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Unapply Payments - Data dictionary


Unapply Payments - Data dictionary

This article lists the fields associated with the Payments data dictionary. See Unapplied Payments

Note: Fields with an asterisk mark indicate mandatory fields. 

Name Description Value
IsNewPayment IsMarker Column : New object begins TRUE or FALSE
Effective Date The date when the payment is unapplied, in yyyy-mm-dd format. The effective date must be later than or equal to the maximum effective date of the payment. string <date>
Subscription Payment Run Id    
IsNewDebitMemo IsMarker Column : New object begins TRUE or FALSE
Debit Memo Amount* The amount of the payment that is unapplied from the debit memo. number <double>
Debit Memo Id The unique ID of the debit memo that the payment is unapplied from. string
Debit Memo Number The number of the debit memo that the payment is unapplied from. string
IsNewDebitMemoItem IsMarker Column : New object begins TRUE or FALSE
Debit Memo Items Amount* The amount of the payment that is unapplied from the specific debit mem or taxation item. number <double>
Debit Memo Items Debit Memo Item Id The ID of the specific debit memo item. string
Debit Memo Items Tax Item Id The ID of the specific taxation item. string
IsNewInvoice IsMarker Column : New object begins TRUE or FALSE
Invoice Amount* The amount of the payment that is unapplied from the invoice. number <double>
Invoice Id The unique ID of the invoice that the payment is unapplied from. string
Invoice Number The number of the invoice that the payment is unapplied from. For example, INV00000001. string
IsNewInvoiceItem IsMarker Column : New object begins TRUE or FALSE
Invoice Items Amount* The amount of the payment that is unapplied from the specific invoice or taxation item. number <double>
Invoice Items Invoice Item Id The ID of the specific invoice item. string
Invoice Items Tax Item Id The ID of the specific taxation item. string