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Communication Profile

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  • US Data Center Customers: The SOAP API is no longer under active development. The legacy SOAP calls still function, but are now also available in REST.

    EU Data Center Customers: The SOAP API is not available. Please use the REST API.

    APAC Data Center Customers: The SOAP API is not available. Please use the REST API.

    Going forward, new features will only be available through the REST API. We strongly recommend that all integrations are done using the REST API.

    You can find the REST API documentation at

Communication Profile

A communication profile is a set of policies that determine how to communicate with the contacts associated with a particular account. You must use the web-based UI to specify these policies. You can use the Zuora API to query the CommunicationProfile object, which is read-only. See Communication profiles for more information.

WSDL version 30.0+ is required to use this object.

Supported Calls

You can use this object with the following call:

Field Descriptions

All field names are case sensitive. Check enumerated values in descriptions to confirm capitalization and spacing. See Field Types for additional information.

Name Required to Create? Allowed
CreatedById optional


The ID of the Zuora user who created the communication profile in the web-based UI.

Type: zns:ID

Character limit: 32

Version notes: WSDL 30.0

Values: automatically generated

CreatedDate optional


The date when the communication profile was created in the web-based UI.

Type: dateTime

Character limit:

Version notes: WSDL 30.0

Values: automatically generated

Description optional


A description of the communication profile created in the web-based UI.

Type: string

Character limit:

Version notes: WSDL 30.0


Id optional Query

The ID of this object. Upon creation of this object, this field becomes CommunicationProfileId.

Type: zns:ID

Character limit: 32

Version notes: --

Values: automatically generated

ProfileName required


The name of the communication profile created in the web-based UI.

Type: string

Character limit:

Version notes: WSDL 30.0


UpdatedById optional


The ID of the Zuora user who last updated the communication profile in the web-based UI.

Type: zns:ID

Character limit: 32

Version notes: WSDL 30.0

Values: automatically generated

UpdatedDate optional


The date when the communication profile was last updated in the web-based UI.

Type: dateTime

Character limit:

Version notes: WSDL 30.0

Values: automatically generated

Additional Field Detail


The ID of this object. Every object has a unique identifier that Zuora automatically assigns upon creation. You use this ID later when you work with the object. For example, if you send an amend() call to modify an existing subscription, then you need to include the specific Subscriptionobject's ID with the call.

The ID for the CommunicationProfile object is CommunicationProfileId.
