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Export ZOQL


Export ZOQL

Zuora Export ZOQL (Zuora Object Query Language) is the query language you use to create data source exports through the Zuora API. Export ZOQL is more powerful than ZOQL because Export ZOQL queries can select data from related business objects in a single operation.

You can perform Export ZOQL queries in the following ways:

Overview of Queries

When you write an Export ZOQL query, you must specify the data source to select data from. Each data source provides all your business objects of a particular type. Most data sources also provide related business objects. This saves you the effort of constructing nested queries, and results in better performance.

For example, the Invoice Item data source provides every Invoice Item object in your Zuora tenant, along with related Account, Contact, Invoice, Product, Rate Plan, and Subscription objects. See Data Sources and Objects for a listing of the objects provided by each data source.

Names in Queries

You must use API names of data sources, objects, fields, and field values in Export ZOQL queries. API names do not necessarily match the corresponding names displayed in the Zuora user interface. For example, you must use "InvoiceItem" instead of "Invoice Item" or "Rechnungsposten" (German):

select BillToContact.FirstName from InvoiceItem

In the above example:

  • InvoiceItem is the API name of the Invoice Item data source.
  • BillToContact is the API name of a Contact object that is related to an Invoice Item object.
  • FirstName is the API name of the First Name field in the Contact object.

InvoiceItem is also called the "base" object of the Invoice Item data source. BillToContact is called a "joined" object.

To determine API names:

  • For data sources and objects, refer to the listing in the Data Sources and Objects section, below.

  • For fields and field values, use the Describe object API operation.

    Changes to the "Describe object" API operation were introduced in version 85 of the Zuora WSDL. See Changes to the Describe API for more information.

Prior to version 79 of the Zuora WSDL, some fields in data sources had different values from the corresponding fields in SOAP API objects. See Field Values in Export ZOQL Data Sources for more information.


Characters per Query

A maximum of 20,000 characters is allowed in an Export ZOQL query.

File Size

The maximum export file size is 2047MB. If you have large data requests that go over this limit, you will get the following 403 HTTP response code from Zuora:

Submit a request at Zuora Global Support if you require additional assistance.

We can work with you to determine if large file optimization is an option for you.

Data Sources and Objects 

The following table lists the objects that are provided by each data source. Objects marked with * depend on Zuora features. See the "Availability of Data Source Objects" section for more information.

Data Source Objects


Base object: Account

Joined objects:

  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Accounting Code

Base object: AccountingCode

Joined objects:

  • Entity *

Application Group

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: ApplicationGroup

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
AR Transaction

Base object: AR Transaction

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Credit Accounting Code
  • Credit Memo
  • Credit Memo Item
  • Credit Taxation Item
  • Debit Accounting Code
  • Debit Memo
  • Debit Memo Item
  • Debit Taxation Item
  • Default Payment Method
  • Invoice
  • Invoice Item
  • Payment
  • Payment Method
  • Product
  • Product Rate Plan Charge
  • Rate Plan
  • Rate Plan Charge
  • Refund
  • Taxation Item

Billing Run

Base object: BillingRun 

Note: The BillingRun object is different from the BillRun object.

Joined objects:

  • Entity *


Base object: Contact

Joined objects:

  • Entity *

Credit Balance Adjustment

Part of the Credit Balance feature. Deprecated if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: CreditBalanceAdjustment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • CustomerCashOnAccountAccountingCode
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • SoldToContact

Credit Memo

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemo

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Credit Memo Application

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemoApplication

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • DebitMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Credit Memo Application Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemoApplicationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoApplication
  • CreditMemoItem
  • CreditTaxationItem
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DebitTaxationItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact
  • TaxationItem

Credit Memo Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • OnAccountAccountingCode
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Credit Memo Part

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemoPart

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • DebitMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Credit Memo Part Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditMemoPartItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • CreditMemoPart
  • CreditTaxationItem
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DebitTaxationItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact
  • TaxationItem

Credit Taxation Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: CreditTaxationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • OnAccountAccountingCode
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SalesTaxPayableAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • TaxationItem

Custom Exchange Rate

Part of the Custom Foreign Currency Exchange Rates feature.

Base object: FXCustomRate

Joined objects:

  • Entity *

Daily Consumption Summary

Part of the Prepaid with Drawdown feature.

Base object: DailyConsumptionSummary

Joined objects:

  • PrepaidBalanceFund
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge

Debit Memo

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: DebitMemo

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Debit Memo Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: DebitMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Debit Taxation Item

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: DebitTaxationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SalesTaxPayableAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • TaxationItem

Discount Applied Metrics

Limited Availability feature.

