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Bill Run dashboard

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Bill Run dashboard

Zuora System Health dashboard for Bill Run (Bill Run dashboard) collects and displays data about bill run usage, failure, and performance in near real time. Through the Bill Run dashboard, you can view data about all the bill runs in your Zuora tenant within the last 30 days. You can use this dashboard to detect and troubleshoot bill run issues.

For more information about the System Health feature, see Zuora System Health.


For more information, see Zuora System Health prerequisites.

Access the Bill Run dashboard

To access the Bill Run dashboard, navigate to Administration > System Health > Bill Run in the left navigation menu.

Bill Run metrics

The following table provides descriptions of the Bill Run metrics.

Metric Description

Billing Document Generation by Bill Run

The data of the billing documents that are generated within a specified time range, including invoices and credit memos.
When hovering over each time interval bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range. You can drill down to deeper levels of details by clicking a time interval bar.
  • Invoice: On a daily basis, each bar displays the number of the invoices generated by bill runs on a specific day and the day-over-day percentage in the number. On an hourly or minutely basis, each bar only displays the number of the invoices generated by bill runs in a specific hour or minute.
  • Credit Memo: On a daily basis, each bar displays the number of the credit memos generated by bill runs on a specific day and the day-over-day percentage in the number. On an hourly or minutely basis, each bar only displays the number of the credit memos generated by bill runs in a specific hour or minute.

Failed Accounts

The number of all the accounts that have bill run failures within a specified time range.

Batch Bill Run Duration

The execution duration data of batch or single account bill runs that are executed within a specified time range.

Note that you can configure notifications based on the execution time of long-running jobs. For more information, see Standard events for Zuora Central Platform

View data in the Bill Run dashboard

The Bill Run dashboard is located under the Administration > System Health section in the left navigation menu. It contains a data summary section and three tabs that display the usage, failure, and performance data related to bill runs separately.

  • Data Summary section: Located at the top of the dashboard, this section contains the following data boxes that display real-time data summaries within the last seven days.
    • Generated Invoices: This data box displays the total number of invoices generated by bill runs within the last seven days, and the week-over-week change in the number. 
    • Generated Credit Memos: This data box displays the total number of credit memos generated by bill runs within the last seven days, and the week-over-week change in the number.
    • Avg. Batch Bill Run Duration: This data box displays the average execution duration (measured in milliseconds) of batch bill runs within the last seven days, and the week-over-week change in the average duration.
  • Overview tab: This tab displays the data of the Billing Document Generation by Bill Run metric. 
  • Failures tab: This tab displays the data of the Failed Accounts metric.
  • Performance tab: This tab displays the data of the Batch Bill Run Duration metric.

After you open a tab in the dashboard, take the following steps to view the data:

Configure filters

You can customize the data to be displayed by configuring filters.

  1. In the upper right of the dashboard, click the Filters icon.
  2. Use the Timeframe, Start Time, and End Time fields to specify the time range. 
  3. Available only in the Failures tab: From the Error Category list, select a specific error category.
  4. Available only in the Performance tab: From the Type list, select a bill run type.
    By default, Batch Bill Run is selected.
  5. Click Apply to apply the filter, or click Reset to go back to the default filter configuration.

View the trend chart

  • Select the time interval of the chart by using the interval radio buttons in the upper right of the chart.
    Note that available interval options vary based on the length of the selected time range.
  • When hovering over each bar, you can view the breakdown data of that time range, which contains the change percentage compared to the previous interval.
  • Use the table below the trend chart to view detailed data within the selected time range. 
    • By default, the table displays all the items within the specified time range. You can narrow the scope down to a specific interval by clicking a bar in the chart.
    • To go back to the global time-range set in the filter, you can click Reset next to the specific time range displayed above the bar chart.
    • You can use the Filter icon in the upper right of the table to list the data that you want to view. When you finish configuring the filter, click Apply. Click Clear to go back to the default filter configuration.

      In the Failures tab, you can use the filter to retrieve a specific bill run error by bill run number.

    • You can download the table as a CSV file by clicking the download icon Download csv icon.png in the upper right of the table.
    • You click a header of a column to sort the data.

      In the Failures tab, you can view the details of a bill run error by clicking its bill run number.

    • You can click the link of a bill run number displayed in the table to go to the bill run details page. 
    • To view more information about the account that has bill run failures, you can click the link of the account name displayed in the Account Name column in the table of the Failures tab to go to the account details page.