway Reconciliation.
Zuora recommends you to enable the Gateway Reconciliation Job Completion | Reconciliation Completed Notification. With this notification turned on, you will get notified if the Gateway Reconciliation job fails because you forgot to reset the password or for any other reason. See Notifications for more information.
Enable AVS field length validation
If you select this check box, Zuora will truncate the value of the following AVS request fields based on the field length limitations of the Orbital gateway:
AVS Fields | Field Length Limitation |
AVSname | 30 characters |
AVSaddress1 | 30 characters |
AVSaddress2 | 30 characters |
AVScity | 20 characters |
AVSphoneNum | 14 characters |
AVSzip | 10 characters |
Note that the acceptable characters are alphanumeric characters, including 0~9, a~z, and A~Z. Special characters likeä
will be considered as 2 characters. Hence, if special characters are used in the AVS validation fields, you might get a length validation error.
Soft Descriptor
Soft Descriptor is used to define the merchant name or product description that will appear on the customer's statement. This field is required if you want to use Soft Descriptor.
Merchant Phone Number
The merchant phone number or the phone number that is associated with your Orbital merchant account.
Additional configuration fields for Chase Orbital v6.3.0
The following fields are supported only in Chase Orbital version 6.3.0 and previous versions.
Enable AVS Filtering
If enabled, Zuora will decline Credit Card transactions for certain AVS response codes returned by the gateway, even if the gateway has approved the transaction. This setting is disabled by default.
The following table is a list of AVS response codes that Zuora will reject when this setting is enabled.
Code | Description |
2 | Bill-to address did not pass Auth Host edit checks |
5 | Edit-error - AVS data is invalid |
E | Zip No Match / Zip 4 Match / Locale no match |
G | No match at all |
JC | International street address and postal code not verified |
N5 | Address not verified (International only) |
Enable CVV Filtering
If enabled, Zuora will decline Credit Card transactions for the following response code returned by the gateway, even if the gateway has approved the transaction. This setting is disabled by default.
CVV response code N = CVV No Match
Setting Up multiple gateway profiles for the same MID
If you obtain payments using different methods, you may need to create multiple payment gateway profiles in Zuora using the same MID but with a different Industry Type selected in each profile.
If you accept all credit cards, it is recommended that you configure two gateway instances:
- Configure one gateway instance for Discover with the default authorization amount set to $1 or higher. Processing Discover credit cards with $0 authorization amount will produce an error when the payment is processed.
- Configure another gateway instance for all other credit cards with the default authorization amount set to $0. This will result in reduced transaction fees when payments are processed.
Testing the configuration
For basic guidance on how to test payment gateway integrations within a sandbox environment, see Test payment gateway integration.
Accessing your gateway's test environment
Some payment gateways provide separate credentials for merchants to access their testing environment, some gateways use the same credentials for testing as for the production (live) environment but direct test transactions to a different URL, and other gateways do a little of both. To access the Orbital Gateway test environment, you simply have to select the Use Test Gateway Environment option in Zuora when configuring your payment gateway profile.
Accessing Test or Production (Live) Mode from Zuora
When configuring the Orbital payment gateway in Zuora, you can indicate whether you would like to use the Orbital test environment or the Orbital production environment.
- If Use Gateway Test Environment is selected, Zuora will direct payment transactions to the Orbital test environment. The address for this system is
, port 443.
You will be accessing a test environment linked to Zuora's submitter ID. This environment is a testing simulator.
- If Use Gateway Test Environment is not selected (disabled), Zuora will direct payment transactions to the Orbital production (live) environment. The address for this system is
, port 443.
Test credit cards and testing scenarios
Please contact the Chase Orbital Support team for test credit card numbers and testing scenarios. Their Merchant Certification Department can provide you with the appropriate documentation for testing. Chase Orbital Support can be reached at 1-866-645-1314 or You can also explore Chase Orbital development center to search and find information.
General testing information
Integration testing
Zuora has been certified with Chase Orbital as an integration partner and maintains the integration on an ongoing basis, thoroughly testing the integration with every new release. The Chase Orbital Gateway integration documentation is helpful if you are integrating the Orbital gateway directly with your website, however, you do not need to perform any integration or certification testing to submit transactions to the Orbital gateway via the Zuora application. The intended audience for the integration guides are technical integrators, however, these documents can be helpful to non-technical integrators who can refer to it for information on testing and troubleshooting gateway errors (as described below).
Performance and volume testing
In general, gateway testing environments are intended to give merchants the opportunity to test their gateway and integrations to their gateway, in order to work out any bug before going to the production environment. Some gateway test environments are shared amongst multiple merchants, and other gateways provide unique testing environments for each merchant. Additionally, gateway test environments (also referred to as certification or sandbox environments) do not have the same high availability or performance capability as production environments. As such, they are not intended for load testing. Merchants performing high volumes of load testing that puts a stress on a shared test environment may receive a warning from the gateway or have their access to the testing environment suspended.