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Notifications and Audit Trail


Notifications and Audit Trail

Data Loader is incorporated with Zuora Audit Trail. The user can run queries for all jobs performed through Data Loader. For more information, see Zuora Audit Trail. Here are some examples of queries ran through Data Loader. 

FROM   auditobjectchangeevent
WHERE  namespace = 'BulkData'
ORDER  BY timestamp DESC 
LIMIT  100

FROM   auditobjectchangeevent
WHERE  namespace = 'BulkData'
        AND YEAR = 2023
        AND MONTH = 8
        AND DAY = 7
ORDER  BY timestamp DESC 
LIMIT  100

To receive notifications from Data Loader, you can configure Data Loader using the in-built notifications feature in the Billing platform.  While doing so, choose the event “ Bulk Job Processing Complete” . Data Loader supports both email and callout options. For more information on Notifications, see Events and Notifications