Prepaid Balance Fund Data Source
Use this data source to export the consumption information of your prepaid subscribers. A typical use case of this data source is revenue recognition.
Objects available in the data source
Base object: Prepaid Balance Fund
The following fields on the Prepaid Balance Fund object are available for data source export:
Field | Type | Description |
ID | string | The identifier. |
Account ID | string | The Account Id. |
Funded Balance | decimal | The funded balance: total units of the fund. |
Balance | decimal | Remaining balance on the fund: remaining units of the fund. |
Funding Price | fixed |
The price amount of a fund. A rounded value that follows the associated invoice owner's currency rounding rule. Calculation: (Number of Billing Periods in one Validity Period) * (Price of one Billing Period) |
Consumption Amount | decimal |
The amount of revenue that should be recognized for the fund. A rounded value that follows the associated invoice owner's currency rounding rule. Calculation: (Funded Balance - Balance) * (Funding Price / Funded Balance) |
Charge Segment Number | integer | The number of the charge segment. Note that one prepaid balance fund can only belong to one charge segment. |
Start Date | date | Start date of the fund effective period. |
End Date | date | End date of the fund effective period. |
Created By ID | string | The ID of the user who created the Prepaid Balance Fund. |
Created Date | datetime | The date when the Prepaid Balance Fund is created. |
Updated By ID | string | The ID of the user who updated the Prepaid Balance Fund. |
Updated Date | datetime | The date when the Prepaid Balance Fund is updated. |
Priority | Integer | The priority of the Fund. Positive values: 10(high), 50(medium),100(low) |
Related objects
Object | Description |
Product | The product associated with the fund. |
Product Rate Plan | The product rate plan associated with the fund. |
Product Rate Plan Charge | The product rate plan charge associated with the fund. |
Rate Plan | The rate plan associated with the fund. |
Rate Plan Charge | The rate plan charge associated with the fund. |