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Zuora 2024.Q4 release notes


Zuora 2024.Q4 release notes

2024.Q4 release notes for Zuora Billing, CPQ, Payments, Platform, Revenue, and Zephr

Learn about new features, changes, fixes, and deprecations delivered in Zuora 2024.Q4 product release and subsequent release updates. 

Zuora publishes release notes in advance of delivery to sandbox environments to allow you additional time to review and test features and changes before they are released to production environments. These release notes are subject to changes and additions after publishing. You can refer to the Updated column in the release note tables to identify changes or additions.  


New and changed features


Feature  Description  Updated 

Business Automation Dashboard


In Order Entry, the AI assistant can now:
  • Handle discount information as follows:
    • Analyze discount information in order forms
    • Look up discount charges in the product catalog
    • Reflect discount charges and net amount in the draft orders
  • Extract payment terms from order forms. Previously, tenant's default payment terms was used
  • Extract sold-to and bill-to contacts separately. Previously, sold-to contact was used for bill-to contact
  • Extract the VAT number. Previously, no VAT number was extracted

See AI Order Entry.


Invoicing and Tax


The Bill Run Advanced Filter is now generally available. Use this filter to bill your customers by selecting accounts, subscriptions, and charges based on custom filters. The advanced and custom filters allow you to create bill runs more granularly and flexibly.

See Bill Run Advanced Filter.


Invoicing and Tax


You can now specify a reason code and comments for reversing invoices and credit memos.  

Invoicing and Tax


You can now create, update, and delete items when editing draft standalone invoices, credit memos, and debit memos.

See Add and delete invoice items of draft standalone invoices and Edit credit and debit memos.


Invoicing and Tax


You can now update the following fields through the “Update an invoice schedule” API operation, even though the actualAmount field has a negative value after retrieving an invoice schedule: 

  • You can update the notes and custom fields of the invoice schedule.  
  • You can update the name field of the schedule item when the schedule item is in Pending status.
  • You can update the custom fields of the schedule item when the schedule item is in Pending or Processed status. 

See Update an invoice schedule.


Invoicing and Tax


We have enhanced the tax amount validation when the following settings are specified:

  • Available to credit validation for credit memos billing setting is set to Header and Item-level.
  • Tax Auto Calculation checkbox is selected.

Even though the Header and Item-level billing setting is specified, the system now only validates the total tax amount instead of the tax amounts on individual tax items. Previously, the system validated both the total tax amount and tax amounts on individual tax items.

See Enable preventing over-crediting.


Invoicing and Tax


We have added sold-to and bill-to contacts to debit memos. If you create an invoice with incorrect contacts, which results in wrong tax information, you can now create a debit memo from the invoice and correct the contacts on the debit memo through the REST API.   

Invoicing and Tax


We have made the following two enhancements:
  • If you do not specify a payment term when creating a customer account through the “Create an account” or “Sign up” API operation, the payment term is inherited from the default payment term in the Billing Settings > Payment Terms setting. Previously, the account payment term always used Due Upon Receipt, regardless of whether this payment term was activated or deactivated. 
  • If you specify a deactivated payment term when creating a customer account through the “Create an account” or “Sign up” API operation, the account creation fails, and you receive an error message. Previously, you could create a customer account with a deactivated payment term. 

Invoicing and Tax


Six new default templates have been added to the Template Library screen of the Summary Statement (Billing > Manage Billing Document Configuration > Manage Invoice, Credit/Debit Memo Templates > Add New HTML Template). These templates offer pre-designed options for users to customize and configure summary statements.

See Configure Summary statements in HTML templates.


Invoicing and Tax



Invoicing and Tax


The Statement Management APIs have been enhanced to support Summary Statement and Summary Statement Run, which were previously accessible only through the UI. The enhanced Statement Run APIs enable creating ad-hoc statement runs for single or multiple accounts, retrieving statement run details, and listing statements within a run, with the ability to download individual statement PDFs.

Also, the new Statement Template APIs allow users to create, retrieve, and update summary statement templates for accounts.


Invoicing and Tax


A new field, city, is now available in the Mapping Formula section of the Create Tax Code screen (Setting > Billing > Setup Taxation Codes > Add new tax code). This field allows you to select the city name from the soldToContact object and is applicable only when using Multiple Tax Engines.

See Tax engine mapping formula.


