Data Exports
The Data Exports feature enables users to export predefined data from your Zuora tenant. Zuora platform administrators can enable the following exports for users:
- Invoice PDF
- All Users List CSV. This export is available to Zuora platform administrators only.
To enable these exports for a user, assign the user a Reporting role that has the Enable Exports permission. For more information, see Reporting roles.
For more information about the retention period of exported data, see the retention period of "Legacy Export Result Files" in Zuora data retention policy.
Zuora previously supported other data exports in addition to Invoice PDF and All Users List CSV. The other data exports are deprecated and may not be available in your Zuora tenant. This article provides information about Invoice PDF, All Users List CSV, and the deprecated data exports.
As an alternative to data exports, Zuora data sources provide more powerful reporting and export capabilities. See Introduction to Data Sources and Generate a Data Source Export for more information.
Available Exports
The following table lists the data exports that are available through Reporting > Exports.
With the exception of Invoice PDF and All Users List CSV, the data exports listed below are deprecated and may not be available in your Zuora tenant.
Export Data | Data Source Object | Exported Data |
Payment CSV | Payments |
The standalone Payment CSV Export capability has been replaced with the Data Source Export feature. Zuora strongly recommends that you use the Payment data source instead of the Payment CSV export. |
Invoice CSV | Invoice |
Exports invoice data based on any of the following selected filters and time frame:
The invoice CSV export contains a column, Extended Price. This is the same as the Charge Amount field of the Invoice Item data source. See Invoice Item Data Source. |
Invoice PDF | Invoice |
Exports invoice data based on any of the following selected filters and time frame:
Use the invoice PDF export to aid your collections process. For example, you can export only invoice PDFs for invoices with a balance greater than zero. You can send these invoice PDFs to customers to remind them of their open balances. |
Credit Memo PDF | Credit Memo |
Exports credit memo data based on any of the following selected filters and time frame:
Debit Memo PDF | Debit Memo |
Exports debit memo data based on any of the following selected filters and time frame:
CustomerAccounts Zip | Customer Accounts | Exports data: contact, customer account, and payment method. No filtering available. |
ProductCatalog Sheet | Product | Exports data: product, product rate plan, price. No filtering available. |
Subscriptions Zip | Subscriptions |
No filtering available. The Export Mass Order Entry export timeout limit is 120s. Use the Subscription data source and related data sources as an alternative. |
Orders Zip | Subscriptions and Amendments |
Exports: Orders including Subscriptions and Amendments. No filtering available. |
All Users List CSV | Administration Settings |
Exports user details, including ID, name, status, roles, and last login. This export is available to Zuora platform administrators only. See Manage Users for more information. No filtering available. |
Object Sharing Exceptions | Objects Sharing Errors | Exports data about errors that occurred when synchronizing the shared objects to target entities. The export is based on a selected time frame and the Object Type filter:
Note: This is only available for Multi-entity. |
Size per ZIP file
Of the following export data types, the size of the ZIP file in one data export cannot exceed 2 GB by default.
- Invoice PDF
- CustomerAccounts Zip
- MRR (As of Day) Trend
- MRR (Contracted) Changes
- Subscriptions Zip
- Orders Zip
- Object Sharing Exceptions
- All Users List CSV
Export Links
You can access data exports from other parts of the Zuora user interface. For example, on the Customer Accounts page.
There will be one or more Export links on the right side of the page. For example, for Customer Accounts, the link is Export Customer Accounts. Click one of the available links. Depending on which page you are on, one or more files are exported as CSV files contained in zipped file format.
Some export links are available even if the Data Exports feature is not enabled in your tenant. See the table below for more information.
The following table provides a list of all the export links and types of data that you can export. For example, if you export customer accounts, Zuora exports three files: a file for contacts, a file for customer accounts, and a file for payment methods. All three files are contained within a zipped file.
Objects | Export Link | Data Available from Export |
Customer Accounts |
Export Customer Accounts |
Contact, Customer Account, Payment Method |
Invoice Adjustments |
Export Invoice Adjustments. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Invoice Adjustments |
Invoice Item Adjustments |
Export Invoice Item Adjustments |
Invoice Item Adjustments |
Product |
Export Product Catalog |
Product, Product Rate Plan, Price |
Product |
more > Export this product. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Product |
Subscriptions |
Export Mass Order Entry. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. Export Subscriptions |
Mass Order Entry (includes Subscriptions and Amendments data) Subscriptions The Export Mass Order Entry export timeout limit is 120s. Use the Subscription data source and related data sources as an alternative. |
Subscriptions and Amendments |
Export Orders |
Orders (includes Subscriptions and Amendments) |
Billing Runs |
Export Bill Runs. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Bill Runs |
Invoices |
Export Invoices |
Invoices |
Payment Runs |
Export Payment Runs. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Payment Runs |
Refunds |
Export Refunds. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Refunds |
Credit Balance |
Export Credit Balance Transactions. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Credit balance transactions |
Credit Balance |
Export Credit Balance Applied. Does not depend on availability of the Data Exports feature. |
Applied credit balances |
All User List CSV |
Export User List |
The following user data is included in this export:
Working with Object Data
In programming languages, customer accounts, subscriptions, products, and other parts of your subscription business are called objects. Each object has a number of fields contained within it, such as names, dates, and payment methods.
When you see fields in the Zuora user interface, very often those fields are using information from these internal fields. When you export data from the Zuora user interface, you export all of the data contained within those objects. You can then use that data in any reporting tool that accepts CSV-formatted files.
Export Date Formats
When using WSDL 68 or earlier, the output format of dates and times in data source exports depends on the value. If a time is stored with the date, the resulting data is displayed as a date and time. If no time is stored with the date or the time is 00:00:00
, in some cases the result is displayed as a date with no time component. Depending on how data is entered into Zuora, applications that use data source exports may need to accommodate both date and dateTime output formats for the same field.
From WSDL 69 and later, the output format of dates and times depends on the field type. The output from dateTime fields is a dateTime and the output from date fields is a date. For example:
- A value of
is exported from a dateTime field as2015-02-13T23:18:00-08:00
- A value of
is exported from a date field as2015-02-13