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Create a journal run


Create a journal run

Users can select an org unit that they can access for creating the journal entries for transactions within that org unit.

Each org. unit in a multi-org environment transacts as an individual business unit. Therefore, users must create individual accounting periods for each organizational unit. When a new org. unit is created within the org hierarchy, an open-ended accounting period is automatically created for each new org unit. Users can later create an accounting period for the org unit based on their access permission. 

To create a journal run 

Create a journal run after closing the accounting period to include all the transactions. 

  • Follow the steps mentioned in Create a Journal Run.

  • From the Org Picker, choose the org unit to create the journal run. 

Org Picker for journal run.png

The following transaction types are not supported when Multi-Org is enabled. If you need Journal Run reports for these transaction types, ensure you run the Journal Run before enabling Multi-Org.

Transaction Category Transaction Type
  • Invoice Item Adjustment (Invoice)
  •     Invoice Item Adjustment (Tax)
  •     Invoice Adjustment (Invoice Adjustment transaction is deprecated on Production.)
  •     Credit Balance Adjustment (Applied from Credit Balance)
  •     Credit Balance Adjustment (Transferred to Credit Balance)
  • Electronic Credit Balance Payment
  •     External Credit Balance Payment
  •     Electronic Credit Balance Refund
  •     External Credit Balance Refund