Create prepayment subscription
Suppose you run a software company and have configured the following prepayment charge and drawdown charge in your product catalog:
Product: API Calls Prepayment Service | |
Product rate plan: API Calls Monthly Prepayment Plan | |
Prepayment charge | Drawdown charge |
Your customer is interested in subscribing to your monthly plan for 12 months. You can create this 12-month subscription for the customer through the Zuora UI or REST API.
Suppose you want to offer your customers discounts, you can apply percentage discounts to the prepayment charge, drawdown charge, or both in the subscription.
Zuora UI
Follow the steps as described in Create a subscription.
Select the desired product for this order.
Update the charges for this product if needed.
For prepayment charge, you can update Price, Prepaid Quantity and Validity Period.
For drawdown charge, you can update Price and Drawdown Rate.
If you want to apply a 20% discount to the prepayment charge, you create a percentage discount charge in the same rate plan, and apply this discount to the subscription:
- In the Charge Amount section, specify the related fields as follows:
- Charge Model: Discount-Percentage
- Discount Percentage: 20%
- Apply Discount To: All charges in the rate plan
- Allow apply to billing period partially: You must not select this checkbox.
- Reflect Discount in Apply To Charge Net Amount: Select this checkbox.
- Recurring: Select this checkbox.
- Include the following product charges: You must specifically select the charges to which you want to apply the discount; otherwise, it will not take effect.
- In the Finance section, specify the related fields as follows:
- Use discount specific accounting codes, rule and segment to manage revenue: You must not select this checkbox.
- In the Finance > Revenue Accounting section, select both the Exclude Item Booking from Revenue and Exclude Item Billing from Revenue checkboxes.
Use the Create an order operation to create the subscription.
Determine the values of the following fields specific to prepayment charge and drawdown charge in the new subscription:
- prepayment charge:
- drawdown charge:
Sample request body: Create a 12-month termed prepayment subscription for an existing customer.
Request | POST /v1/orders |
Request body |
{ "orderDate": "2022-01-01", "existingAccountNumber": "A00000010", "subscriptions": [ { "orderActions": [ { "type": "CreateSubscription", "triggerDates": [ { "name": "ContractEffective", "triggerDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "name": "ServiceActivation", "triggerDate": "2022-01-01" }, { "name": "CustomerAcceptance", "triggerDate": "2022-01-01" } ], "createSubscription": { "terms": { "initialTerm": { "period":12, "periodType":"Month", "termType": "TERMED" }, "renewalSetting":"RENEW_WITH_SPECIFIC_TERM", "renewalTerms":[{ "period":"12", "periodType":"Month" }] }, //Add the prepayment charge and the drawdown charge to the subscription: "subscribeToRatePlans":[{ "productRatePlanId":"402880ed7e2ffb23017e30021f420011", "chargeOverrides":[{ "productRatePlanChargeId":"402880ed7e2ffb23017e3002a1c60013", "prepaidQuantity": 10, "validityPeriodType": "Month" }, { "productRatePlanChargeId":"4028818a7e2d8366017e2dae5980001e", "drawdownRate":1 } ] }] } } ] } ], "processingOptions": { "runBilling": false, "collectPayment": false } } |
You can view the customer’s prepaid balance through the Zuora UI or Data Query.
Notes and limitations
- The evergreen term type is supported. To enable the support of evergreen subscriptions in the Prepaid with Drawdown feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.
- The subscription term should be one or multiple times of the validity period. See Create subscription with partial period for an exception.
- When the validity period of the prepayment charge is Subscription Term, the subscription term type cannot be Day or Week.
- When both the validity period and billing period of the prepayment charge are set as Subscription Term and the list price base is a month-based value (not a week-based value), you must ensure the subscription term is one or multiple times the list price base.
- If the Contract Effective Date and the Term Start Date are different, the difference must be one or multiple times of the validity period.
- Discount limitation: when you apply percentage discounts to a prepayment subscription, keep the following things in mind:
- Do not select the Allow apply to billing period partially option.
- Do not select the Tax Inclusive mode.