Base object: DiscountAppliedMetrics

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Gateway Reconciliation Event

Base object: PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • PaymentReconciliationJob

Gateway Reconciliation Log

Base object: PaymentReconciliationLog

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • PaymentGatewayReconciliationEventLog
  • PaymentReconciliationJob

Guided Usage

Part of the Unbilled Usage feature.

Base object: GuidedUsage

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillTo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • ParentAccount
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldTo
  • Subscription
  • Usage


Base object: Invoice

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • BillToContactSnapshot *
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact
  • SoldToContactSnapshot *

Invoice Adjustment

Deprecated if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: InvoiceAdjustment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact

Invoice Item

Base object: InvoiceItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • BillToContactSnapshot *
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • SoldToContactSnapshot *
  • Subscription

Invoice Item Adjustment

Deprecated if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: InvoiceItemAdjustment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • SalesTaxPayableAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • TaxationItem

Invoice Payment

Deprecated if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: InvoicePayment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact

Journal Entry Item

Requires Zuora Finance.

Base object: JournalEntryItem

Joined objects:

  • AccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
Notification History - Email

Base object: EmailHistory

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToAccount
Notification History - Callout

Base object: CalloutHistory

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToAccount


Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: Order

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToAccount

Order Action

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderAction

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Add Rate Plan
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • ParentAccount *
  • Remove Rate Plan
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment
  • Update Rate Plan

Order Contact

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderContact

Joined objects: None

Order Elp

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderElp

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Order Item

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderItem

Joined objects:

  • Amendment
  • Entity *
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • Subscription

Order Line Item

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderLineItem

Joined objects: 

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • OrderContact
  • SoldToContact
  • ParentAccount *

Order Mrr

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderMrr

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Order Quantity

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderQuantity

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Order Tcb

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderTcb

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Order Tcv

Part of the Order Metrics feature.

Base object: OrderTcv

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Order
  • OrderAction
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment


Base object: Payment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact

Payment Application

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: PaymentApplication

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • DebitMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact
  • UnappliedPaymentAccountingCode

Payment Application Item

Part of the Invoice Item Settlement feature.

Base object: PaymentApplicationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DebitTaxationItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentApplication
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact
  • TaxationItem
  • UnappliedPaymentAccountingCode

Payment Method

Base object: PaymentMethod

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • StoredCredentialProfile

If you want to query data by joining Payment Method and Stored Credential Profile, use StoredCredentialProfile as the base object to achieve better query performance.

Payment Method Transaction Log

Base object: PaymentMethodTransactionLog

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • PaymentMethod
  • SoldToContact

Payment Method Update

Base object: UpdaterDetail

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • NewPaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethod
  • UpdaterBatch

Payment Part

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: PaymentPart

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact

Payment Part Item

Part of the Invoice Item Settlement feature.

Base object: PaymentPartItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DebitTaxationItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • PaymentPart
  • SoldToContact
  • TaxationItem

Payment Run

Base object: PaymentRun

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
Payment Schedule

Base object: PaymentSchedule

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Bill To
  • Debit Memo
  • Default Payment Method
  • Invoice
  • Parent Account
  • Payment Schedule
  • Sold To
Payment Schedule Item

Base object: PaymentScheduleItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Bill To
  • Debit Memo
  • Default Payment Method
  • Invoice
  • Parent Account
  • Payment
  • Payment Method
  • Payment Method Snapshot
  • Payment Schedule
  • Payment Schedule Item
  • Sold To
Payment Schedule Item Payment

Base object: PaymentScheduleItemPart

Joined objects:

  • Payment Schedule Item Payment 
  • Entity 
  • Payment 
  • Payment Method 
  • Payment Method Snapshot 
  • Payment Schedule Item

Payment Transaction Log

Base object: PaymentTransactionLog

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact

Prepaid Balance Fund

Part of the Prepaid with Drawdown feature.

Base object: Fund

Joined objects:

  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge

Prepaid Validity Period Summary

Part of the Prepaid with Drawdown feature.

Base object: PrepaidValidityPeriodSummary

Processed Usage

Base object: ProcessedUsage

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • Usage


Base object: Product

Joined objects:

  • Entity *

Product Rate Plan Charge

Base object: ProductRatePlanCharge

Joined objects:

  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AdjustmentLiabilityAccountingCode
  • AdjustmentRevenueAccountingCode
  • ContractAssetAccountingCode
  • ContractLiabilityAccountingCode
  • ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • UnbilledReceivablesAccountingCode

Product Rate Plan Charge Tier

Base object: ProductRatePlanChargeTier

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge

Rate Plan

Base object: RatePlan

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Rate Plan Charge

Base object: RatePlanCharge

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Rate Plan Charge Tier

Base object: RatePlanChargeTier

Joined objects:

  • Amendment
  • Entity *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • Subscription

Rating Result

Part of the Unbilled Usage feature.

