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Data Model of Audit Trail


Data Model of Audit Trail

The Audit Trail records are stored in the following tables:

  • auditloginevent
  • auditsettingchangeevent
  • auditobjectchangeevent

Table auditloginevent

The Zuora system records every login for each user in the auditloginevent table and allows you to monitor the login history for each and every user. See the table structure below.

Attribute Type Description
browsertype varchar

The login user's browser type. Possible values are:

  • IE
  • FireFox
  • Safari
  • Netscape
  • Chrome
  • Opera
  • Api
  • Unknown
  • RestLogin
  • RestBiz
browserversion varchar The login user's browser version
createdbyid varchar The login user's id
createddate timestamp with time zone The record's creation date
day integer The day when the record is created.
eventid varchar Id of the login event
hostname varchar The device connected to the network (currently not work, the value is the same as ipaddress)
id varchar Id of the record
ipaddress varchar The login IP address
logintype varchar

The login type. Possible values are:

  • SSO
month integer The month when the record is created.
sequencenumber bigint The sequence number of the login record
status varchar

The login status. Possible values are:

  • Success
  • AuthFail
  • PasswordExpired
timestamp timestamp with time zone The timestamp of the login
tokenid varchar The id of the login token
userid** varchar Id of the login user
username varchar The user name of the login user
year integer The year when the record is created.

Table auditsettingchangeevent

Zuora system records every setting changes in the auditsettingchangeevent table and allows you to monitor the setting changes that impact accounting and financials.

Changes on the following settings can be monitored by Zuora Audit Trail:

  • Billing
    • Default Subscription and Order Settings
    • Define Billing Rules
    • Manage Tax codes
    • Define Discount Settings
    • Manage Revenue Recognition Codes
    • Configure Tax Dates 
    • Payment Terms
  • Payment
    • Configure Application Rules
  • Commerce
    • Synchronize Data
  • Finance
    • Configure Accounting Codes
    • Configure Accounting Rules
    • Manage Currency Conversion
    • Set Revenue Automation Start Date
    • Configure Revenue Event Types
    • Manage Revenue Recognition Models
    • Configure Segments
    • Configure GL Segmentation Rules
    • Manage Revenue Recognition Rules
    • Manage Chart of Accounts
  • User
  • Role & Permission
  • Audit Trail

See the auditsettingchangeevent table structure below.

Attribute Type Description
action varchar

The setting change action. Possible values are:

attributeid varchar Id of the changed setting item
attributename varchar The name of the changed setting item
createdbyid varchar The Id of the user who changes the setting item
createddate timestamp with time zone The record's creation date
day integer The day when the record is created.
eventid varchar Id of the event
id varchar Id of the record
month integer The month when the record is created.
namespace varchar

The namespace of the setting change. Possible values are:

  • Finance & Revenue
  • Billing
  • Invoicing
  • Commerce
  • Tenant Property
  • Payments
  • UserManagement
newvalue varchar The new value of the setting
oldvalue varchar The previous value of the setting
sequencenumber bigint The sequence number of the record
settingobjectname varchar

The setting object name.

settingtype varchar

The setting type. For example, BillingRules, TaxCode, RevenueRecognition, and so on.

timestamp timestamp with time zone The timestamp of the setting change 
tokenid varchar The Id of the login token
transactionid varchar The Id of the setting change transaction
userid** varchar The Id of the user who changes the setting item
username varchar user name
year integer The year when the record is created.

Table auditobjectchangeevent

Zuora system records changes of the business objects in the auditobjectchangeevent table and allows you to monitor the changes on the following objects. Administrators can enable or disable auditing the objects through Manage Audit Trail Settings.

  • Account
  • Contact
  • CustomFieldDefinition
  • Custom Object
    • CustomObjectDefinition
    • CustomObjectRecord
  • Notification
    • AdvancedSMTPServerSetting
    • CalloutOption (For more information, see Configure callout settings.)
    • CalloutTemplate
    • CommunicationProfile
    • CustomEvent
    • CustomScheduledEvent
    • EmailTemplate
    • NotificationDefinition
    • OAuth2Provider
  • Order Line Item
    • Order Line Item
    • Order Contact
  • Product Catalog
    • Product
    • ProductRatePlan
    • ProductRatePlanCharge
    • ProductRatePlanChargeTier
    • ProductChargeDefinition
    • ProductDiscountApplyDetail
    • ProductUnusedUnitsPrice
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentGateway (Only available to Chase Orbital payment gateway)
  • Refund
  • Workflow
    • GlobalConstants
    • Linkage
    • TaskDefinition
    • WorkflowDefinition
    • WorkflowVersion
  • HpmCaptchaCredential (for Google Cloud Enterprise credentials used for Payment Page reCAPTCHA Enterprise configuration)
  • Reporting (For more information, see Audit trail for reports)

The auditobjectchangeevent table also includes the CustomFieldDefinition object, which represents a custom field that has been defined on a business object.

See the auditobjectchangeevent table structure below.

Attribute Type Description



The change action that is made on the object. Possible values are:


The action is ADDED_TO_COLLECTION or REMOVED_FROM_COLLECTION only if you add or remove picklist values for custom object definitions.



The name of the user who changed the object

For the following Workflow auditing scenarios, Zuora system user is identified as the user in this field:

  • Users coming through Zuora Connect make changes on the above Workflow objects
  • Basic authentication transactions



Id of the changed object



Id of the attribute that is changed. Note that the attributeid is null if the change action is DELETED. The reason is that DELETED action is an object level action. No attribute is changed during DELETED action.



The previous value of the changed attribute


timestamp with time zone

The timestamp of the object change



The namespace of the object change. Possible values are:

  • com.zuora.billing
  • Workflow
  • com.zuora.custom.objects



The name of the changed object



Id of the transaction that the change belongs to



The type of the changed object



The Id of the user who changes the object



Id of the user who changes the object


timestamp with time zone

The record's creation date



The sequence number of the record



Id of the object change event



The new value of the changed attribute



Id of the record



Id of the login Token

year integer The year when the record is created.
month integer The month when the record is created.
day integer

The day when the record is created.


 ** While exporting the user table from Data Query, the userid is generally expected to be the user ID of the logged-in user who made the change. However, this does not apply when exporting the user table from Data Query for Audit Trail. Zuora recommends you use the usernamefield here in place of userid to join audit trail tables to the user table.