Work with prompts in Zuora Copilot for Analytics
Recommended prompt format
A prompt is a request that you make to Zuora Copilot. For example, a metric that you ask Copilot to fetch. To optimize your Zuora Copilot for analytics experience, we recommend familiarizing yourself with its prompt formats, supported keywords, time periods, and metrics.
Although Zuora Copilot is designed to handle a variety of prompt formats, we recommend using the following format for a better experience:
find/show <metric name> <time period> <filtering> <currency*> *If applicable
Here are some examples of the recommended prompt formats:
Find the Average Net MRR last year for all customers in the U.S. in EUR
Show me the Active Subscribers for the product (product name) last year
Find the Gross ARR for the last quarter
The following section explains each parameter in the aforementioned prompt format and its permissible values.
Metrics supported by Zuora Copilot in prompts
Zuora Copilot for Analytics supports 22 key metrics, which are most relevant to your business. For the most accurate results, Zuora recommends you consider these metrics while using the Copilot.
These metrics are classified into two types:
Summable metrics
Non-summable metrics
Summable metrics 
Summable metrics include the metrics that produce an aggregation value on summing up the column values. For example, you run a subscription business with three products, and each product generates a revenue of a, b, and c per month. The Gross ARR of each product would be the product of their revenue per month. The Gross ARR for the company would be the sum of the ARR of the three products.
Zuora Copilot supports the following summable metrics:
Summable metric |
Description |
Gross ARR Changes |
Total increase or decrease in annual recurring revenue (ARR) across all accounts, excluding discount charges. Use the Business Impact field to break down changes into new, expansion, contraction, and churn categories. |
Gross MRR Changes |
Total increase or decrease in monthly recurring revenue (MRR) across all accounts, excluding discount charges. Use the Business Impact field to break down changes into new, expansion, contraction, and churn categories. |
Net ARR Changes |
Total increase or decrease in annual recurring revenue (ARR), including discount charges, across all accounts. Use the Business Impact field to break down changes into new, expansion, contraction, and churn categories. |
Net MRR Changes |
Total increase or decrease in monthly recurring revenue (MRR), including discount charges, across all accounts. Use the Business Impact field to break down changes into new, expansion, contraction, and churn categories. |
Discount ARR |
Total amount of discounted annual recurring revenue (ARR). |
Discount MRR |
Total amount of discounted monthly recurring revenue (MRR). |
Gross ARR |
Total annual recurring revenue (ARR) across all accounts, not including discount charges. |
Gross MRR |
Total monthly recurring revenue (MRR) across all accounts, not including discount charges. |
Net ARR |
Total annual recurring revenue (ARR) across all accounts, including discount charges. Calculated as Gross ARR - Discount ARR = Net ARR. |
Net MRR |
Total monthly recurring revenue (MRR) across all accounts, including discount charges. Calculated as Gross MRR - Discount MRR = Net MRR. |
Net Billing
The sum of all billing transactions in a particular time period. |
Net Payments |
The sum of all payment transactions in a particular time period. |
Non-summable metrics 
Non-summable metrics cannot be calculated by summing up their constituent columns.
For example, when you run a subscription business with three products, the total number of subscribers cannot be calculated by adding all the subscribers of those three products.
A subscriber could subscribe to two or three products simultaneously.
If you use the Active Subscribers metric in your dataset, you can filter the data by product (Product.Name = "A"). The dataset will return the number of subscribers for product A.
Zuora Copilot supports the following non-summable metrics:
Non-summable metric |
Description |
Net Retention Rate (Gross MRR, Annual) |
The rate at which recurring revenue has been retained from a cohort of subscribers one year ago based on Gross MRR. You need to have at least one year of data in your Zuora tenant before this metric is available for use. |
Net Retention Rate (Net MRR, Annual) |
The rate at which recurring revenue has been retained from a cohort of subscribers one year ago based on Net MRR. You need to have at least one year of data in your Zuora tenant before this metric is available for use. |
Churned Subscriber Count |
The total number of subscribers with no effective rate plan charges at the end of a given time period who had one or more effective rate plan charges in the prior time period. |
Churn Rate (Subscribers, Monthly) |
The proportion of active accounts that became inactive during the month. Calculated as the unique count of accounts that had an effective rate plan charge in the previous month but no longer have one, divided by the number of accounts that were active at the end of the previous period. |
New Subscriber Count |
The total number of subscribers with one or more effective rate plan charges at the end of a given time period who had no effective rate plan charges in the prior time period. |
Average Gross ARR per Subscriber |
The total Gross ARR divided by the total number of Active Subscribers. |
Average Gross MRR per Subscriber |
The total Gross MRR divided by the total number of Active Subscribers. |
Average Net ARR per Subscriber |
The total Net ARR divided by the total number of Active Subscribers. |
Average Net MRR per Subscriber |
The total Net MRR divided by the total number of Active Subscribers. |
Active Subscriber Count |
The total number of subscribers with one or more effective rate plan charges in a given period. |
Time period
Date identification phrases
You can use implicit and explicit phrases in your prompt.
Implicit phrases
Implicit phrases in prompts often require context, such as the current date, for interpretation. The behavior of some commonly used implicit prompts is described in the For example, the date in context or today is December 31, 2023.
