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Kafka as a source and target


Kafka as a source and target

You can create meters for Kafka in the following methods:

Kafka Connections can only be used in Mediation as source or target for Zuora internal Kafka data transition. We do not support connecting to external Kafka as a streaming data source.

Mediation Meter volume limit 

  APi Sandbox Zuora Developer Sandbox Zuora Central Sandbox**
  • 4KB single message size
  • 10K messages/ min
  • 4KB single message size
  • 20K messages/ min
  • Same as required for production
**The guidelines for Zuora Central Sandbox should be followed for your Production environment.

Meter with Kafka as a source

To create a meter with Kafka as the source, follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a Custom Meter. For more information, see Create a new meter using custom method.
  2. Select the Kafka as the source.
    The Kafka settings page is displayed.
  3. Click Select to select an Event Definition on the Kafka setting page. Only event schema import from an AVSC schema is supported.
    You can create or select an existing Event Definition or import an Event Definition. For more information, see Event Definitions.
  4. Under the Kafka Settings section, perform the following:




Select a connection from the Connection drop-down list.

To set up a connection, contact Zuora Support.


Select a topic from the Kafka for events ingestion.

Data Format

Select a data format from the Kafka events.

Note that all the events in the Kafka topic must be in the same format, else the message ingestion fails. 

For example, use event definition generated from AVRO data file for the AVRO data format.

Offset Reset Strategy

Select a value from the following options:

  • Latest: Selecting this option makes the meter ignore the existing data events in Kafka topic and only ingest the new events adding to the topic.
  • Earliest: Selecting this option makes the meter ingest all the data events including the existing data in Kafka topic and the new events adding to the topic path.
  1. Click Save to save the Kafka source settings.

Meter with Kafka as a target

To create a meter with Kafka as the target, follow the instructions below:

  1. Create a Custom Meter. For more information, see Create a new meter using custom method.
  2. Select the Kafka as the target.
    The Kafka settings page is displayed.
  3. Click Select to select an Event Definition on the Kafka setting page. Only event schema import from an AVSC schema is supported.
    You can create or select an existing Event Definition or import an Event Definition. For more information, see Event Definitions.
  4. Under the Kafka Settings section, perform the following:




Select a connection from the Connection drop-down list.

To set up a connection, contact Zuora Support.


Select a topic from the Kafka for events output.

Data Format

Select a data format from the Kafka events. 

Note when you choose the AVRO format, you must also specify an event definition which is imported from an AVRO schema.

Key Fields

Click the Key Fields Format drop-down to select one or more key fields.

The output usage event generates the partition key based on the order of key field selections. The key fields are connected by a “_” character to generate a final partition key if multiple fields are selected.

For example,  uom_product_accountId

  1. Click Save to save the Kafka target settings.