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Manage Email Templates


Manage Email Templates

All notifications are initially set up to use a Default Email Template. You can either edit the default template which is associated with the notification or as an alternative, you can create a new email template and associate that email template with the notification.

Access email templates

To access email templates, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Extension Studio > Events & Notifications in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Email Templates tab. 

Create an email template

The high-level procedure for creating an email template is as follows:

  1. Complete the basic template information.
  2. Complete the email subject and body.

Complete the basic template information

To create a new email template or modify an existing one, perform the following steps: 

  1. On the Email Templates page, click add new email template to create a new template, or click a template name in the list to edit an existing template. 
  2. In the Basic Information Section, enter the following information about the template:
    • Name. Specifies the template name. The name displays in the Email Templates list in Zuora. 
    • Active. Specifies whether the template is active. You can only add active templates to notifications. 
    • Related Event. Specifies the trigger that the template is used for. 

    • Description. Optionally, describes the purpose of the email template. 
  3. In the Email Information Section, enter the following information to configure the email settings:
    • From Name. Specifies the name that appears in the From field in the notification message.
    • From Email. Specifies the email address that appears in the From field in the notification message. Note that Zuora notification system sends any undeliverable emails to the From Email address.
      • Tenant Email: With this option selected, the email address configured in your tenant profile is used.
      • Run Owner: With this option selected, the work email address of the owner who runs the operation is used. This option is only available for specific event triggers, such as Bill Run Completion, Payment Run Completion, Import Processed, and Payment Method Updater Batch Started.
      • A Specific Email: Select this option and enter an email address if you want to use a specific email address as the From Email.
      • Advanced SMTP: This option is available for selection only if an advanced SMTP server has been set up and verified. With a verified advanced SMTP server in place, you can also see the email addresses or domains that are specified in the advanced SMTP server with their verification status. Select an email address or a domain, and its value is automatically populated to the text box next to this dropdown list.
    • To Email. Specifies the email address that receives the notification message. The options depend on the Related Event that you selected. Typically, you can select Bill To ContactSold To Contact, Both Bill and Sold To Contacts, or All Customer Contacts from the list. You can also select Specific Email(s) and then enter an email address. For some related events (for example, Create New Subscription), you can select options that send the notification to contacts of the invoice owner rather than the subscription owner. 

      Select the Include Additional Email check box to enable the support for additional email addresses. With this check box selected, you can send email notifications for standard or custom events to a list of recipients’ email addresses specified in the Additional Email Addresses field on the customer account details page. Note that this check box is selected by default for the email template associated with the Invoice Posted event.

      Whichever option you select from the To Email list, event notifications are sent only to work email addresses or only to personal email addresses.

      • If a contact has only work email addresses, the work email addresses are used.
      • If a contact has no work email addresses but has personal email addresses, the personal email addresses are used.
      • If a contact has both work and personal email addresses, only the work email addresses are used.
    • Reply-to Email. Specifies the email address that appears in the Reply-to field in the notification message. 
      • Tenant Email: With this option selected, the email address configured in your tenant profile is used.
      • Run Owner: With this option selected, the work email address of the owner who runs the operation is used. This option is only available for specific event triggers, such as Bill Run Completion, Payment Run Completion, Import Processed, and Payment Method Updater Batch Started.
      • A Specific Email: Select this option and enter an email address if you want to use a specific email address as the Reply-to Email.
    • CC Email. Specifies email addresses to be included in the CC (carbon copy) list of recipients.
    • BCC Email. Specifies email addresses to be included in the BCC (blind carbon copy) list of recipients.

      To specify several email addresses for From Email, To Email, Reply-to Email, CC Email, or BCC Email fields, select Specific Email(s) from the drop-down list on any of these fields. Enter the comma-separated email addresses.

Complete the email subject and body

To complete the email subject and body, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the email subject in the Subject field.
  2. Configure the email body in the Email body section with the email template editor.
    For more information, see Customize email templates with the email template editor.
  3. Optional: Insert merge fields into the email subject or body.
    1. From the Field Type list, select an object.
    2. From the Field list, select a field from this object.
    3. Copy the merge field value in the Merge Field Tag field and paste it in the appropriate place in the email subject or body.
    For more information about using merge fields in email templates, see Merge field syntax for email and callout templates.
  4. Click the Preview icon preview.png to see how your email template looks on different screens, such as desktop, tablet, or mobile.
    You can also switch the color scheme in preview mode.
  5. Optional: Add custom email headers.
  6. Optional: Click Preview to send an email to a specified email address to preview the email format and merge field configuration. For more information, see Preview an email template.
  7. Click Create.

Preview an email template

Zuora allows you to preview email templates on the email template list, detail, create, or edit page.

You can simulate data, such as data source or advanced merge fields, when previewing email templates by assigning an object ID. For example, when you enter a subscription object ID while previewing an email template linked to the Subscription Created event, you can preview both the email format and the merge fields populated with data from the provided subscription object.

To preview an email template, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Extension Studio > Events & Notifications in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Email Templates tab.
  3. Open the Preview Email Template dialog in one of the following ways:
    • To preview an existing email template, click the more actions icon-more-options-2.png icon to the right of the email template you want to preview and then click Preview.
    • To preview an email template during creation or modification, click Preview in the Email Body section on the Create Email Template or Edit Email Template page.
  4. In the Preview Email Template dialog, enter the following information:
    • Send Preview Email To: The email address to send the preview email.
    • Object ID: (Optional) The ID of the object that Zuora uses to populate merge fields in the email template. If you do not specify this field, or the object type does not match the email template, Zuora will not replace merge fields with actual values in the preview email.
  5. Click Send Preview.

Add custom email headers

Custom email headers enable you to include additional information in your email notifications, tailored to your specific needs. You can use these headers to add tracking identifiers, unsubscribe links, and more.

To add custom email headers to an email template, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Additional Settings section, click Add Custom Email Header.
  2. Specify the following fields:
    • Header Name: Enter the header name of the custom email header.
    • Header Value: Enter the header value of the custom email header.
    You can add merge fields in the header name or header value. For more information, see Merge field syntax for email and callout templates.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add more custom email headers.

The following is an example of a custom header definition with two email headers that allows you to support a one-click unsubscribe link with custom email headers:

Header name Header value
List-Unsubscribe-Post List-Unsubscribe=One-Click
List-Unsubscribe <>, <>

Clone an email template

You can create an email template with duplicated configuration by cloning an existing email template.

To clone an email template, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Email Templates page, locate the email template that you want to clone from the list.
  2. Click the more options icon-more-options-2.png icon and then click Clone. The Clone Email Template dialog opens.
  3. In the Name field, specify a unique name for the email template.
  4. (Optional) Update other fields as needed.
    For more information, see Complete the basic template information and Complete the email subject and body.
  5. Click Save.

You can find the newly created email template in the email template list.

Notes and limitations

You can use HTML codes and JavaScript in email templates. However, the following HTML tags and JavaScript events are not allowed for security reasons:

  • Restricted HTML tags: script, html, head, body, form, input, button, and svg.
  • Restricted JavaScript events: All on events. For example, onclick, onload, onchange, onfocus, onselect, and so on.