Invoicing and Tax


Zuora Billing has introduced a new REST API integration for the Direct Avalara Integration, streamlining AvaTax for Sales tax calculations. This enhancement replaces the outdated SOAP API, making the integration more reliable and aligned with Avalara’s latest API standards. If you are an existing customer, no action is needed as this update will be applied automatically without requiring any manual intervention

Currently, this feature is in Early Adopter (EA) status.

See Direct Avalara integration


Invoicing and Tax


You can now select both Legacy Custom Fields and Advanced Custom Fields when creating a Connect Tax Engine in the Setup Tax Engine screen (Settings > Billing > Setup Tax Engine and Tax Date). The following objects and their custom fields are now available in the tax app templates:

  • Account
  • Contact (Contact supports legacy custom fields only)

  • CreditMemo

  • DebitMemo

  • Invoice

  • InvoiceItem (Invoice Item supports legacy custom fields only)

  • ProductRatePlanCharge

  • RatePlanCharge

  • Subscription

Previously, users could only select  Legacy Custom Fields.

See Setup Connect tax engine.


Orders and Subscriptions


The Omni-Channel subscription feature is now available for early adopters. 
You can use API or Data Loader to import subscriptions from external systems, such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store, and Roku Store, and keep Zuora as the single source for your subscriptions from all channels. The imported subscriptions persist as the omnichannel subscriptions. You can perform the following operations on omnichannel subscriptions:
  • Create, update, and delete omni-channel subscriptions through the REST API
  • View and retrieve information on omnichannel subscriptions through the REST API, AQuA API, Data Query, Data Souce, subscription details page, and subscription list page

To turn on this feature, submit a request to Zuora Global Support.


Orders and Subscriptions


We have added the following fields to the termsAndConditions field in the “Create an order” API operation:

  • scheduledCancelDate
  • scheduledSuspendDate
  • scheduledResumeDate
  • clearingScheduledCancelDate
  • clearingScheduledSuspendDate
  • clearingScheduledResumeDate

You can now specify future dates for the scheduledCancelDate, scheduledSuspendDate, and scheduledResumeDate fields. When the dates arrive, the system automatically creates orders with corresponding order actions to cancel, suspend, and resume the subscription. Following the order, the system changes the subscription status and clears the specified scheduled dates. You can also use the clearingScheduledCancelDate, clearingScheduledSuspendDate, and clearingScheduledResumeDate fields to manually clear the specified scheduled dates.

See Create an order.


Orders and Subscriptions


You can now enter an order date while reverting an order. Revert Order action is only available for the Single Version Subscription feature. 

See Revert orders.


Orders and Subscriptions


If the originalListPricefield is specified for the following charges through the “Create an order” or “Create an order asynchronously” API operations, you can now retrieve this field through the “List subscriptions by account key”, “Retrieve a subscription by key”, and “Retrieve a subscription by key and version” API operations.
  • oneTimeFlatFee
  • oneTimePerUnit
  • recurringFlatFee
  • recurringPerUnit
  • usageFlatFee
  • usagePerUnit

See List subscriptions by account key, Retrieve a subscription by key, and Retrieve a subscription by key and version.

Orders and Subscriptions

A new API operation called "List subscription metrics" is now available to list the gross MRR, net MRR, gross TCV, and net TCV metrics for your subscriptions.

Additionally, the following operations now support listing the net TCV metric for your subscription:

  • List subscriptions by account key
  • Retrieve a subscription by key
  • Retrieve a subscription by key and version

See API Reference.

Orders and Subscriptions

The Delivery-based Billing feature now supports Zuora Billing customers applying percentage discounts to delivery pricing charges. Previously, only Order to Revenue customers could apply percentage discounts to delivery pricing charges.

To support this enhancement, the Reflect Discount in Apply To Charge Net Amount checkbox was moved from the Revenue Accounting section to the Charge Amount section on the product page in the Zuora Billing UI.

See Delivery-based Billing standard use case.

Orders and Subscriptions

Order to Revenue customers can now use Change Plan order actions.


Order to Revenue

We have enhanced the CCV metric for Order to Revenue customers. This new CCV metric is calculated by summing the billed amount of a charge and the preview amount for the unbilled portion of the charge. It improves the accuracy of CCV and solves the discrepancy between booking and billing amounts.

See CCV calculation in Order to Revenue.


Order to Revenue

The following new standard reports are available in Reporting:

  • Booking Report
  • Booking VS Billing Variance Report

See Standard reports.


