Workflow FAQs
This article contains answers to frequently asked questions about Workflow. You can always ask in the Workflow community group or contact Zuora Global Support if you have a question that is not covered here.
We are continually updating the list.
Q: Can I restore a workflow that has been deleted?
A: Once deleted, a workflow cannot be restored by anyone. Delete a workflow only when you are sure that it is not needed anymore.
Q: After a test run of a workflow, I updated the product data in my tenant. Why is the data not updated when I rerun the workflow?
A: This is because the cached product data in the workflow isn't updated. You need to go to the global settings, and click Refresh Catalog to refresh the cached data. For details, see Workflow Maintenance Utilities.
Q: How do I change the name of my workflow?
A: You need to go to the settings of the workflow. Edit the name in the Workflow Information section and then click Update on the bottom right to save the changes.
Q: How is workflow usage calculated?
A: Workflow usage is calculated based on the pricing structure.
If you are a legacy pricing customer, the usage is calculated based on task runs. To view the number of task runs for a workflow,
- Navigate to the menu bar on your left and select Platform > Workflow.
- Select Run History and find the numbers in the Tasks Total column.
The numbers are sorted by workflow runs.
If you are a platform pricing customer, then the usage is calculated based on the number of active workflow definitions. To view the number of workflow definitions that are in use,
- Navigate to the menu bar on your left and select Platform > Workflow.
- Select Workflows to view and manage runs.
Q: When should I select Skip Validation in a task configuration window?
A: If you get "undefined variables" errors while saving the settings of a task, but you are confident that the Liquid or SQL expressions that you enter in field settings or conditions are correct, you can select Skip Validation so that the settings can be saved. This is because Workflow does not have all the data structures for validation prior to runtime. It cannot validate all variables or parameters.
Q: I retrieved the data field I need in a task, why is it not available in a dropdown list of a downstream task?
A: The data field may have been retrieved as part of an array. Only objects in the payload are available for selection in data field lists. You can add an iterate task after the data retrieval task to split the array into objects.
Q: I want to use the email task to send notifications, but the only available "From Email" option is How can I add the email of my organization to the list?
A: You need to submit a request at Zuora Global Support. Remember to specify your tenant ID and the email you want to use in the request.
Q: I included an approval task in a workflow and specified the email of the approver in the task. When I ran the workflow, the approval didn't get an email about the approval. Why is that?
A: The approver of an approval task does not get automatic notifications. The approver needs to go to the Workflow UI to find out and, if any, approve or reject the approval request. For details, see Process approval requests in Workflow.
Q: Which version of Liquid is used in Workflow?
A: As of July 2021, the version of Liquid used in Workflow is 5.0.1.
Q: With the Invoice Settlement feature enabled in my tenant, are Workflow tasks and templates compatible with Invoice Settlement?
A: All Workflow tasks are compatible with the Invoice Settlement feature. Most of the Workflow templates are compatible, except for the following templates.
- Invoicing: Negative Invoice Balance move to Positive Invoices
- Payments: Chargebacks -> Write Off Invoice + Cancel Subscription
Q: How to select or exclude customer accounts for a workflow?
A: You can leverage the Export, Data Query, and Object Query tasks to retrieve a group of customer accounts and then pass the data to other tasks. For example, you can take the following steps to select customers using the Export task:
- In the Fields tab, select the Account object and the fields you want to retrieve from this object.
- In the Condition tab, enter a Where clause to specify the selection conditions.
Q: What is the OAuth Client with the name "Workflow API User xxx" shown on one of the Administrator users in the tenant?
A: The OAuth Client is automatically created on the administrator user who clicks the workflow menu for the first time in the tenant. This is the backend process to deploy the workflow in the tenant.