Overview of PayPal Commerce Platform gateway integration
Supported features
The following table provides a quick reference for the supported features. For details about each feature, see the later sections in this article.
Supported payment methods |
PayPal Wallet |
Supported payment operations |
Payment, Referenced Refund |
Support 3D Secure 2.0 | No |
Support Delayed Capture | Yes |
Support Level 2 and Level 3 card data | No |
Support stored credential transactions | No |
Support Gateway Options fields | No |
PayPal API version | PayPal Commerce Platform API |
Support Real Time Reconciliation | Yes |
Support Batch Gateway Reconciliation | No |
Support Payment Method Updater | No |
Supported payment methods
You can create PayPal Wallet payment methods through any of the following approaches:
- Payment Form
Add a PayPal button to the hosted payment form. For implementation instructions, see Payment Form.
- JavaScript SDK integration
Add a PayPal button to your checkout flow and process payments by integrating with a JavaScript SDK provided by Zuora. The following payment flows are supported:
- Create and save a payment method.
- Process a one-time payment without saving the payment method.
For implementation instructions, see Set up PayPal on PayPal Commerce Platform with Zuora JavaScript SDK.
Create a PayPal payment method through the REST API operation or Zuora UI. For more information, see Define and set up payment methods.
You need to implement your own UI and payment processing integration.
Support for Delayed Capture
The Delayed Capture feature allows you to authorize the availability of funds for a transaction but delay the capture of funds until a later time. The PayPal Commerce Platform integration supports Delayed Capture for PayPal payment methods. For how to use the Delayed Capture feature, see Payment Authorization in Zuora API Reference.
Support for Real-Time Reconciliation
With this feature enabled, the payment gateway submits notifications to Zuora, and the corresponding records are automatically updated in real time. For more information, see the following articles:
- Only Billing Agreement IDs (BAIDs) generated through PayPal's REST APIs are compatible with Zuora's PayPal Commerce Platform integration.
- Migration of existing payment methods on the following PayPal integrations to the PayPal Commerce integration is not supported:
- PayPal Express Checkout Gateway
- PayPal Payflow Payment Gateway
- PayPal Payflow Pro, Website Payments Payflow Edition, Website Pro Payment Gateway
- PayPal Adaptive Payments Gateway
Related information
Set up and configure a PayPal Commerce Platform gateway instance