Manage custom events and custom scheduled events
This article describes how to create, view, edit, clone, activate, inactivate, or delete custom events and custom scheduled events through the Zuora UI.
To manage custom events and custom scheduled events through the API, use the Custom Event Triggers and Custom Scheduled Events API operations.
Before you can manage custom events and custom scheduled events through the Zuora UI, you must perform the following steps:
- Enable new UI experience for your tenant.
- Open the Custom Events page:
- Navigate to Extension Studio > Events & Notifications in the left navigation menu.
- Click the Custom Events tab.
View custom events and custom scheduled events
All custom events and custom scheduled events information is listed on the Custom Events page, including the name, description, type, base object, and status of each event.
You can narrow down the event items by using filters. For more information, see Reinvented list views.
To view the detail page of a specific custom event or custom scheduled event, click the event name.
Create a custom event
To create a custom event, perform the following steps:
- After you open the Custom Events page, click Create Custom Event.
- Enter the following information:
- Name: Enter the display name of the custom event.
- API Name: Enter the API name of the custom event. The name should be unique and contain no space.
- Base Object: Select the base object that the custom event is defined on. Zuora standard objects and custom objects are supported.
- Description: Optionally, enter the description of the custom event.
- Active: Switch this toggle to indicate whether the custom event should be triggered.
- Define trigger conditions for the custom event in one of the following ways:
- Define trigger conditions with the condition builder (default view). For more information about the condition builder, see Define conditions with the condition builder.
- Switch on the Advanced (JEXL) toggle, and then specify an expression in Java EXpression Language (JEXL) in the Set Trigger Conditions field. For more information, see Trigger condition syntax.
- Click Save.
After a custom event is successfully created, you can find it on the Custom Events page.
Create a custom scheduled event
To create a custom scheduled event, perform the following steps:
- After you open the Custom Events page, click Create Custom Scheduled Event.
- Enter the following information:
- Name: Enter the display name of the custom scheduled event.
- API Name: Enter the API name of the custom scheduled event. The name should be unique and contain no space.
- Base Object: Select the base object on which the custom scheduled event is defined.
- Base Field: Enter the base field of the base object that the custom scheduled event is defined on. Note that this must be a date or timestamp format field and the value is case sensitive.
- Hour: Enter the daily evaluation time (hour) of the custom scheduled event. The value should be an integer between 0 and 23.
- Minute: Enter the daily evaluation time (minute) of the custom scheduled event. The value should be an integer between 0 and 59.
- Description: Optionally, enter the description of the custom scheduled event.
- Active: Switch this toggle to indicate whether the custom scheduled event should be triggered.
- Click Save.
After a custom scheduled event is successfully created, you can find it on the Custom Events page.
Edit a custom event or a custom scheduled event
To edit an event:
- Click Edit of an event on the Custom Events page.
- Edit the desired fields of the event. The following fields are not editable:
- Custom event: API Name and Base Object.
- Custom scheduled event: API Name, Base Object and Base Field.
- Click Edit.
To activate or inactivate an event:
- On the Custom Events page, find the event you want to activate or inactivate.
- Click Activate or Inactivate of the event.
- Click Activate or Inactivate in the confirmation dialog. Then you can find the status of the event is updated to Inactive or Active in the Active column.
Delete a custom event or a custom scheduled event
To delete an event:
- Click the more options icon
to the right of an event.
- Click Delete.
- Click Delete in the confirmation dialog. Then you can find that the event is removed from the Custom Events page.
Clone a custom event or a custom scheduled event
To clone an event:
- Click the more options icon
to the right of an event.
- Click Clone.
- Enter a different API Name for the cloned event.
- Optional: Update other fields based on your requirements.
- Click Clone. Then you can find the cloned event on the Custom Events page.