Zuora 2025.Q1 release notes
Zuora publishes release notes in advance of delivery to sandbox environments to allow additional time to review and test new and changed features before they are released to production environments. These release notes are subject to changes and additions after publishing. Any changes or additions that occur after the initial publish for a particular release version are noted with a date in the Updated column in each release note table.
Customer-impacting changes delivered after the initial major release, as part of minor or patch releases during the quarter, are also added to the release notes. The minor and patch release notes are listed in order starting from the most recent release version at the top of each table. The specific minor or patch release version is noted in the Updated column. An empty Updated column indicates that the release note applies to the major release and was not added or changed after the initial publish date.
For more information about Zuora releases, see Zuora releases explained.
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
Order to Revenue
We have now introduced a button to regenerate booking transactions from the Subscriptions details page. Earlier, this function was available through an API. | 2025.Q1.0.1 Added: Feb 13, 2025 |
Order to Revenue
The Order to Revenue feature now allows you to select custom fields using multi-select data type when mapping the fields between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue. See Manage revenue fields mapping. | 2025.Q1.0.1 Added: Feb 13, 2025 |
Invoicing and Tax
You can now update tax modes and codes while overwriting charges during the following order actions:
Previously, you had to use the tax modes and codes from product rate plan charges. |
Invoicing and Tax
To enhance the URL readability and consistency of API operations, we've updated several API endpoints to align with REST API naming conventions.
Invoicing and Tax
For Saudi Arabia, in the E-Invoice section of the Basic Information section on the invoice, credit memo, and debit memo detail pages, we have added the Conditional Success as a new value for the Status field accompanied by new information for the Error Code and Error Message fields. The Conditional Success status is activated when the Tax Authority sends back a SCI response code of Conditionally Accepted (CA). With this status, you can download logs from the invoice, credit memo, and debit memo detail pages and take corresponding actions according to the information provided in the Error Code and Error Message fields. | |
Invoicing and Tax
We have enhanced the E-Invoicing feature as follows:
Invoicing and Tax
The “Create a bill run” API operation now supports the Bill Run Advanced Filter feature. Previously, this feature was only supported in the Zuora UI. The Bill Run Advanced Filter feature allows you to bill your customers by selecting accounts, subscriptions, and charges based on custom filters. See Create a custom filter through Bill Run Advanced Filter and Common use cases of Bill Run Advanced Filter. |
Invoicing and Tax
The Sold To Contact object on Debit Memo is now available in Data Query, HTML templates for billing documents, and callout and email templates. | |
Invoicing and Tax
Invoice Owner was added as a related object of the Subscription data source. |
Invoicing and Tax
You can now expand the subscriptionowner field through the following Object Query operations:
credittaxationitems and debittaxationitems fields through the credit memo and debit memo Object Query operations listed above. |
Invoicing and Tax
The RatingDetail schema is now accessible in Data Query and integrated with HTML Invoice templates. The RatingDetail object is available as an array within the InvoiceItem and CreditMemoItem objects. This allows you to retrieve detailed rating information, such as pricing formulas and charge details, directly from your invoice and credit memo data. See RatingDetail schema. |
Invoicing and Tax
Zuora now supports multi-tax functionality for Direct Avalara Integration (SOAP API-Based) to align with tax policy updates. You can contact Zuora Support to activate this feature. | |
Invoicing and Tax
The Global Tax Hub Tax app now includes support for custom fields on Product and ProductRatePlan. These fields can be configured directly in the Tax Engine UI, integrated into the Tax Template, and passed to the vendor for processing. Currently, the following tax engines are part of the Global Tax Hub:
You can select from various tax engine types, including Z-Tax, Avalara, Global Tax Engine, or Connect Tax Engine. Both Global Tax Engine and Connect Tax Engine support configurable tax templates. |
Invoicing and Tax
The BULK PDF Export feature now ignores archived PDF files during export. A new parameter, ignoreArchivedFiles, has been added to the job request payload. When set to true, the export process automatically skips archived PDF files without causing the entire job request to fail. |
Order to Revenue
The Order to Revenue feature now supports account-level discounts upon billing. The corresponding billing transactions are considered as standalone invoices in Zuora Revenue. |
Order to Revenue
A new setting called Generate one time charge for subscription term change is now available in Revenue > Interface Settings. When the setting is configured to |
Order to Revenue
The Order to Revenue feature now supports additional standard and custom fields for the data mapping between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue, as follows:
Order to Revenue
A new option called Generate actual amount as standalone booking line is now available for the Fixed Amount Discount Revenue Accounting setting in Revenue > Interface Settings. |
Order to Revenue
We have enhanced the billing transaction mapping logic from Zuora Billing to Zuora Revenue as follows: if the debit memo is generated by reversing a credit memo, the corresponding transaction type is |
Order to Revenue
We have enhanced the booking transaction to set the Restrict SO Value Update field of a booking transaction to |
Order to Revenue
The Pending Subscription setting on the Interface Settings page of the Zuora Billing UI was renamed to Pending Subscription and Charges. |
Orders and Subscriptions
We have added the chargeTypeToExclude nested field to the following fields:
You can use this field as a filter to exclude charges of specific charge types from the order preview result and billing document generation. By filtering out charges of irrelevant charge types, you can have a clearer view of future invoices and metrics for the rest of the charges. The charge types available for exclusion include OneTime, Recurring, and Usage. See Create an order and Preview an order. |
Orders and Subscriptions
We have enhanced Orders API for one-time and recurring charges of the volume and tiered pricing charge models by adding the originalListPrice field to the following fields:
If this field is empty, the value of the price field is used as the list price of each tier. You can also preview and retrieve the orders that include this field. See Create an order. |
Orders and Subscriptions
You can now edit the Document Date field when generating the final invoice or credit memo in the following two operations:
The default value of the Document Date field is today’s date. See Cancel subscriptions and refund end customers automatically and Cancel subscriptions and write off all unpaid invoices. |
Orders and Subscriptions
You can now set a unique key to link a subscription and order line item when creating a subscription and an order line item simultaneously in an order. After the order is activated, the subscription number is automatically synced to the linked order line item. |
Orders and Subscriptions
We have added the Payment Term, Invoice Template, and Sequence Set fields to the Billing section of the sales order line items in the Orders UI. Previously, it was only supported in API. You can now perform the following operations through the Orders UI:
Orders and Subscriptions
We have changed the boolean custom field to be displayed as a picklist. From the picklist, you can set the default value of the custom field as None, True, or False. See Custom fields. |
Orders and Subscriptions
We have exposed the IsScheduled field on the Order object in the Data Query and Reporting to indicate whether the order is a scheduled order. |
Orders and Subscriptions
You can now delete an order using the “Delete an order asynchronously” API operation. With this API operation, you can avoid the following issues when deleting large orders:
Orders and Subscriptions
You can now create subscriptions with different invoice owner accounts within a single order using the “Create an order” and “Create an order asynchronously” API operations. |
Billing 2025.Q1 fixes
For the list of resolved issues, see Billing 2025.Q1 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.
Zuora release 2025.Q1 corresponds with Quotes 10.38.