Order to Revenue

A new user permission called Manage OTR settings is available in the Zuora Billing Standard User role. You must enable this permission for any user role that needs to configure the Revenue settings in Zuora Billing. If not enabled, the Revenue settings will be read-only, meaning that if you try to change and save them, an error will be returned.

See Billing roles.


Order to Revenue

We have added the following fields to the Order Line Items page in the Zuora Billing UI. You can now configure the related revenue settings when you create or update an order line item through the UI.

  • Revenue Recognition Timing
  • Revenue Amortization Method

See Create sales order line items.


Order to Revenue

We have enhanced the Data Migration function for the Order to Revenue feature. When you perform data migration, the revenue recognition events transactions are now also generated, in addition to booking transactions and billing transactions.


Order to Revenue

We have added a new field called validityPeriodNumber on the Booking Transactions object.

See Booking Transaction object fields and Data Query.


Order to Revenue

A script tool is now available for you to perform transaction object pre-checks before you configure, backfill, and migrate data for your Order to Revenue tenant.


Usage and Rating

Unbilled Usage feature to support the Pre-Rated Pricing and High Water Mark Pricing charge models is now available for early adopters.

See Unbilled Usage.


Usage and Rating

The Prepaid with Drawdown feature now supports applying percentage discounts to prepayment charges or drawdown charges.

See Create prepayment subscription.


Usage and Rating

We have added a new billing rule setting called Should the stacked percentage discount ignore or follow discount class with the following options:

  • The default Ignore discount class option maintains the current behavior of ignoring the discount class order when applying stacked discounts.
  • The Follow discount class option switches the behavior to applying the stacked discounts in the discount class order and applying the stacked discount to the remaining amount after the previous discount class is processed.

See Define billing rule and Discount class and stacked discounts.



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Billing 2024.Q4 fixes 

There are currently no fixed issues reported for Billing in 2024.Q4.

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New and changed features

There are currently no new and changed features reported for CPQ in 2024.Q4.

CPQ 2024.Q4 fixes 

There are currently no fixed issues reported for CPQ in 2024.Q4.


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New and changed features

Feature Description Updated 



Fx data and AR transactions objects/records are soft deleted, enabling you to retain deleted records within the Zuora system for reporting. See Fx Data in data source and AR Transaction Data Source.




You can now update the payment retry rule specific to a payment method by using the following fields in the "Update a payment method" API operation:

  • maxConsecutivePaymentFailures
  • paymentRetryWindow
  • useDefaultRetryRule

See Update a payment method.




The Bank Identification Number (BIN) information for card payment methods is now saved when creating the card in Zuora. BIN details for existing cards if available are also saved.

You can retrieve the BIN details by using any of the following methods:

  • Zuora UI
  • The "Retrieve a payment method" API operation
  • Data Query

When creating a card payment method through Payment Pages 2.0, you can use a new cardBinInfo event handler to capture detailed BIN information.

See Retrieve BIN information for card payment methods and Integrate Payment Pages 2.0.



The Payment Form feature is now available for the following payment method types and payment gateway integrations:
  • Credit Card payment methods on and Worldpay
  • Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) payment methods on GoCardless and Stripe v2



On the Payments setting page, the label of the Payment Form setting has been renamed from Dynamic Hosted Payment Form to Payment Form.

See Configure payment forms.




You can now enable Payment Form through a self-service configuration. Previously, you had to submit a request at Zuora Global Support.

See Configure payment forms.



When implementing a Google Pay™ button through the Zuora JavaScript SDK, the merchant name is required by Google Pay to render the button. You can now configure the merchant name by using either of the following approaches:
  • Specify the merchantName configuration parameter in your client-side code.
  • Enable the Payment Link feature and configure the Public Business Information setting.

See Set up Google Pay with Zuora JavaScript SDK.



The payment schedule items with a canceled status are now soft deleted, enabling you to retain them within the Zuora system for later use. The deleted payment schedule/payment schedule items will not be available through the Payment Schedules API. If you require access to soft deleted payment schedules and PSIs, you can utilize data sources to export this information.  


Payment Profiles for subscribers are now available that allow you to associate payment methods and gateways with specific subscriptions.

The Orders API now accepts additional parameters in the request body, allowing customers to populate subscription-level payment methods and payment gateways in large volume with API calls at subscription creation and thereafter.



Zuora now supports the ability to apply credit card surcharges to help merchants pass on payment processing fees to end customers, offering greater flexibility in managing processing fees.

Support for payment surcharges is currently in the early adopter phase and in limited availability. This capability is available for customers on Invoice settlement.



The Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway integration has been enhanced to include the surcharge information in Level 2 and Level 3 card data. If the Surcharge feature is enabled, a Level 3 line item for the surcharge is added to the line item array in the request to the gateway. If the surcharge tax is applied, the tax amount in Level 2 data includes the surcharge tax.

See Level 2 and Level 3 data mapping for Chase Orbital gateway.



Now, the CreditMemoPart and CreditMemoPartItem records are soft deleted when the amount in the record is 0, enabling you to retain them within the Zuora system for later use.

Previously, the CreditMemoPart and CreditMemoPartItem records were hard deleted, and the users could not use the data for the sync-up process as they did not exist in the Zuora system.


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Payments 2024.Q4 fixes  

There are currently no fixed issues reported for Payments in 2024.Q4.

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New and changed features

Feature  Description Updated 

API concurrency limit


We have introduced the following changes to the definitions of concurrency limit types:
  • Renamed the Total type to Default.
  • Renamed the Custom type to High-volume transactions.
  • Deprecated the Big Data and Big Process types. These types are now consolidated into the Default type.
These enhancements simplify our concurrency limit definitions and facilitate a clearer understanding of our API limits policy.
See Concurrent request limits.

API versioning 

The API Versioning administration setting is now available to all entities if you have the Multi-entity feature enabled. Administrators now have flexibility to configure, test, and run API versions at the entity level.

Previously, this setting was only available to global entities. See Multi-entity.


Data Query


We have added a new alert message to the Data Query UI to inform users that the UI displays only the first 10,000 results. Previously, results were limited to 10,000, but it was not clear whether all results were being displayed in the user interface. The message displays: "Showing the first 10,000 records out of XXXX total records. For the complete dataset, please use the download option."

This message appears only when the total output record count exceeds 10,000.


Events and Notifications


We have introduced the following enhancements to the Events and Notifications feature in the Zuora UI:
  • Unified entry point: All event and notification settings, including notification definitions, custom events, communication profiles, email templates, callout templates and settings, are now accessible from a single entry point in the left navigation menu. Previously, these were spread across various Settings pages in different product areas.
  • Improved notification list view: The revamped list view now displays notification definitions across all communication profiles and product areas. It supports search, filtering, sorting, and bulk actions such as activation, inactivation, and deletion.
  • Streamlined creation process: The new process for creating notification definitions allows you to configure related custom events, event condition filters, communication profiles, and email and callout templates in a step-by-step creation flow.
  • Multiple callout templates support: You can now process multiple callout templates within a single notification definition.

Events and Notifications


The SFDC CPQ Connector Sync Failure event is now available for the Integration Hub System Health dashboard.

You can now configure email or callout notifications based on this event to monitor data synchronization between Salesforce CPQ and Zuora. The notifications will be triggered when a data sync failure occurs within a specified time range.


Events and Notifications


To align with the latest concurrent request limit policy, we have removed the following unsupported values from the API Concurrency Type parameter of the System Health API Concurrency event:
  • BigData
  • BigProcess

Existing notifications with these settings will no longer be triggered.

See Concurrent request limits.


Events and Notifications


We have made the following enhancements to the account detail page to improve usability when managing notifications for individual accounts:
  • Resend notifications: You can now resend notifications directly from the account detail page.
  • Communication profile status: You can now easily identify whether the associated communication profile of an account is enabled, providing better visibility into account settings.

Integration Hub


The Billing Connector for Salesforce CPQ is now available for early adopters. This connector integrates Salesforce CPQ with Zuora, streamlining sales-to-billing-to-revenue workflows by synchronizing Accounts, Orders, Subscriptions, Contracts, and Quotes with Zuora objects.

In addition to the existing connector configuration fields, you can now customize field mappings for the following new fields:

  • Subscription_term_in_days: Allows the connector to set all subscription terms in days for Zuora. This feature can be utilized for incomplete months as subscription terms in Zuora and is applicable only when ‘sfdc_use_list_price_base’ is not in use.
  • Trigger_dates_on_order: Facilitates synchronization of all three key subscription trigger dates (Contract Effective Date, Customer Acceptance Date, Service Activation Date).

This feature can be enabled directly from Integration Hub > Zuora Connectors. See Billing Connector for Salesforce CPQ.


Integration Hub



The Appstore Connector is now available for early adopters. You can sync in-app subscription purchases made by your subscribers in the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Roku Pay to Zuora, making Zuora your single source of truth for subscription data across all channels and supporting omni-channel subscription management. The Appstore Connector synchronizes subscription statuses (such as active, canceled, or expired) from external platforms to Zuora, ensuring accurate subscription management, billing, and reporting.

