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Account fields supported by Custom Logic


Account fields supported by Custom Logic

The following table describes the Account fields supported by Custom Logic.

For more information about conditions and mutations in custom logic, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.

Field name Field type Supported for condition Supported for mutation
AccountNumber String Yes No
AdditionalEmailAddresses String Yes Yes
AllowInvoiceEdit Boolean Yes Yes
AutoPay Boolean Yes Yes
Balance Decimal Yes No
Batch String Yes No
BcdSettingOption String Yes No
BillCycleDay String Yes No
BillToId String Yes No
CommunicationProfileId String Yes Yes
CreatedById String No No
CreatedDate DateTime Yes No
CreditBalance Decimal Yes No
CreditMemoTemplateId String Yes Yes
CrmId String Yes Yes
Currency String Yes No
CustomerServiceRepName String Yes Yes
DebitMemoTemplateId String Yes Yes
DefaultPaymentMethodId String Yes Yes
Id String No No
InvoiceDeliveryPrefsEmail Boolean Yes Yes
InvoiceDeliveryPrefsPrint Boolean Yes Yes
InvoiceTemplateId String Yes Yes
LastInvoiceDate Date Yes No
Mrr Decimal Yes No
Name String Yes Yes
Notes String Yes Yes
ParentId String Yes No
PaymentGateway String Yes Yes
PaymentTerm String Yes Yes
PurchaseOrderNumber String Yes Yes
SalesRepName String Yes Yes
SequenceSetId String Yes Yes
SoldToId String Yes No
Status String Yes No
SummaryStatementTemplateId String Yes Yes
TaxCompanyCode String Yes Yes
TaxExemptCertificateID String Yes Yes
TaxExemptCertificateType String Yes Yes
TaxExemptDescription String Yes Yes
TaxExemptEffectiveDate Date Yes Yes
TaxExemptEntityUseCode String Yes Yes
TaxExemptExpirationDate Date Yes Yes
TaxExemptIssuingJurisdiction String Yes Yes
TaxExemptStatus String Yes Yes
TotalDebitMemoBalance Decimal Yes No
TotalInvoiceBalance Decimal Yes No
UnappliedCreditMemoAmount Decimal Yes No
UpdatedById String No No
UpdatedDate DateTime Yes No