Multi-Org for Zuora Revenue
Zuora revenue supports Multi-org for all the org. units defined in Zuora billing. Depending on the business use case, the number of org units may also vary.
Before syncing Zuora Billing’s transactional data with Zuora Revenue, you must complete the following steps:
Step 1: Sync Zuora Billing's Multi-org enabled tenants to Zuora Revenue
- Navigate to Zuora Revenue and complete the steps mentioned in Schedule Jobs.
- In the Program name dropdown, select ‘RevPro 3.0 Billing Entity ID Sync process’ from the Predefined Programs.
- Navigate to the Program Parameters tab > In the Value field enter the Revenue Tenant ID and Billing Tenant ID to be synced.
Once the sync program is successfully executed, all the orgs. defined in Zuora Billing get listed in Zuore Revenue.
The list of synced orgs can be found in Setups > Application > Organization.
Step 2: Sync FXrate from Zuora Billing to Zuora Revenue
- Navigate to Zuora Revenue and complete the steps given in Schedule Jobs.
- In the Program name dropdown, select ‘RevPro 3.0 Billing Fxrate Sync process’.
- Navigate to the Program Parameters tab and enter the From date and To date to be synced.
If a transaction in Zuora Revenue is created in a currency different from the org. currency, the exchange rate between the two currencies is used to convert the transaction value into the functional currency.
Step 3: Mapping between Zuora Billing org to Zuora Revenue org.
Zuora Revenue supports two use cases of multi-org:
- Multi-org in Zuora Billing to Multi-org in Zuora Revenue ( 1:1 relationship) - For this use case, Multi-org should not be enabled in the system through the profile. All the org. data in Zuora Billing defaults to one org. in Zuora Revenue
- Multi-org in Zuora Billing to Single-org in Zuora Revenue (Many:1 relationship) - For this use case, Multi-org should be enabled in the system through the profile. All the org. data in Zuora Billing needs to be assigned to the corresponding org. in Zuora Revenue.
To map Zuora Billing with Zuora Revenue (For both use cases):
- Navigate to Setups > Application.
- From the right side menu
select Organization.
- Disable the Organization/operating unit, if enabled.
Multiple Zuora Billing orgs are now mapped to Zuora Revenue org. (Many :1). All the mapped organizations will now be available on the list screen.
Assigning role for Zuora revenue user
A Revpro user can access the orgs. based on their role privileges. See Manage User Access to manage user roles.
Create Revenue Reports
Zuora Revenue supports all out-of-the-box reporting for the synced orgs. See Zuora Revenue Reports for more details.