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Tax settings

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Tax settings

Depending on your tax solution, use tax settings to configure the tax engine, tax date, and tax codes as needed.

Tax engine

To connect Zuora Billing to your tax engine, open the Billing Settings page and click Setup Tax Engine and Tax Dates. Depending on your tax solution, you can visit the following resources for more information on how to get started:

You can set up multiple tax engines, including Zuora Tax, Direct Avalara Integration, and other tax engines that integrate with tax vendors through Configurable tax apps.

Tax dates

To configure tax dates for different countries or regions, open the Billing Settings page and click Setup Tax Engine and Tax Dates. For more information, see Configure tax dates for more information. 

Tax code

To configure tax codes for your tax engines, open the Billing Settings page and click Setup Taxation Codes. For more information, see Set up tax codes.