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Billing: Bill Run


Billing: Bill Run

The bill run task in Workflow creates a bill run in one of the three modes:

  • Ad-hoc - Creates a one-time bill run for a group of accounts. You can filter the accounts by bill cycle days.
  • Single Account - Creates a one-time bill run for a single account.
  • Replicate Existing Bill Run - Replicates an existing bill run. 

To learn more about bill runs, see Bill Runs and Creating Bill Runs.

If Invoice Settlement is enabled, the bill run task can create credit memos.

Task Settings

Ad-hoc and Single Account Mode

  • Batch - Select the batch of customer accounts to include. This option is only available for the ad-hoc mode. 
  • BillCycleDay - Select the customer accounts that are to be billed on a particular day. Select AllBillCycleDays to include all accounts. This option is only available for the ad-hoc mode. 
  • Account Id - The account id of the single customer for which invoices will be generated. This option is only available for the single account mode.
  • Invoice Date - The date displayed on the invoices in this bill run.
  • Target Date - All charges that are to be billed on this date or prior will be included in this bill run. 
  • Charge Type To Exclude - Select the charge types to be excluded from the bill run. 
  • Auto Email - Select whether to automatically email invoices after the bill run completes.
  • No Email for Zero Amount Invoice - Select whether to skip sending emails for zero-amount invoices.
  • Auto Post - Select whether to automatically post invoices after the bill run completes.
  • Auto Renewal - Select whether to renew all subscriptions that are configured to automatically renew and are due for renewal during this billing period. 

Replicate Existing Bill Run Mode

  • Source Bill Run Id - The id of the existing bill run that is to be performed with this task.