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
We have introduced a new setting, Enable Charge Segment Metrics, in Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings > Admin Config. With this setting enabled, a new Zuora Quotes managed package object, Charge Segment, is populated with segment-level metrics when a quote is saved. This object relates to the quote, among other existing Zuora Quotes objects. These segment-level metrics represent the metrics for a charge's lifetime, across terms, for a specific period represented per charge, per interval, and discounts applied. To use Charge Segment metrics, you must have Orders enabled. For more information, see Quote and Charge metrics. | 10.38 |
In Evergreen Quote, the Number of Periods - Billing Period(s) (1 - 36) field now supports any numeric value from 1 to 36 when you select Specific Number of Periods from the Calculate Quote Metrics Through dropdown list. The default value for this field is 1. |
10.38 |
You can now add custom fields to the new zqu__Custom_Order_Query_Fields fieldset to get data from orders in Zuora during amendments or renewals. Previously, custom order fields were not populated on the amendment or the renewal quote as part of the stored existing product job created in the previous subscription version. |
10.38 |
We have updated the Rules CSV file to include a new TriggerEvent column. This allows the migration of each rule with any of the following values:
10.38 |
We have enhanced the rules execution by preventing navigation to other child quotes while rules are being executed or when errors occur in the rules engine. |
10.38 |
We have updated the tooltip text for Define Behavior for making Updates before Future Dated Updates settings in Quote Studio Settings > Admin Config page. |
10.38 |
We have added the Product Rate Plan Charge under the Object (Select One) section in Quick Filters. Admins can now create filter logic for quick filters with conditions based on Product Rate Plan Charge fields. |
10.38 |
Quote Studio now supports an improved entity selection process similar to the legacy CPQ UI Multi-Entity capabilities. You can now select a billing entity before proceeding with Quote creation, eliminating the need for Administrators to define a default entity. For more information, see Create new subscription quotes.
10.38 |
We have enhanced the charge display functionality to hide charges when they end in a previous interval based on the end date condition. For example, if a charge has an end date condition of Specific End Date and the specific end date is within interval 2, the charge is hidden in interval 3. | 10.38 |
CPQ X and CPQ 9
We have introduced a new fieldset, Retain Custom Field Data Type, for Account, Quote, Quote Rate Plan, Quote Rate Plan Charges, Quote Amendment, and Quote Order Line Item objects for backward compatibility. When the Legacy Support: Send SF Custom Fields to Zuora as String setting is enabled, the custom fields in this fieldset are excluded from being converted to strings when sending the quote to Zuora. |
10.38 |
CPQ 2025.Q1 fixes
For the list of resolved issues, see CPQ 2025.Q1 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
The PayPal Commerce Platform gateway integration in Zuora now supports the Real-Time Reconciliation feature for the following events:
See Real-Time Reconciliation events for PayPal Commerce Platform. |
Hotfix: Feb 20, 2024 SBX |
Finance |
We have introduced a new accounting rule setting that allows you to control handling asynchronous payments within the Journal Entries (JR) and Trial Balance Reports (TBR). This new setting determines whether the accounting impact of async payments should be recorded as pending or processed status. |
2025.Q1.0.1 |
For Stripe v2 payment gateway integrations, a new Select the source field for Soft Descriptors to appear on statements payment rule is now available. You can use this rule to select the source from which the value is retrieved and included in the descriptor field in transactions sent to the gateway. The descriptor containing the retrieved text will be displayed on your customers’ card or account statements and help them identify transactions. |
2025.Q1.0.1 |
The Checkout.com payment gateway integration in Zuora now supports the Real-Time Reconciliation feature for ACH transactions. With this feature enabled, the gateway submits notifications to Zuora and the corresponding records in Zuora are automatically updated in real time. |
2025.Q1.0.1 |
For Credit Card payment methods on the Checkout.com payment gateway integration, by using the “Create a payment method” API operation, you can now save any combination of a Checkout.com token and clear PAN data. You can also request Checkout.com tokens for existing cards on file. When both a relevant gateway token and PAN exist at the time of transaction, Zuora will prioritize the submission of the gateway token. |
We now support Checkout.com's Real-Time Account Updater for credit card transactions on the Checkout.com integration. This service automatically updates card details in real-time while processing a payment, such as when a card number or expiration date changes or when a card is closed and invalid. When enabled, Zuora updates the card information based on the payment response from Checkout.com. You can retrieve the card updating information through Data Query or Data Sources. |
Payments |
The Fat Zebra payment gateway integration now supports Direct Entry AU payment methods. You can create Direct Entry AU payment methods through Payment Pages 2.0. |
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 30, 2025 |
Payments |
The Worldpay 1.4 payment gateway integration now supports Apple Pay payment methods. You can implement the support for Apple Pay through any of the following approaches:
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 30, 2025 |
Payments |
The Worldpay 1.4 payment gateway integration now supports Google Pay payment methods. You can implement the support for Google Pay through any of the following approaches:
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 30, 2025 |
Payments |
The Worldpay 1.4 payment gateway integration now supports Delayed Capture. You can authorize the availability of funds for a transaction and delay the capture of funds later. |
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 30, 2025 |
Payments |
For Credit Card payment methods on the Worldpay 1.4 payment gateway integration, you can now save any combination of a Worldpay token and clear PAN data. You can also request Worldpay tokens for existing cards on file using one of the following options:
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 30, 2025 |
Payments |
We have simplified the configuration for the CyberSource Payment Method Updater (PMU) by eliminating the need to configure Java Keystore information. Zuora now uses the system Java Keystore. Existing keys are no longer used or accessible. The following configuration fields are removed from the CyberSource PMU configuration page:
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 15, 2025 |
Payments |
The Zuora JavaScript client library v3, used for implementing Payment Form and payment flows through Zuora JavaScript SDK, is renamed to Zuora JavaScript client library 1.4.0. See Payment Form and Implement payment flows through JavaScript SDK integration. |
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 15, 2025 |
Finance |
A new field, |
Payments |
The following payment method types are now available in Payment Form:
Payments |
When configuring Payment Form, you can now add the following fields:
Payments |
When implementing your integration code for Payment Form, the following new parameters are now available for submitting additional information:
See Create a payment session and Payment Form Implementation Guide. |
Payments |
The following security measures are now available for Payment Form:
Payments |
Payment Form now supports localization:
See Translate and localize payment forms and Configure payment forms. |
Payments |
We have enhanced Payment Form to support Visa's 3D Secure (3DS) authentication guidelines. |
Payments |
Payment Form is now generally available to all Zuora customers. You can enable this feature without going through the Early Adopter approval process. |
Payments |
On Adyen Integration v2.0, you can now tokenize ACH payment methods using one of the following options:
Payments |
The Checkout.com payment gateway integration now supports processing Level 2 and Level 3 data for the following card brands in the U.S.:
Payments |
A new payment gateway integration, Alipay, is now available in Zuora for early adopters. It integrates with Alipay Auto Debit to support processing payments with Alipay China. |
Payments |
You can now include the See Use Reporting. |
Payments |
The Payment Method Tokens object is now available in Data Source and Data Query. You can create a data source export or a query on the Payment Method object and select to use the Payment Method Tokens object to report on details of tokens associated with payment methods. |
Payments |
To support processing Indian local recurring payments in non-INR currencies, you can now implement a payment flow through Payment Pages 2.0 for Credit Card Reference Transaction payment methods on Stripe v2. See Implement Payment Pages 2.0 to support processing payments in India. |
Payments |
We have improved support for the Plaid account validation solution to include the Plaid update mode. If your customer's bank credentials, which were used to connect a payment method to Plaid, are changed, the Plaid API calls made from Zuora for this payment method fail. You can prompt your customer to log in for reauthentication. Upon successful reauthentication, the existing access token for the payment method is re-activated, allowing Zuora to resume API calls for this payment method. See Enable the support for Plaid account validation solution. |
Payments |
You can now enable the support for Plaid account validation solution in Zuora through a self-service configuration. Previously, you had to submit a request at Zuora Global Support to enable this feature. See Enable the support for Plaid account validation solution. |
Payments |
We have automated handling surcharge debit memos when a payment containing a surcharge is unapplied and refunded. This enhancement eliminates manual intervention, ensuring seamless reconciliation and simplifying user workflows. When a payment containing a surcharge is unapplied and subsequently refunded, the system will automatically write off the balance on the associated surcharge debit memo. This automated process ensures that the surcharge debit memo no longer remains as an open balance in the account, streamlining the management of surcharge-related transactions. |
Payments |
We now support tax computation via tax engines to compute the tax amount for write-off generated credit memos. This enhancement ensures accurate tax calculations during write-offs, aligning with your organization's tax compliance requirements. | |
Payments |
We have enhanced the Unapply, Refund with Write-Off API to support the write-off of debit memos. This update introduces the debitMemoNumber field in the API request, enabling you to write off debit memos seamlessly, fully or partially, through the API. |
Payments |
Currently, you can query the PSI object using the object query functionality to retrieve the PSIPayment object indirectly when querying a PSI or a Payment. However, the PSIPayment object should not be directly exposed in the Object Query API. Customers who have one PSI with multiple payments linked to it can only retrieve one payment. | |
Payments |
We have enhanced the account search functionality to increase the flexibility of the search options while transferring payments. The enhancement focuses on refining the search based on the customer name and account number. Previously, the search operation resulted in performance issues for customers with large volumes of billing accounts. |
Payments 2025.Q1 fixes
There are currently no fixed issues reported for Payments in 2025.Q1.
