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Unpost Credit Memo and Debit Memo


Unpost Credit Memo and Debit Memo

This article lists the fields associated with the Unpost Credit Memo and Debit Memo data dictionary. See Unpost credit and debit memos

Note: Fields with an asterisk mark indicate mandatory fields. 

Please consult your Administrator before proceeding, as this action is essential for accuracy of financial records.

Object Field Name Value Required to update Description
Credit Memo Credit Memo Key* String Required to update

The unique ID or number of a credit memo.

For example, 8a8082e65b27f6c3015ba45ff82c7172 or CM00000001.


Object Field Name Value Required to update Description
Debit Memo Debit Memo Key* String Required to update

The unique ID or number of a debit memo.

For example, 8a8082e65b27f6c3015ba419f3c2644e or DM00000001.