ZSBConnectorUtils Class
ZSBConnectorUtils Global Methods
The ZSBConnectorUtils class contains the following global methods in Salesforce CPQ.
Method | Return Type | Description |
createContractFromOpportunity (Id opportunityId) |
void |
Creates contracts from opportunities - one at a time. Converts the primary quote to a contract for an opportunity. If the Billing Account does not exist in Zuora, this method will create the Billing Account in Zuora. |
createContractFromQuote (Id quoteId) |
void |
Creates contracts from quotes - one at a time. Converts a quote to a contact. If the Billing Account does not exist in Zuora, this method will create the Billing Account in Zuora. |
syncProductsToZuora (SET<Id> products) |
void | Sync products to Zuora. |
deleteProductsFromZuora (SET<Id> products) |
void | Deletes products from Zuora. |
sendContractsToZuora (SET<Id> contracts) |
void |
Sends contracts to Zuora. As of Zuora Connector for Salesforce CPQ 3.4, this global method is enhanced to support Orders. To use this global method:
Similar procedures are applicable to amendment, renewal and cancellation flows. |
makeAmendmentSummaries (Id contractId) |
List<zsb.AmendmentSummary> | Retrieves a List of AmendmentSummaries from a Contract that has Products added to it. |
backFill(Set<Id> contracts) |
void |
Triggers a backfill job. The job will read the Contract Ids of the Salesforce Contracts, invoke the process to query Zuora Subscriptions and Charges, and backfill the relevant fields in the Salesforce Contracts and Subscription lines. |
makeAmendmentSummaries() Method
See the following table for conditions and corresponding Amendment types of the generated summaries.
Condition | Type of Amendment Summary Returned |
Call makeAmendmentSummaries() on a contract where:
NewProduct |
Call makeAmendmentSummaries() on a contract where:
RemoveProduct Amendment Summary is returned except that:
For this exception, both a RemoveProduct and an AddProduct Amendment Summary are generated.
Call makeAmendmentSummaries() on a contract where:
UpdateProduct |
Call makeAmendmentSummaries() on a contract where:
Renewal |
Sample Code
Send Contract to Zuora
To programmatically send a contract to Zuora, set the Send to Zuora (ZSB__SubscribeToZuora__c) field on the Contract object to true
as shown in the code sample below.
A contract is sent to Zuora asynchronously. When the response comes back from Zuora, the Zuora Sync Status (ZSB__ZuoraSyncStatus__c) field on the Contract object will be populated with the results.
Contract c = [select Id FROM Contract Where Id='8003600000086iM' LIMIT 1]; c.SubscribeToZuora__c = true; update c;
Sync Products to Zuora
See the code sample below for how to programmatically sync products to Zuora.
SET<Id> products = new SET<Id>(); products.add('01tf4000000jLVf'); ZSB.ZSBConnectorUtils.syncProductsToZuora(products);
Delete Products from Zuora
See the code sample below for how to programmatically delete products from Zuora.
SET<Id> products = new SET<Id>(); products.add('01tf4000000jLVf'); ZSB.ZSBConnectorUtils.deleteProductsFromZuora(products);
Send Contract to Zuora
See the code sample below for how to programmatically send contracts to Zuora.
SET<Id> contracts = new SET<Id>(); contracts.add('800f4000000cCgQ'); ZSB.ZSBConnectorUtils.sendContractsToZuora(contracts);
Retrieve a List of AmendmentSummaries from a Contract
See the code sample below for how to programmatically retrieve a list of AmendmentSummaries from a Contract.
List<ZSB.AmendmentSummary> summaries = ZSB.ZSBConnectorUtils.makeAmendmentSummaries('8001Q000006r2Ci'); System.debug('Name: ' + (String) summaries[0].zamendment.getValue('Name')); System.debug('Type: ' + (String) summaries[0].zamendment.getValue('Type')); System.debug('Date: ' + (String) summaries[0].zamendment.getValue('ContractEffectiveDate')); Zuora.zObject rpd = (Zuora.zObject) summaries[0].zamendment.getValue('RatePlanData'); Zuora.zObject[] rpcd = (Zuora.zObject[]) rpd.getArrayValue('RatePlanChargeData'); Zuora.zObject rpc = (Zuora.zObject) rpcd[0].getValue('RatePlanCharge'); String chargePrice = (String) rpc.getValue('Price'); System.debug('Price: " + chargePrice);