The Appstore Connector can perform the following:

  • Synchronize subscription states between external platforms and Zuora while mapping key subscription data fields to Zuora’s API
  • Provide self-service setup and support no-code customization using Zuora Workflows
  • Enable real-time processing for high-scale businesses

Supported platforms include the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To enable this feature, submit a request to Zuora Global Support.


Zuora Connectors for Data Warehouses


You can now self-serve and provision your Data Warehousing connectors directly via the Integration Hub UI. This feature is available for the 14 new data warehousing connectors launched as EA this year. You can configure your connectors by selecting the required connector type, authentication method, and objects to sync.

You can also monitor the connector onboarding status and view transfer details such as the last successful transfer time, the next scheduled transfer, and the number of rows transferred. 

See Available Connectors.


Zuora Connectors for Data Warehouses


We now support the following objects for Zuora Data Connectors for Data Warehouses:

  • ARTransaction
  • ChargeMetrics
  • FXData (to support reporting and home currency conversions)

Zuora Connectors for Workday Financials

The Zuora Connector for Workday Financials is now available for early adopters. With this connector you can automate the posting of journals from both Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue to your Workday Financials general ledger eliminating the need to build a custom integration. To join this early adopter program, submit a request at Zuora Global Support..


Zuora Developer Sandbox


Going forward, Zuora will enforce the Developer Sandbox record storage limit of 250000 records. Once the limit is reached, you can no longer add additional records to your sandbox, and you see a popup displaying the message: "You have reached the maximum limit of records in Developer Sandbox".

See Limits policy for API Sandbox and Developer Sandbox environments.


Zuora SDK



The Zuora client libraries (also known as SDK) version 3.x are now available to early adopters. This version integrates both the v1 API (including the Object Query API) and Quickstart API into a unified set of libraries, providing comprehensive support for Zuora’s full range of API capabilities. It offers reduced complexity, faster development, and enhanced flexibility and scalability for you to integrate with Zuora.

We provide the client libraries for the following programming languages:

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Python

Note that the Java library is fully compatible with the previous 2.x version that was built on the Quickstart API, ensuring a seamless upgrade process.

See Zuora client librariesGet started, and Tutorials.

Changed: Oct 10, 2024

Zuora Secure Data Share for Snowflake


You can now self-serve and provision your Zuora Secure Data Share for Snowflake connector directly via the Integration Hub UI. Using this feature, you can set up Secure Sharing by providing details such as the Snowflake account locator, region, and edition.


Zuora Secure Data Share for Snowflake


We now support the following objects for Zuora Secure Data Share for Snowflake:

  • InvoiceHistory
  • BillingPreviewRunResult

Zuora Warehouse


The warehouse_metering_history table is no longer supported in Zuora Warehouse, and the logic for adding it during Zuora Warehouse provisioning has been removed.


Zuora Warehouse


The Data Query history page now has a new Compute Credit column displayed next to the Processing Time column. This column shows the credits consumed by Zuora Warehouse per query, calculated based on the query’s processing time and warehouse size. This information is available only for Zuora Warehouse queries and is included in the downloaded query output files.


Custom Fields


You can now mask sensitive information stored in text fields on custom objects. Unauthorized users cannot view masked data through the Zuora UI or API. This feature ensures enhanced security for sensitive information such as personal identifiers or financial details. This feature is available only if the Zuora Protect feature is enabled.

See Zuora Protect.

Added: Oct 9, 2024

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Platform 2024.Q4 fixes

There are currently no fixed issues reported for Platform in 2024.Q4.

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Zuora release 2024.Q4 corresponds with Zuora Revenue

New and changed features 

Feature Description Updated

BI views


We have added the following fields to the BI views:

  • rpro_bi3_acct_type_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_line_stage_hist_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_mje_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_pob_actions_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_bill_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_head_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_ln_cost_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_lns_version_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_pob_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_rc_schd_v.sql
  • rpro_bi3_ri_acct_summ_v.sql

See Data entry details to download the spreadsheet containing the columns in each BI view and their sources. 


Period Close Summarization


The performance of the Period Close Summarization process is now improved to help you complete the process quickly.  