Implicit phrases used in a prompt |
Results |
Last year |
Returns a time series for the entire previous calendar year (January to December 2022). |
This year:
Most MRR/ARR related metrics are only available until the nearest completed month. Average Net MRR: Returns data up until the last completed month For example, if today is October 18, 2023, the result will return data for January to September 2023. Other metrics like active users are able to return up until the previous day1 Active Users: Returns data from January 2023 to Oct 18, 2023 1 Pending the availability of the data in our system. |
Past {number} years (including this year): For example - Past 2 years |
Returns data for 2023 and 2022. |
Last quarter |
Returns data for the most recently completed fiscal quarter (Q3 2023: July to September). |
Last {number} completed quarters For example - The last 2 completed quarters |
Returns data for Q3 and Q2 of 2023. |
So far |
Returns data up to, but not necessarily including, the current month if it's incomplete. For example, if today’s date is December 25, 2023, so far would return Jan to November 2023 |
Explicit phrases
For explicit phrases, the Copilot returns data exactly as specified in the prompt without the need for any additional context.
The following table lists a few examples of explicit phrases used in a search prompt and their expected results.
Explicit phrases used in a prompt |
Results |
January to December 2023 |
Returns data from January to December 2023. |
May to June 2023 |
Returns data from May to June 2023. |
Supported time periods
The following table includes the implicitly supported time periods:
Time period phrases |
Actual time period |
H1 |
January to June |
H2 |
July to December |
Q1 (January - March) Q2 (April - June) Q3 (July- September) Q4 (October - December) |
Each quarter represents a span of three months within the calendar year. |
Individual Month |
A single month can be queried as “Jan/January 2024”.
Group of Months: Continuous/Synchronized Month |
A continuous range of months, prompt as “January to December 2024”
You cannot month-hop. For example, Incorrect prompt: "Show me the average Net MRR for January, March and November 2023" Correct prompt: "Show me the average net MRR from January to November 2023". |
Cross-year queries |
Periods that span more than one calendar year can be specified.
For example, "June 2022 to June 2023" or "December 2022 to March 2023." |
The following table lists the attributes for which filtering is supported:
Field name |
Type |
Description |
Invoice Owner Account attributes |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.autopay |
Boolean |
Indicates whether autopay is enabled for the invoice owner account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.accountnumber |
String |
Represents the unique account number of the invoice owner account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.batch |
String Array |
Contains an array of batch values, each following the pattern 'Batch' + number (e.g., 'Batch1', 'Batch2') |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.bcdsettingoption |
String |
Specifies the billing cycle day setting. Permissible values are 'AutoSet' or 'ManualSet'. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.balance |
Decimal |
Represents the current balance of the invoice owner account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.billcycleday |
Integer |
Specifies the billing cycle day for the account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.createddate |
Timestamp |
Timestamp of the account creation can be cast as a timestamp. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.currency |
String |
Denotes the currency using uppercase ISO currency codes (e.g., 'USD'). |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.paymentgateway |
String |
Identifies the payment gateway utilized by the account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.salesrepname |
String |
Names the sales representative linked to the account. |
InvoiceOwnerAccount.paymentterm |
String |
Defines payment terms. Valid options are ['Due Upon Receipt', 'Net 90', 'Net 30', 'Net 45', 'Net 60']. |
Subscription Owner Sold-to Contact attributes |
|| |
String |
Specifies the city related to the subscription owner's sold-to contact. | |
String |
Indicates the country using ISO alpha-2 or alpha-3 codes (e.g., 'US'). |
SubscriptionOwnerSoldToContact.county |
String |
Names the county associated with the sold-to contact. |
SubscriptionOwnerSoldToContact.state |
String |
Lists the state related to the sold-to contact. |
SubscriptionOwnerSoldToContact.postalcode |
String |
Provides the postal code of the sold-to contact. |
Rate Plan and Product Rate Plan attributes |
RatePlan.createddate |
Timestamp |
Timestamp of rate plan creation, can be cast as a timestamp. | |
String |
Designates the name of the rate plan. Case-insensitive. | |
String |
Names associated with product rate plan. Case-insensitive. |
Product Rate Plan Charge and other attributes |
ProductRatePlanCharge.chargemodel |
String |
Defines the charge model, accepts specified values in lowercase. |
ProductRatePlanCharge.chargetype |
String |
Categorizes the charge type, valid values are ['usage', 'onetime', 'recurring'] in lowercase. |
ProductRatePlanCharge.createddate |
Date |
Indicates creation date. Can be cast as a date. |
ProductRatePlanCharge.discountlevel |
String Array |
Contains an array of associated discount levels, in lowercase. | |
String |
Designates the name of the product rate plan charge. Case-insensitive. |
Product.sku |
String |
Specifies the SKU. Case-insensitive. |
RatePlanCharge.chargemodel |
String |
Defines the charge model. Case-insensitive. | |
String |
Names the rate plan charge. Case-insensitive. |
Subscription.status |
String |
Shows subscription status. Valid values include ['draft', 'pending activation', 'pending acceptance', 'active', 'canceled', 'expired', 'suspended'], in lowercase. |
See ISO currency codes to learn more about the supported currencies and their ISO codes.