Resume subscriptions
Resuming a subscription allows you to return a suspended subscription to active status. Optionally, you can choose to extend the subscription term by the length of time the suspension is in effect. A suspended one-time charge will not be resumed if the resume date is after the one-time charge's start date.
You can configure an email or callout to send the following notifications:
- Key Dates | Subscription Resume Date: When a subscription resumption takes effect.
- AmendmentProcessed | Resume Subscription: When a Resume Subscription amendment has been submitted and processed.
See Supported Event Types for more information.
Currently, the limitations on resuming a subscription are as follows:
- You cannot create Add Product or Update Product amendment with an amendment effective date earlier than the most recent resume date.
- For Zuora's Netsuite Connector, subscription resumption is currently not reported to NetSuite to pause revenue recognition for that period.
Resume Date
Resume date is the date when subscription resumption takes effect.
When you set the resume date, pay attention to the following restrictions:
- The resume date must be on or after the suspend date.
- The resume date must be earlier than the subscription term end date.
- The resume date cannot be earlier than the date when usage or discount charges have been processed.
You can specify the resume date with one of the following options:
The subscription is resumed on today's date.
The Number of Periods from the Date Suspended
The subscription is resumed after the specified period based on the suspension effective date. Specify the length of the period and select one of the following period types: Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), and Year(s).
The Number of Periods from Today
The subscription is resumed after the specified period based on today's date. Specify the length of the period and select one of the following period types: Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), and Year(s).
Specific Date
The subscription is resumed on a specific date.
This option is only available when the Orders feature is enabled.
The subscription is resumed on the same day when it is suspended.
Resuming a Subscription from the Zuora UI
You can resume a suspended subscription from the Zuora UI. If you have enabled the Orders feature, see Resume a subscription for how to resume a subscription in Orders.
To resume a subscription:
- Click on the subscription you want to resume from the subscription list view page.
- Click resume. The Resume Subscription dialog is displayed.
- Specify the Booking Date.
The Booking Date field is set for the amendment contract and is only available when the new UI experience is enabled.
- Select one of the following options to specify a resume date:
- Today
- The number of periods from the date suspended
- The number of periods from today
- Specific date
- Specify a date in the Amendment Contract Effective Date field. This is the date that your customer provided as the notice of resumption.
- If you want to extend the subscription term by the length of time the suspension is in effect, select the Extend the current term by the number of days suspended check box. A Term and Condition amendment is automatically created to extend the subscription term after resumption.
- Click ok.
A Resume Subscription amendment is automatically created. You can view it in the Subscriptions detail screen.
Resuming a Subscription from the Zuora APIs
You can resume a suspended subscription from the Zuora REST API and SOAP API.
In the REST API, see Resume Subscription. If you have enabled the Orders feature, see Create order.
In the SOAP API, see the Resume a Subscription (Amendment) use case.