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Known issues and limitations


Known issues and limitations

Zuora Analytics has known issues and limitations.


  • Zuora Analytics is not available Production Copy or Enhanced Production Copy environments.
  • The Zuora Dashboard does not support Microsoft Internet Explorer. Zuora recommends you use Chrome (latest stable version), Firefox (two most recent stable versions), or Edge (latest stable version).
  • For currency-connected fields such as amounts, data that is earlier than 2008 is not supported and is excluded from related metric calculations.
  • For metric currency conversion only standard Oanda rates are used; if you have uploaded custom rates into Zuora Billing, those rates are not used in Analytics for metric currency conversion.
  • Currently, Zuora Analytics does not provide the accumulated home-currency values from Billing.
  • Data for Net Billing and Net Payments metrics can only go back to January 1, 2015.
  • Data in Analytics only runs up to the present; it does not project any metrics into the future.
  • Zuora Analytics does not support summarizing data across multiple entities.
  • Zuora Analytics does not support Custom Objects.
  • Zuora Analytics does not support data from Zuora Finance, including aggregating Revenue Schedule Items
  • Zuora Analytics does not support Data Access Control. Users at any level of the DAC hierarchy will be able to access data in Analytics if they have Analytics permissions. Data available in Zuora Analytics can be completely restricted from user access by removing Analytics permissions from any Zuora User.
  • Zuora Analytics data (including Dataset data) can not currently be extracted via any public read APIs.
  • In Analytics, the Charge Model field on the Rate Plan Charge or Product Rate Plan Charge objects will have values of CustomChargeModel for any of the three following charge models: MultiAttributePricingPreratedPerUnitPreratedPricingHighWaterMarkVolumePricingHighWaterMarkTieredPricing.
  • Zuora Analytics does not support accounts that transact in multiple currencies. Analytics assumes a single currency per account, and this assumption may result in incorrect data processing for multi-currency accounts.