Proration Credit Reversal for OTR customers


Zuora Revenue can now cancel a CM-RO on a revenue contract for a credit issued to your customer due to a decrease in the subscription. For example, if your customer amends a subscription from 9 months to 6 months, Zuora Revenue processes a CM-RO for the 3-month subscription cancellation your customer requested and reduces the revenue that was recognized. If your customer again increases the subscription from 6 to 8 months, Zuora Revenue cancels the CM-RO and adjusts the revenue for two additional months.




We have added the following fields to the LT/ST Report:

  • Func Dr Amount
  • Func Cr Amount
  • Rcurr Dr Amount
  • Rcurr Cr Amount

You can add these fields to the custom layout.


Revenue Objects


The following new objects are now available:

  • RevenueAccountingSummary - This object provides the calculated fields that are used in the revenue reports.
  • RCRollforward Details - Use this object to access the Roll forward report directly from your data warehouse.

We have updated the following objects:

  • RevenueContractMJEEntriesFacts
  • RevenueContractAccountingEntries 

See Zuora Revenue data object model.


User Interface


Zuora Revenue now displays an error message code to help you understand and self-resolve the error. These messages are released in a phased manner. To review the current messages in the system, see Error messages in Zuora Revenue.


User Interface


Zuora Revenue displays a banner indicating whether sandbox or production environment for Revenue tenants onboarded to OneID. If you are a Zuora Revenue admin, you can append a custom text to the banner with a limit of 128 characters by configuring the CUST_TXT_ON_TENANT_BANNER profile. You can turn off the banner by configuring the DISABLE_TENANT_BANNER profile.  

Profiles in Zuora Revenue

The ENABLE_MULTI_BOOK_FILE_UPLOAD profile is introduced in this release. This profile enables the Bundle Configuration data with the Primary Book ID.

Added: Oct 9, 2024

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Zuora Revenue 2024.Q4 fixes

For the list of resolved issues, see Revenue 2024.Q4 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.

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New and changed features

Feature  Description Updated 

Component Library


Zephr now includes a customizable, modular preference center, allowing you to tailor self-service pages more effectively. You can now create reusable components to build preference center pages or enhance existing third-party solutions with our functionality. The following changes have been implemented:

  • A new Account Management section has been added to the Add Component screen (Delivery > Component Library). This section lists all the new components related to the Preference Center such as Update Profile, List Subscriptions, Cancel Subscriptions, and Devices.

  • A new toggle, List Active Subscriptions, has been added to the Change Subscription form (Delivery > Component Library > Subscription Change) to simplify selecting a subscription to cancel.




A new button, Custom Page, has been added to the Pages screen, allowing you to create tailored pages for both authenticated and unauthenticated users. You can customize the display of your content and create subpages using forms, components, and account management tools.

Additionally, you have the flexibility to design your custom page with options to modify the background colour, adjust layout padding, and apply CSS configurations.




The permissions system now offers more granular control over user roles in the Roles screen. You can now control specific features within modules. Admin and owner roles continue to retain full access, while any existing roles now automatically inherit the new granular settings based on their previous configurations.

Previously, permissions were limited to enabling or disabling entire modules.

See Roles.




A new field, CRM Foreign System Key, has been added to the Customer Configuration screen (Settings > Zuora Billing/ Extensions) to enable integration between Zuora Billing and external CRMs. Once this key is configured and saved, any new subscribers using the Zuora Billing payment provider will automatically have their crm_id set in their Zuora Billing Account. This crm_id links the subscriber’s information to the specified CRM.  

Users and Endpoint


You can now use theBULK_ADD_ACCOUNT_USERS_BY_DOMAINSendpoint to add bulk users by specifying any domain. Previously, bulk users could only be added through the Zephr UI in the Bulk Add Users screen (B2B > Companies & Accounts > Add/Edit Account > Users section).  

Zephr 2024.Q4 fixes

For the list of resolved issues, see Zephr 2024.Q4 fixed issues in the Support Center. Additional logon information may be required to access the Zendesk portal.

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  • For API documentation on Billing, Payments, and Platform, see v1 API Reference. For a summary of updates to the v1 API, see v1 API Changelog.          
  • For API documentation on Revenue, see Revenue API Reference.
  • For API documentation on Zephr, see Zephr API Introduction. For a summary of updates to the Zephr API, see Admin API Changelog and Public API Changelog.                                                                                                                                


Current WSDL version: 147

For information about how to check your version and download the latest version. see Zuora WSDL.

SOAP API change history

For a summary of updates made to the SOAP API in recent Zuora releases, see Zuora SOAP API Version History.

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