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
Billing Connector for Netsuite GL |
The Billing Netsuite connector now gives you the ability to configure the new Payment Sync Behaviour custom field to process data based on the following preferences:
2025.Q1.0.1 |
Billing Connector for Netsuite GL | Currently, when the invoice sync processes errors due to failed invoice synchronization, the subsequent objects are not synced, and the process terminates. Now, Zuora has removed the dependency between the invoice sync status and the consequent objects to eliminate the risk of unsynced data. | 2025.Q1.0.1 |
Custom Objects
You can now use the UI Builder for custom objects to configure the columns displayed in the Related Objects section on object detail pages, such as Account, Invoice, Payment, and Product. |
2025.Q1.0.1 |
Hubspot Connector
New field mapping combinations are now available to synchronize custom fields to standard Zuora fields. See Field mappings for Zuora-HubSpot synchronization. | 2025.Q1.0.1 |
Hubspot Connector
The HubSpot connector can now sync the discounts on a separate discount amount or percentage charge on the same rate plan similar to the base charge. With this release:
2025.Q1.0.1 |
Hubspot Connector
The connector now supports configuring the trigger condition for each deal line item based on the trigger condition options available in Zuora. If a trigger condition is not specified, the condition specified on the product rate plan charge in Zuora is used by default. Additionally, you can specify a custom date for the charge trigger. | 2025.Q1.0.1 |
Z Finance now syncs multiple exchange rates from Oanda of type Bid rate, ask rate and Mid rate. The synced rates will be used on the usage records for conversion. The following rates are available to be synced from Oanda :
2025.Q1.0.1 |
Deployment Manager
Deployment Manager now supports migration of Order to Revenue configurations. |
This feature was rolled back on Jan 16, 2025 |
Zuora OneID
Unified Permission Management in OneID for Zuora Billing is now available for early adopters. It provides a centralized approach to manage user roles, permissions, and access controls across Zuora Billing tenants. It ensures a consistent and secure framework for defining and enforcing permissions, reducing complexity and improving compliance. |
This feature was rolled back on Feb 03, 2025
The system will now preconfigure the Organization field with your default organization when you create a new bill run or perform a payment run. |
2025.Q1.0.0 Added: Jan 15, 2025
We've introduced user permission control for Data Source Export generated result files. Only users with the Enable DataSource Exports Reporting permission can download the Data Source Export result files. Previously, all users could download these files regardless of the Enable DataSource Exports permission. The user permission control is turned off by default. To turn on this feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support. |
Changed: Feb 8, 2025 |
Data Loader
Data Loader now supports Import, Delete, Update and Cancel actions for journal entries. |
Data Loader
You can now access Data Loader from the import icon present on the list view pages of Accounts, Custom Objects, and Subscriptions. See |
Data Loader
Data Loader now supports the ability to bulk unapply credit memos and debit memos to enable efficient error correction in migrated data with reduced dependency on workflows. | |
Data Loader
A new API section called Bulk Data is now available to manage bulk data loader services allowing developers to programmatically perform CURD (Create,Update, Read/export,Delete). See Bulk Jobs API |
Changed: Feb 14, 2025 |
Data Loader
Data loader now supports creating multiple contacts on a single account and supports delete action in contacts. |
Deployment Manager
Zuora Audit Trail now integrates with Deployment Manager across all environments. |
Events and Notifications
You can now define and send the audience, along with other custom parameters, in OAuth 2.0 requests. |
Events and Notifications
You can now specify the SSL certificate for your callout receiver server's domain in callout templates. This self-service certificate management feature helps eliminate SSL certificate errors (HTTP status code 495) for callout notifications. |
Events and Notifications
A new platform user permission called Resend Notifications is now available. Users with this permission can resend email or callout notification histories on account detail pages. See Platform roles and View and resend notifications of customer accounts. |
Events and Notifications
When activating or deactivating callout templates, the following authentication settings are now retained to enhance user experience. Previously, these settings were removed during the process.