Base object: RatingResult

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillTo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • ParentAccount
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldTo
  • Subscription


Base object: Refund

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • SoldToContact

Refund Application

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: RefundApplication

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • CreditMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • OnAccountAccountingCode
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • SoldToContact
  • UnappliedPaymentAccountingCode

Refund Application Item

Part of the Invoice Item Settlement feature.

Base object: RefundApplicationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • ApplicationGroup
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • CreditTaxationItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • OnAccountAccountingCode
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • RefundApplication
  • SoldToContact
  • UnappliedPaymentAccountingCode

Refund Invoice Payment

Deprecated if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: RefundInvoicePayment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • BillToContact
  • CashAccountingCode
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoicePayment
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • SoldToContact

Refund Part

Part of the Invoice Settlement feature.

Base object: RefundPart

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • SoldToContact

Refund Part Item

Part of the Invoice Item Settlement feature.

Base object: RefundPartItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Payment
  • PaymentMethod
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund
  • RefundPart
  • SoldToContact

Refund Transaction Log

Base object: RefundTransactionLog

Joined objects:

  • Entity *
  • PaymentMethodSnapshot
  • Refund

Revenue Charge Summary Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueChargeSummaryItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Event Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueEventItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueEvent
  • RevenueEventType
  • RevenueSchedule
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Event Item Credit Memo Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature. Zuora strongly recommends that you only use this data source if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: RevenueEventItemCreditMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueEventCreditMemoItem
  • RevenueEventType
  • RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Event Item Debit Memo Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature. Zuora strongly recommends that you only use this data source if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: RevenueEventItemDebitMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueEventDebitMemoItem
  • RevenueEventType
  • RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Event Item Invoice Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueEventItemInvoiceItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueEventInvoiceItem
  • RevenueEventType
  • RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Event Item Invoice Item Adjustment

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueEventItemInvoiceItemAdjustment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • InvoiceItemAdjustment
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueEventInvoiceItemAdjustment
  • RevenueEventType
  • RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Schedule Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueScheduleItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueSchedule
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Schedule Item Credit Memo Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature. Zuora strongly recommends that you only use this data source if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: RevenueScheduleItemCreditMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • CreditMemo
  • CreditMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueScheduleCreditMemoItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Schedule Item Debit Memo Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature. Zuora strongly recommends that you only use this data source if the Invoice Settlement feature is enabled.

Base object: RevenueScheduleItemDebitMemoItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DebitMemo
  • DebitMemoItem
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueScheduleDebitMemoItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueScheduleInvoiceItem
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Revenue Schedule Item Invoice Item Adjustment

Requires the Zuora Finance - Revenue feature.

Base object: RevenueScheduleItemInvoiceItemAdjustment

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • DeferredRevenueAccountingCode
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • InvoiceItemAdjustment
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • RecognizedRevenueAccountingCode
  • RevenueChargeSummary
  • RevenueScheduleInvoiceItemAdjustment
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
Stored Credential Profile

Base object: StoredCredentialProfile

Joined object: PaymentMethod

If you want to query data by joining Payment Method and Stored Credential Profile, use StoredCredentialProfile as the base object to achieve better query performance.


Base object: Subscription

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • SoldToContact
  • SubscriptionVersionAmendment

Taxation Item

Base object: TaxationItem

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • AccountReceivableAccountingCode
  • AccountingPeriod *
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • Invoice
  • InvoiceItem
  • JournalEntry *
  • JournalRun *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SalesTaxPayableAccountingCode
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription
  • TaxableItemSnapshot *


Base object: Usage

Joined objects:

  • Account
  • Amendment
  • BillToContact
  • DefaultPaymentMethod
  • Entity *
  • ParentAccount *
  • Product
  • ProductRatePlan
  • ProductRatePlanCharge
  • RatePlan
  • RatePlanCharge
  • SoldToContact
  • Subscription

Availability of Data Source Objects

Depending on the features that are enabled in your Zuora tenant, some joined objects may not be available or may not contain any data. The following joined objects depend on Zuora features:

Additionally, any existing Subscribe and Amend customers who are on Orders (not on Orders Harmonization) will not have access to the objects related to Amendments.

Additional Data Source Fields

  • If you have defined custom fields for an object, your custom fields are available in every data source that provides the object. To specify a custom field in an Export ZOQL query, use the API name that you defined for the custom field.
  • If you have enabled foreign currency conversion in Zuora, you can include currency conversion data in data source exports. Currency conversion data is available through additional fields in some objects. See Foreign Currency Conversion for Data Source Exports for more information.