Summary Statement Settings
Describes how to retrieve, update, and delete Summary Statements through the Settings API.
Get a specific summary statement template
To get a specific template for a summary statement, see the following request and a sample 200 response.
HTTP request:
The request parameter for this request is as follows:
templateKey - The template ID or template number
Response body:
{ "name": "summaryStatementTemplate2", "defaultTemplate": false, "base64EncodedTemplateFileContent": "eyJodG1sQ29udGVudCI6ICI8cD5BY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyOnt7U3VtbWFyeVN0YXRlbWVudC5BY2NvdW50LkFjY291bnROdW1iZXJ9fTwvcD48cD5TdGF0ZW1lbnROdW1iZXI6e3tTdW1tYXJ5U3RhdGVtZW50LlN0YXRlbWVudE51bWJlcn19PC9wPiJ9", "templateFormat": "HTML", "associatedToBillingAccount": false, "templateNumber": "SSTEMP-00000002", "id": "40288186916939740191697fc3b206c6", "updatedOn": "2024-08-19T00:22:41.000-07:00" }
Get all templates for summary statement
To get all templates for a summary statement, see the following request and a sample 200 response.
HTTP request:
The request parameter for this request is as follows:
templateKey - The template ID or template number
Response body:
[ { "name": "summaryStatementTemplate2", "defaultTemplate": false, "templateFormat": "HTML", "associatedToBillingAccount": false, "templateNumber": "SSTEMP-00000002", "id": "40288186916939740191697fc3b206c6", "updatedOn": "2024-08-19T00:22:41.000-07:00" }, { "name": "summaryStatementTemplate3", "defaultTemplate": true, "templateFormat": "HTML", "associatedToBillingAccount": false, "templateNumber": "SSTEMP-00000003", "id": "40288186916939740191698442b206d8", "updatedOn": "2024-08-19T00:22:41.000-07:00" } ]
Create a new summary statement template
To create a template for a summary statement, see the following request and a sample 200 response.
HTTP request:
Request parameters:
- name - The name of the summary statement template.
- templateFormat - The format of the template. Currently, only 'HTML' is supported.
- defaultTemplate - Indicates whether this template is the default template.
- base64EncodedTemplateFileContent - The content of the template encoded using the Base64 algorithm. This allows for safe transmission of binary data in a text format.
Request body:
{ "name": "summaryStatementTemplate3", "templateFormat": "HTML", "defaultTemplate": true, "base64EncodedTemplateFileContent": "eyJodG1sQ29udGVudCI6ICI8cD5BY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyOnt7U3VtbWFyeVN0YXRlbWVudC5BY2NvdW50LkFjY291bnROdW1iZXJ9fTwvcD48cD5TdGF0ZW1lbnROdW1iZXI6e3tTdW1tYXJ5U3RhdGVtZW50LlN0YXRlbWVudE51bWJlcn19PC9wPiJ9" }
Response body:
{ "name": "summaryStatementTemplate4", "defaultTemplate": true, "base64EncodedTemplateFileContent": "eyJodG1sQ29udGVudCI6ICI8cD5BY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyOnt7U3VtbWFyeVN0YXRlbWVudC5BY2NvdW50LkFjY291bnROdW1iZXJ9fTwvcD48cD5TdGF0ZW1lbnROdW1iZXI6e3tTdW1tYXJ5U3RhdGVtZW50LlN0YXRlbWVudE51bWJlcn19PC9wPiJ9", "templateFormat": "HTML", "associatedToBillingAccount": false, "templateNumber": "SSTEMP-00000004", "id": "402881869169397401916dc2848b1aa2", "updatedOn": "2024-08-19T20:09:10.158-07:00" }
Update a specific summary statement template
To update a template for a summary statement, see the following request and a sample 200 response.
HTTP request:
Request parameters:
- name - The name of the summary statement template.
- templateFormat - The format of the template. Currently, only 'HTML' is supported.
- defaultTemplate - Indicates whether this template is the default template.
- base64EncodedTemplateFileContent - The content of the template encoded using the Base64 algorithm. This allows for safe transmission of binary data in a text format.
Request body:
{ "name": "summaryStatementTemplate2", "templateFormat": "HTML", "defaultTemplate": true, "base64EncodedTemplateFileContent": "eyJodG1sQ29udGVudCI6ICI8cD5BY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyOnt7U3VtbWFyeVN0YXRlbWVudC5BY2NvdW50LkFjY291bnROdW1iZXJ9fTwvcD48cD5TdGF0ZW1lbnROdW1iZXI6e3tTdW1tYXJ5U3RhdGVtZW50LlN0YXRlbWVudE51bWJlcn19PC9wPiJ9" }
Response body:
{ "name": "summaryStatementTemplate2", "defaultTemplate": false, "base64EncodedTemplateFileContent": "eyJodG1sQ29udGVudCI6ICI8cD5BY2NvdW50TnVtYmVyOnt7U3VtbWFyeVN0YXRlbWVudC5BY2NvdW50LkFjY291bnROdW1iZXJ9fTwvcD48cD5TdGF0ZW1lbnROdW1iZXI6e3tTdW1tYXJ5U3RhdGVtZW50LlN0YXRlbWVudE51bWJlcn19PC9wPiJ9", "templateFormat": "HTML", "associatedToBillingAccount": false, "templateNumber": "SSTEMP-00000002", "id": "40288186916939740191697fc3b206c6", "updatedOn": "2024-08-19T20:14:33.852-07:00" }
Delete a specific summary statement template
To delete a specific summary statement template, the template key of the summary statement is required as a path parameter. See the following request and a sample of 200 response.
HTTP request:
Response body:
{ "success": true }