Events and Notifications
You can now edit multiple notifications simultaneously in the Zuora UI. The following notification settings can be edited in bulk:
See Manage notifications. |
This feature was rolled back on Jan 28, 2025 |
Events and Notifications
Email addresses specified in the To Email field of email templates now take precedence over those in the CC Email field. If an email address is included in both the To Email and CC Email of an email template, we will only list it in the To section and not in the CC section in notification emails. |
Events and Notifications
You can now simulate data, such as data source or advanced merge fields, when previewing email templates by assigning an ID of the base object of the linked event. For example, when you enter a subscription object ID while previewing an email template linked to the Subscription Created event, you can preview both the email format and the merge fields populated with data from the provided subscription object. |
Events and Notifications
The Rate Plan Charge Key Dates event is now available for all tenants. Previously, enabling this event required contacting Zuora Global Support. See Standard events. |
HubSpot Connector |
New field mapping combinations are now available to synchronize custom fields to standard Zuora fields. | |
System Health
The following new operations are now available for System Health API to help you monitor your system performance metrics through APIs:
Salesforce CPQ Connector
PO Number field mapping is now available on the subscriptions, which allows consolidating invoices across multiple subscriptions. You can group and generate multiple invoices, ensuring you bill customers efficiently. Additionally, billing frequency can also be mapped between subscription and subscription rate plan charges, allowing for better flexibility. | |
UI Enhancement
The Platform section in the left navigation menu has been renamed Extension Studio to better reflect its purpose. | |
Zuora Connector for SAP
The Zuora Connector for SAP is now available for early adopters. With this connector you can automate the posting of summary journals from both Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue to your S/4HANA Public Cloud, Private Cloud or EEC SAP general ledger eliminating the need to build a custom integration.To join this early adopter program, submit a request to Zuora Global Support. | |
Zuora SDK
The following Zuora client libraries (also known as SDK) are now generally available and accessible to all users. Previously, these client libraries were only available to early adopters.
The latest version for each of these client libraries is 3.3.0. |
Zuora SDK |
The Zuora C# client library version 1.0.0-beta.1 is now available. It is the beta version but we recommend that you use it to start testing or integrating with Zuora. The C# client library provides comprehensive support for Zuora’s full range of v1 API capabilities, including the Object Query API. It can streamline your integration process and accelerate your development efforts. |
Changed: Feb 11, 2025 |
Platform 2025.Q1 fixes
There are currently no fixed issues reported for Zuora Platform in 2025.Q1.
Zuora release 2025.Q1 corresponds with Zuora Revenue
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
As a Zuora Revenue admin user, you can now review other user roles only in the read-only mode. This change applies to tenants who have migrated to Zuora OneID. |
Added: Jan 15, 2025 2025.Q1.0.0 |
Manual Journal Entries
You can now add notes, hyperlinks, and attachments to a journal entry by clicking the new Notes/Attachment button. This feature also allows you to find the uploaded data using the Search field. |
Revenue 2025.Q1 fixes
For the list of resolved issues, see Revenue 2025.Q1 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.
