Settings API Field Name and UI Text Comparison Table
For some Settings API field names, it is not very easy to identify their corresponding texts as displayed on the Zuora UI. The following comparison tables provide such mapping details that might help when you configure subscription and order settings, billing rules, payment rules, and accounting rules through API.
Subscription settings
API Key: SubscriptionSettings
UI Location: Settings > Billing > Default Subscription and Order Settings
API field name | UI text |
termType | Default Term Type |
initialTerm | Default Initial Term (months) |
renewalTerm | Default Renewal Term (months) |
contractRenewal | Default Subscriptions to Auto-Renew? |
acceptanceOfOrders | Require Customer Acceptance of Orders? |
implementationPeriod | Require Service Activation of Orders? |
subscriptionsInvoicedSeparately | Enable Subscriptions to be Invoiced Separately? |
increasePriceRenewSubscription | Enable Automatic Price Change when Subscriptions are Renewed? |
priceChangeOption | Default Price Change for Product Charges |
productFeatureOfSubscription | Enable Feature Specification in Products and Subscriptions? |
renewNoChargeSubscription | Enable subscription auto-renew when there's no product in subscription? |
autoRenewJobRunTimeType | Subscription Auto Renew Job Type |
orderMetricsTaxationOption | Calculate Tax for TCB and ELP Metrics? |
updateChargeTriggerCondition | Update rate plan charge trigger condition? |
updateSubscriptionActivationDate | Allow update Subscription trigger dates? |
enableAccountLevelDiscount | Enable account level discount? |
priceIncreasePercentage | Price increase percentage |
invoicePastEndOfTerm | Invoice Past End-of-Term when Auto-Renew is OFF? |
autoRenewJobRunTime | Subscription Auto Renew Job Time |
skipOwnerTransferValidationForDeletionAccount | Enable force deletion for Account? |
enableOrderUI | Enable Order UI? |
autoRenewByOrder | Auto-Renew by order? |
enableOrderCpq | Enable Order for CPQ? |
skipAmendmentGenerationBySubscribe | Skip amendment generation by subscribe? |
Billing rules
API Key: BillingRules
UI Location: Settings > Billing > Define Billing Rules
API field name | UI text |
oneTimeCreditBack | Enable credit back for removing or canceling one time charges? |
prorateRecurringMonthlyCharges | Bill recurring charges for partial month (with monthly based billing periods)? |
prorateRecurringWeeklyCharges | Bill recurring charges for partial week (with weekly based billing periods)? |
prorateUsageMonthlyCharges | Bill usage charges for partial month (with monthly based billing periods)? |
prorateUsageWeeklyCharges | Bill usage charges for partial week (with weekly based billing periods)? |
daysInMonth | When prorating a month, assume 30 days in a month or use actual days? |
prorationUnit | When prorating periods greater than a month, prorate by month first, or by day? |
allowAutoPostBillRun | Support bill run auto-post? |
autoPostBillRunDefaultValue | Default bill run to auto-post? |
includeNegativeInvoice | Include invoices with negative totals in the Account Balance (included associated Debit Memos)? |
transactionOnSubscription | How should errors be handled when generating multiple invoices for a single account via bill run? |
takeContactSnapshot | Preserve snapshot of bill-to and sold-to contacts when billing documents are posted? |
sequentialInvoiceNumber | Enable Sequential Billing Document Number? |
numberAssignmentTiming | Setting determines when the document will be assigned a number from the official document sequence |
invoicePastEndOfTerm | Invoice Past End-of-Term when Auto-Renew is OFF? |
billToTermEndWhenAutoRenew | Invoice Past End-of-Term when Auto-Renew is ON? |
taxAddressOwner | Calculate taxes using information from Customer Account of: |
taxInclusiveRoundingRule | Zuora Tax rounding rule for inclusive tax calculation |
taxRateChangeOption | When service period of an invoice item crosses multiple tax rate period, it will generate: |
notSendZeroItemsForTax | Do not send $0 items to external tax engines |
useAvalaraTaxCalculationForIIA | Use Avalara to calculate taxes for invoice item adjustments? |
allowIndistinctMapping | Allow indistinct mapping from Memo / Invoice Item Adjustment tax item to invoice item tax |
zuoraNumberFormatForMergeField | Format numeric merge fields based on communication profile locales? |
copyBillingAttributesFromAccountForStandaloneInvoice | Copy billing attributes from accounts to billing documents when no attributes are specified on subscriptions. |
preGenerateInvoicePdf | Proactively generate Invoice PDF files? |
availableToCreditValidationLevel | vailable to credit validation for credit memos |
timeOfDailyInvoice | Approximate time of day to generate daily invoices |
debookRebookSupportable | Apply new tax rate for additional units purchased and old tax rate for returns? |
includeChildUsage | Include usage from child accounts when billing? |
recurringChargeStyle | Invoice recurring charges in advance or arrears? |
proratePeriodOfRecurringCharge | Prorate recurring charges for partial period? |
creditMemoMirroringInvoiceItemsRule | Create credit memos mirroring invoice items |
legalDocumentGeneratingRule | Invoice/Credit Memo generation rule |
zuoraTaxRoundingDiffDispersion | Redistribute Zuora Tax rounding differences |
rateUsageIndividually | Round and determine a price for usage records individually when rating usage charges? |
invoiceSplit | Allow invoice splitting? |
consolidateInvoices | Allow to consolidate subscriptions, order line items and standalone invoice items into a single invoice? |
discountCreditProration | Credit for Prorated Discounts (Fixed-amount Discount Charge Only) |
useSystemDefaultSuffixForCreditItems | Use system default suffix for credit items |
autoRenewalBillRun | Default bill run to automatically renew auto-renew subscriptions that are up for renewal |
catchUpBillRun | Enable catch-up bill run |
copyBillingAttributesFromAccount | Copy billing attributes from accounts to billing documents when no attributes are specified on subscriptions. |
customerHierarchy | Enable Customer Hierarchy |
recurringCreditProrationOption | When bill credit for recurring charges, based on billed period or credit period |
taxPreview | Enable tax preview with external tax engines during generation of invoice and credit memo? |
discountConsolidated | Send external engine consolidated discount and regular charge |
availableToCreditIncludingRbeCreditMemo | Available to credit validation for credit memos |
stackedDiscountClassApplyRule | Should the stacked percentage discount ignore or follow discount class? |
Payment rules
API Key: PaymentRules
UI Location: Settings > Payments > Define Payment Rules
API field name | UI text |
enableCreditCardDateValidation | Validate credit card expiration date? |
enableTransactionFutureDateFeature | Enable future dated credit balance adjustment? |
enableCBRefundInGR | Support refunding payments from the credit balance with Gateway Reconciliation? |
enableCustomPaymentNumber | Allow custom payment number input during payment creation |
enableUnapplyWhenCancelPayment | Unapply payment first when canceling it? |
Accounting rules
API Key: AccountingRules
UI Location: Settings > Finance > Configure Accounting Rules
API field name | UI text |
allowBlankAccountingCodes | Allow blank Accounting Codes |
allowCreationInClosedPeriod | Allow Subscription and Amendments to be created in a closed Accounting Period |
allowUsageInClosedPeriod | Allow Usage to be created in a closed Accounting Period |
allowRevenueScheduleNegativeAmounts | Allow Revenue Schedules to have negative amounts in the Open-Ended Accounting Period |
differentCurrencies | Aggregate transactions with different currencies during a Journal Run |