New and changed features
Feature | Description | Updated |
AI Paywall
A new Decision Node Builder section has been added to the AI Paywall screen, allowing you to create custom nodes for use in the Rules Builder. This section lets you configure key settings such as page view limits, block durations, and source-specific block periods, for example, Facebook or Instagram. | |
AI Paywall
The AI Paywall option, previously located in the Extensions screen, is now a separate option in the Settings menu for users with the AI Paywall feature flag enabled. The configurations in the AI Paywall screen have been reorganized to simplify the setup process with the following changes:
Zephr has upgraded its CDN and Reverse Proxy functionality to leverage the edge compute capabilities of Cloudflare’s Workers platform, delivering substantial improvements in speed, reliability, and security for all Zephr customers. |
Component Library
The Cancel Subscription form in Zephr has been enhanced with new options to help retain end users by presenting them with enticing offers and gathering insights into their cancellation reasons. To support this improvement, the following changes have been made:
Component Library
Zephr has been enhanced to attach metadata or custom fields to payment forms. When a user subscribes via your live site, this metadata is passed to the payment provider, enabling you to trace subscriptions back to their originating campaigns, pages, or forms. |
Component Library
Zephr now supports displaying Zuora Billing's payment forms directly on a Zephr payment page (Delivery > Component Library) and subsequently on your website. By using the publishable key from Zuora Billing, you can integrate and display your custom payment form for a streamlined user experience. |
To prevent brute force attacks, a new section, Failed OTP Authentication, has been added to the Settings screen (Zephr > Identity). This section allows you to configure:
These settings enhance security by blocking repeated unauthorized access attempts. Users exceeding the limit cannot request new OTPs or reset passwords until the configured ban duration ends. |
The layout of the Settings screen (Zephr > Identity) has been reorganized to improve usability and clarity. Options are now displayed in separate, clearly defined sections, making it easier for you to quickly locate specific settings without navigating through unrelated options. | |
Zephr now enables administrators to limit the number of concurrent active sessions per user, helping to prevent unauthorized usage. For example, this feature can restrict a user from streaming premium content on multiple devices simultaneously.
A new option, Unblock this user, has been added to the Reset Password screen (Identity > Users > User Action > Reset Password). This allows you to unblock a blocked user account before sending the password reset email. See Reset Password. |
We’ve enhanced the management of Dynamic Offers promo codes by introducing updates to the validity date functionality, including time zone consistency by aligning start and end times with the earliest global time zone, allowing draft promo codes to remain fully editable until they go live, and enabling updates to validity dates for live promo codes while keeping other fields locked.
These improvements make promo code management more reliable, ensuring compliance and adaptability for evolving business needs. See Add promo codes. |
The following nodes in the Rule Builder screen of Zephr have been enhanced to display a tooltip with the node name and additional information when hovered over:
This improvement makes it easier to identify and understand node configurations at a glance. |
Zephr has been enhanced to integrate with Google Analytics, allowing you to analyze user behaviour, track actions on your site, and compare outcomes to identify which ones drive better conversions.
To support this feature, a new option, Send Form Events to the Data Layer, has been added under Settings > Data Layer. This toggle allows you to enable or disable the sending of form events and form data to the data layer. Previously, there was no out-of-the-box way to capture and analyze this data. |
We’ve introduced a two-way data sync between Zephr and Zoura Billing to enable propagation of account data, including custom fields to Zephr users. For instance, a custom field like Preferred Name, when set in Zuora Billing, can now be propagated and dynamically displayed on your website through Zephr. To support this, the following changes have been made:
Zephr 2025.Q1 fixes
For the list of resolved issues, see Zephr 2025.Q1 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.
- For API documentation on Billing, Payments, and Platform, see v1 API Reference. For a summary of updates to the v1 API, see v1 API Changelog.
- For API documentation on Revenue, see Revenue API Reference.
- For API documentation on Zephr, see Zephr API Introduction. For a summary of updates to the Zephr API, see Admin API Changelog and Public API Changelog.
Current WSDL version: 148
For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.
SOAP API change history
For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.